Don’t Curse Bad Weather ☂️

Brian talks about an old saying he was told back in his days growing up on cattle ranches.


Don’t curse, bad weather.

Hi Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got a real quick concept for you today. Nothing new, but maybe something to help back up any good thoughts you may have over the bad thoughts you may have.

If you can say something of that sort. The one thing I’ve found, and it comes from coming from a family of farmers and ranchers is that no matter what the weather is outside, as the actual weather, no matter what the weather is it’s good for somebody.

I remember, you know, one year the rains were just out of control crazy, just washing away a lot of people’s crops and everything else. And people were saying, oh man, well, because of the weather.

I think it was the hay that year was destroyed. So the price of hay went through the roof because the supply was so low because of the bad weather. But it was bad because we saw it like that.

But there were other things that were extremely low in price here. And the hay growers were happy the ones that that had hay because they were making money, they had the highest price, it no matter who you’re talking to.

And whatever the circumstance, and doesn’t mean just like the weather itself it’s the weather of life, no matter what happens.

Someone is profiting.

It’s like people talk about a good economy or a bad economy, there’s really no such thing as a good economy or a bad economy.

There are times when certain things are more expensive than other things there are times when even the dollar itself is a higher low. And somebody somewhere at all times is profiting, okay, they’re not profiting at all times.

But somebody somewhere is, at any given time someone is profiting off of a circumstance that you may see as bad.

But in reality, it all depends on how you have it set up. And in some cases, a lot of people are able to profit most of the time, while at the same time that they’re losing out on something else because they hedge their bets.

They make sure that they cover enough areas, enough different areas, that when one thing is low and other things high and vice versa. This happens across the board, this is life.

Business is one of those things that allows you to see life a little more clearly. Because it puts it into these black and white concepts of winning and losing and profiting and, and loot and not profit, you know, having things go bad.

So it’s one of those ideas that you really got to not curse the bad weather because the bad weather leads to the good weather. And the bad weather oftentimes will create something that you didn’t see happening. So here’s an example, a little over 20 years ago, I was I got involved in a business that I still have running today. And it has not usually been good weather.

Most of the time, it hasn’t been good weather, I have learned more in that business than all my other businesses and business ventures combined. And the reason why is I’ll give you a great example, the supplier that we have dealt with, through the years has much of the time ended up being a huge issue with us.

So we started out with a supplier and within the first six years, we ended up losing that supplier and we thought that the businesses and ideas a concept was over because we were so dependent on that one supplier, that we thought the whole thing was gonna come crashing down and it did temporarily.

But it was to our benefit because we got to see other sides of the industry. And we ended up with what we ended up with a temporary supplier. And then we ended up with a really good supplier for a very short period of time where there were lots of profits made and but and also somebody doing business in a completely different way.

So we got to see things from that perspective. We got to meet people that we would not have met otherwise grew in ways that we never thought possible. So we got to see a completely different side of the industry.

And then we ended up with another supplier and we thought this was going to be the one that was going to be the huge change that was really going to make well that that fell through also, which transition to a couple other There’s, we ended up today that this is this will be, you know, I believe, let me see this 2019.

So we’re talking, we’re talking two years, since we were associated with a new supplier. And that’s been a great relationship.

But it’s also one of those things that can go in at any time. But because of previous engagements, we’ve changed how we do business, we’re okay with switching out a supplier we can do that we’ve built-in flexibility that we would have never had otherwise.

And that flexibility actually creates strength and stability to the entire business, all from perspective.

That perspective was gained through bad weather, through years and years and years of mainly bad weather, little pieces of good weather, but mainly bad weather. But that bad weather was 100 times more useful than the good weather would have been. It’s changed my life completely.

If you can learn something from bad circumstances, and not curse, that the key is not cursing. And I mean, we all know that you need to learn through mistakes and you need to learn through but you need to learn through just bad events.

You have to learn and the only way to learn is to not curse it, to not get upset about it to not make it an emotional event, and act as if all these horrible things are happening to you because you’re somehow you’ve got some curse over your head. And so you curse the heavens type of thing. You can’t do that. You just can’t it’s you’re never going to profit that way. You’ll never gain anything in life doing that. So pull back.

Don’t curse the bad weather. Simple idea. I’ve already gone on for too long about it. I got a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you haven’t got your free copy yet. Why haven’t you go to

Right now putting your email address and get going download your free copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

That’s all we got for tonight. You get out there and let the magic happen.