Checklist for Feeling Good 😊

Thoughts on nutrition and diet to help you stay at your best.


Checklist for feeling good.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I was having a conversation with my friend Patrick earlier today. And he was discussing some of the health issues that he was having and the type of things that he’s watching for it and the type of things that he’s paying attention to.

A lot of them were nutrition-based, and so forth.

I was also having conversations with other people about similar things where people were having, you know, I got a little this or a little that and there was nothing that was so chronic or horrible that you would definitely recommend that they go talk to a doctor right away or anything of that sort.

And the funny thing about the way the American Medical System is, there’s very few go-betweens, rather than going to the doctor’s office or going to a hospital, there are very few people, you just call up and say, Hey, I got a question about this.

They exist out there, you know, you got your natural path, and you got your own all these other types of things that are out there, depending on your perspective of, of those. And nowadays they have, they’re starting to have, you know, visits that you could do virtually, with a Nurse Practice.

Also want a nurse practitioner that was doing that, or, or even a doctor that you can go virtually, and just discuss with them what your issue is, and they can kind of help you kind of diagnose from there.

But there’s a whole lot that you can do on your own. And it’s one of the things that I’ve, I hate to say I’ve gotten good at it, because then I know the next thing that’s going to happen is I’m going to get really sick or I’m going to drop dead.

But let me just say that up until now, I’ve gotten better and better every year.

Let’s just say that every year, I’ve gotten better and better at diagnosing what ails me. So if there’s anything, anything that feels doesn’t feel right, anything that isn’t doesn’t seem to be working in tip-top condition, including my emotions, my mindset, all that stuff, it’s all the same to me.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s physical, mental, or what have you. It’s, it’s all the same in terms of I handle it the same way.

So I kind of wonder about it, and see what pops up but there’s also kind of a quasi checklist that I’ll run through and see if there’s anything that’s different in any of those areas. One of the first main things I’ll check is nutrition.

So I’ll ask myself, you know, what have I been eating, eating and drinking?

What’s different really about what I’ve been eating or drinking?

Have I been eating or drinking more of one thing, if nothing’s different?

Have I had more of one thing?

Did I have that one thing and a certain part of the day, because that really makes a big difference, especially as you get older, you know, if you if you eat too late, yeah, you could be eating old good stuff?

But if you eat too late, sometimes that’ll affect things you may end up with heartburn, you may end up with the acid reflux, and you may end up with, you know, feeling groggy in the morning, just because you ate too late, you got your blood sugar spiked, or whatever else, all the other things that happen with that.

But looking at all the different things when it comes to nutrition, it’s a that’s a job unto itself. I’m not saying you’re going to know the answer. But you may get a clue as to what the answer is, you may be able to do a little bit of research on your own in terms of how different foods affect different people and how it may have or maybe affecting you.

So nutrition is a great place to be able look, that’s one of the first things I think about, depending on what it is, that’s wrong with me.

Another thing I watch while asleep, sleep is one of those things that, like I said, as you get older, it seems to matter more, not that you need to sleep more necessarily because you don’t necessarily need to sleep more but you need quality sleep. And you need enough of it.

So that you can function properly. So that your mind doesn’t function properly, your brain doesn’t function properly, your body doesn’t function properly.

If you don’t get that consistent sleep and the right type of sleep, you don’t want to sleep too deep and you don’t want to sleep too light because you need a little bit of all that and it’s one of those things that you do have to keep an eye on sometimes something as simple as just sleeping a little bit more or tossing in a nap in the middle of the day.

I know that’s really strange and it’s for certain generations. I’ve found it’s almost verboten. It’s it’s almost where you need a nap for lazy people. You know, I’ve heard people say that and I’m like, That’s not true at all.

In my perspective and the way that I’ve found, naps have been extremely helpful. I’m not saying a big long, you know, sleep session a couple hours long, I’m saying, you know, 15, 20 minutes.

If you know anything about how to take a good power nap, there’s nothing more valuable, especially, especially if you’re raising children like me and my wife. So that’s really helpful.

Naps are great but sleep in general, is your sleep schedule hasn’t been messed up, has it changed?

Has the chime changed?

Has that messed with you?

You know it and then then it comes down to So talking trician talk, sleep, talk exercise, you know, have you has your exercise regimen changed at all?

Have you been doing more physical labor, if not distinct exercise, but physical labor can sometimes run you down or make you feel a little bit better?

If you’re if you’ve changed that at all, in recent times, that could affect things, obviously, disease, and anything that you may have caught from somebody’s word.

Have you been around a lot of people that you aren’t normally around?

Did you hear people coughing?

Is that affecting you?

Is that causing whatever it is that’s going wrong with you?

That’s something to keep in mind.

Another thing to keep in mind, very frankly, is either, you know, do you pray on a regular basis?

Do you meditate on a regular basis?

Do you have some time that you’re alone with yourself, and have a chance to unwind and just be and kind of let a lot of that garbage in our in our heads and everything settled down a bit?

Do you have that?

Have you been doing that or have you been inconsistent with that?

When did you start and then stop?

You know, it’s more about the long game for me in terms of all these things. It’s what’s changed, not necessarily what you’re adding or taking away, but what has changed in the period of time leading up to you feeling a certain way, or having your body act a certain way or your thoughts act a certain way.

So these are the those are some of the main things that I watch for. The main thing, I think, overall is just to keep calm, be curious, be willing to, to find the solution from the oddest places because you never know when the answer is going to show up. Like we’ve talked about before.

Sometimes you just got to ask and you wait for it to show up, whether that’s your subconscious, magically bring it up, or whether it’s God or whether whatever your belief system is that these things work, if you’re patient answers have a way of bubbling to the surface one way or the other. So that’s all I have for tonight.

Hopefully, that’s that opened some some ideas up for you. I know I just I find a lot of people that I meet. And some some people who I really consider friends don’t have much critical thinking when it comes to their own health, physical, mental, spiritual, all that jazz.

You know, they they just don’t think critically about it. They don’t question it enough. They don’t think about it enough. It’s very much a second thought. And it really should be one of your main thoughts because it is the foundation of your entire life. Really, if you think about it, you can’t get much else done. If that stuff isn’t taken care of first. So hopefully that’s helpful.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s a business book, but it’s an idea book. It’s an idea for how to get your ideas out into the public and how to stand out and how to be different so that you do stand out and you have zero competition, as if you can very well take down

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

I’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.


Thoughts on diet, nutrition and exercise for better health.


Trick yourself skinny.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m going to reveal a secret of mine that isn’t that big of a secret. It isn’t something you haven’t heard before, but maybe you need to hear it again. Because I always need to hear it again and again and again.

That is the only progress that I’ve ever been able to make in my life. Specifically in the areas of health, in the areas of wealth creation, and building businesses, in all these different areas that don’t necessarily come naturally.

I’ve had to resort to this one thing, and it has to do with tricking yourself, how do you trick yourself to be skinny?

How do you trick yourself to be healthy?

How do you trick yourself to make more money?

How do you trick yourself to do any of those things?

I’ve only found one thing that is relatively foolproof. The problem is how do you get how do you put everything in place to make that one thing work. But if you understand that one thing, you at least have a direction, you have a strategy you could work with, I haven’t found anything else that works.

That one thing is the development of a habit. A lot of people say that and it’s a really nice, you know, juicy piece, and there’s all these books about it and everything else now.

But some of the books that have come out in the last 20 or so years, I think really pin the nail on the donkey. It’s very, very close.

Many of them have pieces of it and if you read enough of them, you’ll eventually get something that’ll work for you. But I’m not saying you need to go out and read books if you can just get this one concept.

Concept, I’ve talked about it before I first read it in a book called The Slight Edge, which is a short book and it’s a good one. Let me see, do I have it right here.

This isn’t a review for that book, so we’ll talk about that book another time.

The basic idea is if you can take one tiny little step, as the smallest possible measurable step in the direction of, let’s say health if you can take one tiny little step on a daily basis, until the point to where it becomes natural to where you don’t have to think about it.

It should take a very small effort to begin with but if it has zero effort over the long run, you’ve created a habit, it takes even more effort to want to stop it not want to stop it.

You may want to stop it but it’s easier not to it’s easier just to do it. I’ve talked about this before, this is how I started doing daily podcasts, okay, it just became something that I do.

It’s something that I feel uncomfortable if I haven’t done unless I’m in a very like I’ve said before about the only scenario is if I’m in a very different location with different scenario happen, if I’m sleep deprived, anything like that, I might mess, it might mess with my habit.

But otherwise, I have to almost intentionally not do it, in order to not do it, I have to intentionally turn it off because it’s become such a big part of what I do.

This has happened with bootload the food that I eat. The problem is a lot of these things can swing back in the other direction, if you allow them to slowly inch their way back, you can build a habit backwards.

But if you intentionally build a habit forwards in a very, in the least willful way possible in something that takes the least amount of effort possible. If you can do that, then you can change your life.

It’s not going to happen overnight. It happens over time.

It’s this very subtle, subtle, subtle, subtle, subtle, subtle change. But what ends up happening is you look back six months, you look back a year, and all of a sudden you’ve come somewhere, you’ve done something that you wouldn’t have been able to do.

You can see it going forward into the future relatively easily. Okay, there’s a whole bunch of nuances to this. There’s a whole bunch of details that really make a big difference in getting it going, to getting the habit started, to make sure you stick to it in that in that first period of time.

A lot of people say, Oh, it’s an idea years ago that 21 days can create any habit it’s not exactly true. For one thing, I have it can start can be picked up a lot sooner, or a habit can take a whole lot longer to build it and it really does depend.

There hasn’t been any that I’ve seen direct science saying what the difference is, but habit becomes a very physical thing in your mind, they say it’s actual tracks that get put into your brain. And until that’s installed, it’s going to it’s not going to be second nature, it’s not going to be easy.

This is the plan, make it easy.

One of the big things that I’ve fought for years and years and years is the concept of accountability. Having an accountability partner or having somebody that you’re accountable to or having a mentor that you check in with on a regular basis.

These things just bristled, bristled the independent means, I don’t want to be dependent on anybody else. But that accountability, if you can see it as a necessary temporary crutch in order to build a positive habit, in order to switch a habit process, or it means you could technically even take away a habit this way.

You kind of have to replace it with something. If you are developing a positive lifestyle, then having accountability short term is really really, really important thing.

Especially if you’re not able to do it without it, which is more common than not when it comes to those most difficult habits that you’re looking to build. So just a couple ideas, the accountability for tonight.

I’m here to tell you, I’m going to start exercising a little more.

In fact, right now, as soon as I’m done here, I’m going to go get on my bike, and I’m going to exercise and it doesn’t matter if I even do anything. I’m going to sit on that bike so that I get used to sitting on it.

If I do that every night, I will work out once in a while. And that working out once a while is a lot better than not working out at all.

One of the things that I had lost a lot of weight initially was doing high intensity interval training, which is really scary, disgusting word, phrase, I never liked the word intensity or anything like that.

It just never did anything for me.

But this specific style of exercise, you only do three or four times a week. And it has a lot of benefits at least for my body type or whatever my situation is I really enjoy it and helps helps me mentally helps out with the mental fog quite a bit and the ADHD, if you have any of that going on what whether you believe in it or not.

It’s whatever that is, in people’s minds, I’ve got it. And it, it’s a lot easier for me to stick with something and concentrate if I burn off a lot of that extra energy.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you.

That’s all I have for tonight, a little slice of life but business is life. And if you’re a business owner, if you own a business, it’s one of those things that you wait, I can’t ignore the personal life issues that go along with owning a business, because that’s so much of what your business is made out of.

I was working with a client earlier today and talking to a lot of the staff. And so many of the issues, go back to that business owner, and nothing’s going to change in the business till that person does. But you can’t force it either.

So you kind of have to ease it along as best you can. And you wait, you wait for good things to happen, hopefully. So if you’re going if you’re looking to make some changes in your business, change some things up here, trick yourself into being whatever you want yourself to be and you can you can get there for sure.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at You just download it.

It’s easy That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.