Fake Artificial Sun ☀️

China and a fake sun, what next?


Fake artificial sun.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I saw this headline about China, creating something that is seven times hotter than the sun right here on earth so that we can have unlimited free energy.

Hey, that sounds exciting hum, but I can’t see anything wrong going on there, right?

This doesn’t sound like a science fiction film come to life?

No, not at all.

But it is funny how headlines can catch you off guard and can make you think make you look at things a little bit differently. And you could even tie it into something that you’re trying to promote. something wacky like this may just be enough to get attention from people to pay attention to go what is he talking about?

Now people who are already subscribed or are already following you, it may be just a way to be able to rope them in to hear the next thing you have. I have nothing to talk about. Regarding the fake sun that China is supposedly creating. It’s just an interesting grabber it’s a way to pull people in.

The reason why I pulled it up is that I wanted to show you how you can take something relatively simple these types of things that just pop up in your feed or pop up out there. In fact, I this was just me looking through the news, this wasn’t anything special.

I saw this I said that’s just so quirky, and odd that and one of those things that you didn’t necessarily hear about already that I might as well talk about and discuss how you could use it like I am right now, to talk about how you can use it in your videos in your audios in your blogs.

Sometimes all it takes is something like that as a grabber to catch attention and but you got to find a way to tie it into what you’re talking about here.

I’m telling you I have nothing to tie it into, except for the fact that it’s a grabber and it’s something that you could use.

I just wanted to toss that out here today. It’s a simple idea. Here on I’m recording this Christmas Eve Eve of 2021 meaning two days before Christmas.

I hope you’re having a good one wherever you’re at whenever you’re at watching this or listening to this podcast. So tune back tomorrow, we got another quick tip idea that you could use. In the meantime, you’re always welcome to go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back tomorrow. Like I said, get out there and let the magic happen.