Embrace Transition

Brian discusses a conversation he had recently with a small business owner that is in transition because of the pandemic.

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Embrace transition.

Hi, I’m Brian pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I had a conversation with somebody today that she’s going to be a guest on an upcoming podcast. And so I’ll review it again with you once it’s available. But she mentioned about being in transition right now.

Specifically being in transition career wise, not really knowing where to go, being that what she normally did was really abruptly you know, stopped by the whole COVID situation and everything. And I think this is across the board people are dealing with this I we were talking about last night, about like that this is a really good time to expand if at all, if you know where you’re going.

If you don’t know where you’re going.

Let’s go a little bit deeper into that. If you’re at a point where you know you have to keep going but you’re not sure where to go Next, the first thing you really have to do is is to embrace the transition itself. Embrace the fact that this is good, this is a good thing that you’re going in a good direction, that you’re going to find something that you weren’t expecting that you and it’s going to take you in a completely different way.

If you think back on your life, and all the sharp turns that you’ve made. And think of everything that’s led you to where you are now and all the great things that you’ve gotten from that, I think you’ll find that it’s pretty useful.

So if I think back all the way back 20 years ago, whenever I’m in one of these spots, and I’ve talked about these things in the past, I know just within the last week I talked about a point I was at in 2012 when I just needed something different to come and change and switch things up and it did.

And in 2020 something very similar. Excuse me in two thousand, something very similar happened. So I had moved out to Chico, California.

I was looking to I had this big ol massive plan that was based on a whole team of people that I was working with. The plan fell apart because nobody on that team follow through except for me. And so I found myself in Chico, California, where I didn’t want to be. I had no reason to be in Chico than I could see.

It was it was one of those things where I was going to school, I was working, I had everything taken care of. I didn’t know anybody, besides a couple of people that I moved in with that one person I knew a little well, his name was Chris, the other person I didn’t know at all. And so I got to know them a little bit, but they had their own lives going and everything else.

And so I’m in a town I didn’t I didn’t know anybody. I knew I had no idea why I was there. It looked like all my plans had completely fallen apart and probably would never come back together again. And they didn’t. But it was all for a good reason.

And something came directly to me and landed in my lap. I was a complete stranger met me at my place of work, which at the time was Barnes and Noble. So I was working both swapping coffee most of the time I was working behind the counter of the of the cafe there, where you oftentimes you’d see you know, Starbucks or something like that.

Well, we serve Starbucks coffee there.

That was my main place and every once a while, I’d be out on the floor and be doing stuff on the with the books while this particular day I happen to be out on the floor. a complete stranger came out to be looking for a certain book. We started talking and chatting. That conversation took me in a direction of my life that I could not have ever chosen for myself. For myself, it just happened. And it put me in a place to where everything in my life right now would not have happened.

Although all the best things in my life especially would not have happened, had I not accepted the fact that transition was coming and was ready when it came. I because I kept saying to myself, well, what if what if this goes somewhere? What if something like what if, what if this, something happens here?

And I met that gentleman, that gentleman introduced me, someone else who introduced me to someone else. And that whole situation change by life is something but you can’t guess it.

You just have to be ready for it. And it starts with saying with the big question, okay, what now?

What next?

Where do I go from here?

When someone tosses something in front of you, that seems like it might be right work, work with it. Follow the lead, see where it goes. like a like a detective trying to sniff out clues, follow the lead and see what happens. Because in my situation I, it’s so many of the major turns of my life. That’s how it happened.

And if you’re in that spot will suggest you just be open, be open to the next step. Don’t try and plan it, don’t try and you can try and guess what it will be, but you probably won’t have it right? If you’re if your lives anything like mine.

Hopefully that’s helpful to you. It’s something you probably already know, but maybe having somebody repeat it back to you is, is probably a little bit of help. I know it would be for me if I were in that situation. So also grab my book, go to AmazonProofBook.com.

It might help you to help kind of guide you in a certain direction. I have no specific direction that I’m taking you in. It’s there to help help feed something that you already have going.

So hopefully that would make a difference. too It’s a free you get a free copy AmazonProofBook.com we’ll be back here tomorrow night. Come on back.

We’ll we’ll keep the conversation going. If you have any questions, leave a comment. Send a message to me over at BrianJPombo.com you have a great night. We’ll be back tomorrow. Get out there and just let the magic happen.