Is Content Real? 👔 (Colin Theriot Quote)

Brian comments on Colin Theriot of Cult of Copy’s, thoughts about content and pre-selling.


Is content real?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to discuss a little post that I saw online that I just had to sink my teeth into, because it was so interesting. And from a very interesting person.

I’m going to show it for those of you who are watching this post off of Facebook from Colin Theriot, he said, and if you don’t know about Colin, he runs the Cult of Copy on Facebook. You can find a lot of his material over at cult of fabulous stuff.

He’s a great student and teacher of psychology of sales and marketing, really amazing thought-provoking material that he produces. I would never take anything away from that.

This quote is one of those things that it makes you think, really makes you think a little deeper about some of these things.

So he says, There’s no such thing as quote, content, unquote, there’s only pre-selling, if it doesn’t put across information that will positively influence a future purchase, that communication is wasted.

So there’s a lot of pieces there that you can kind of you kind of pick apart a little bit.

A lot of it has to do with really the idea of it’s become a buzzword. And it’s one that I’ve taken full advantage of. And used on this show, I’m continuing to use it more and more often because it is such a common phrase that’s out there, regarding first the word content, and then the phrase content marketing.

When you’re discussing kind of a modern-day spin on marketing, especially when you’re talking online.

Even though content marketing I would prescribe and I’ve discussed here, oftentimes, is a concept that is predates everything, via very marketing itself has to do with content marketing, and so it’s you kind of have to pull apart that idea to begin with.

So is there specifically content marketing?

Well, I like to define content marketing, as that form of marketing that has some type of added value up front, in order to have a marketing or sale value on the back end.

So after all is said and done, it is selling something. But at the same time, it’s providing something straight upfront, even if that’s something is entertainment value, but significant entertainment value or any type of informational value whatsoever.

That’s what I would consider content marketing, as opposed to just straight sale just straight.

This is what I got for sale, buy it or don’t buy it type of marketing, which would be the other style, which I’m not sure even sure what you refer to non-content marketing.

But I think it’s a matter of degrees actually, if you really tore it down. So he’s saying there’s really no such thing as content, everything is pre-selling.

I would agree on certain level, if you really break down the semantics, that there really isn’t such a thing as content marketing, because if you’re marketing really well, you’re going to have a certain level of content within and but hits like he says, it’s going to be pre-selling anyways. No matter what even if you’re just getting to know a person, you’re putting a personality out there, you’re trying to create that vibe between you and so forth, and connect with the crowd.

That’s still pre-selling, to some extent whether the person knows they’re doing it or not, I’m sure a lot of the things that I’ve fallen into over the years, when I’m creating any form of content whatsoever, is, is pre-selling, even though I in some cases I don’t even mean to be I think a lot of marketing is accidental nowadays, because there’s so much of it out there.

When people really get hooked on creating content. They keep putting it out there and yeah, a lot of it’s going to be garbage, it’s not going to go anywhere. And then a lot of it is going to be selling somebody something.

There’s something going on there, whether it’s intentional or not.

He says so he says if it doesn’t put across information that will positively influence a future purchase. And that’s the thing you can really break that down even further.

Is there anything that would not positively influence a future purchase?

If you are not, as long as you’re intending to sell something?

You are probably positively influencing a future purchase and as long as you’re getting that media in front of the right market, as long as you’re putting that content in enough faces, chances are you’re going to positively affect somebody.

So you get this quality versus quantity type argument going on there that I mean, you could go a million different ways with that. But he says the communications wasted if you don’t.

He’s right on a lot of levels.

If your main goal is to sell something, than if when you aren’t selling, or doing something that is leading to the sale, you’re wasting time. And I think that’s a given.

Really, honestly, I think that no matter what, you’re going to waste time when it comes to content marketing, it’s human, you know, whether that’d be a split second, or whether it’d be it’d be a lot longer. There’s going to be a lot of wasted time you go through and watch the my videos or listen to my podcast, and you’re going to hear a whole lot of wasted time in between sections.

Is it wasted time if the person’s getting to know you, if you’re talking about the long sale, if you’re talking about, you know, really making that connection with your audience. It’s a matter of degrees, isn’t it? But then again, this is everything about this quote, that he posted, is based purely on semantics, and matter of degrees and everything else and it caused a conversation. It caused me to pull to repost his stuff and put it out there, which is the type of games that Colin likes to play.

And I fallen for it hook line and sinker and proud of it. So that’s all I’ve got.

As far as my play on Colin’s quote, I think it’s great. I think it’s wonderful.

He always is thought-provoking. Even when he’s making a complete joke, there’s multiple levels to it, which is a lot of fun.

So you can check it out. Like I said, you can check out his stuff over at cult of

You can also check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you’re looking to overcome competition and you have an idea of doing content marketing, whether you believe in content marketing or not. I discuss a lot of that here and a lot of my future trainings are going to be on content marketing, so keep an eye out for that.

I have you go purchase this book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Just type that into Google. Go check it out., or wherever or you can just download a free digital copy at my website,

That’s all I got for today. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.