Drop The Control Illusion 🙃

Are you a business owner? Do you have a need for control?


Drop the control illusion.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Tonight I had a good talk with a friend who I met via business. But we’ve been able to talk about things beyond business and we had a really good talk.

One of the things I found with really some of the most successful business owners that I’ve known through the years, we tend to have a thing about being in control. And the only time we really lose it is when we feel out of control.

This control-freak nature that we have is dangerous.

Eventually, I got to a point where I had to pull back out of it and realize the truth.

And here’s the truth, if you’re not aware of it, I’m sorry, if I’m the first one to prove this to you. Or if you already kind of figured that this was the case, but you hadn’t had anybody confirm it. There is no control.

Control is a complete illusion.

And if you’ve worked in a business large enough, with enough people, you realize it’s all a complete scam, you are not in control, you never were in control.

What you are is you have a situation where you have the ability to determine how you handle the circumstances that have been dealt with you. Really, you can’t control the circumstances, you can’t control anybody else or any of their reactions.

The only thing that you have any dominion over is how you react to the situations, people place things. That’s, that’s what it all comes back to. How are you reacting at the moment, to all of those things?

Life started getting better for me when I pulled back and accepted the fact that I’m not in control. Except for that one area, and just got really good at watching how I react to things,

Stop overreacting to things stop falling into that emotional state, where you’re just out you’re truly out of control there. You know, whether you get too high or too low, it’s the same thing. And you got to be distant enough from it, that you can accept the fact okay, I’m not in control. But now what?

So what’s the next step?

If I’m not in control now what I still have a life to live, I still have things to do. So now what do I do now?

Where do I go?

This is a simple idea in words but a really difficult thing as humans for us to wrap our minds around, especially entrepreneurs. Because the entrepreneur promise is the idea that you’re going to be in charge of your life. It’s not that way at all.

What it comes down to is that you get enough autonomy as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, that allows you the space to be able to realize the true things about life.

One of the biggest things that I realized years ago, and have to be reminded of over and over again, is that I’m not in control. And that’s okay.

So now what, that’s the next question.

And so a lot of that comes down from having proper perspective after you’ve kind of accepted that having proper perspective and I came across a whole string of processes that work every time they’ve tried.

My first try at putting out a book kind of talking about some of these concepts was this one, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I’ve gotten good reviews off of it so far. I’d love to hear what you think even if it’s negative.

Go and check out this book. Anywhere books are sold. And also you can get a free copy. AmazonProofBook.com.

So that’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one, get out there and let the magic happen.