2nd Question Before Starting a New Business

Part 2 of a three part video series on questions to ask yourself before starting a new venture.

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2nd question before starting a new business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

If you watch last night’s video, we talked about the first question that you need to know before starting a business. I’m going to go over the second question that you got to go over before starting a new business.

And once again, I’m not talking about only starting a new business, I’m talking about any new venture, any new thing that’s going to take time, effort, mental power, energy, anything that’s going to separate you out to do something different.

Okay, that’s what I’m talking about.

This is the second way to determine whether it’s a good idea or not, okay, simple ideas. And you don’t have to go through these things step by step.

It’s not going to hurt you, if you do, but you don’t have to go through them step by step. But it’s important to recognize that this is a good, these are good little challenges, especially if you feel you feel up find yourself stuck in a place where you’re not quite sure.

Is it good? Is it bad? Is it right?

I don’t know.

This is the second way I go about the second question I asked myself before I move forward with things. And it’s one that I will bring…..and one of the reasons why I bring this up is because it’s the process, I help other people make decisions.

So I’m a business strategist and I help business owners go from where they’re at to where they want to be in a particular period of time. And along the line, we may come across situations where it’s like, well, I don’t know if I want to take my business that direction or not.

I will run them through basically this process is the first time I’ve actually outlined it in public. And so it’s nice for me, I’m having fun with this.

So this is the second question.

And before I get to that, I just want to remind you, this whole video broadcast and this constant podcast that we have, is brought to you by AmazonProofBook.com. If you’re watching this, you can see AmazonProofBook.com. But I have to say it a few times because we got people that just listen via the audio podcast, AmazonProofBook.com.

Of course, I’m going to say it wrong. AmazonProofBook.com is the place where you can get your own free copy of my latest book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Now this is for anybody that’s looking to get into business, or that is already in business and looking to overcome competitive forces in the marketplace. That’s what this book is all about, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can find it wherever books are sold, or you can go to AmazonProofBook.com.

We got that out of the way. Right.

So let me go into my second way. The second question I asked myself is, is it moral, ethical, and legal?

Simple concept, but I’m going to break it down for you as as far as how I define that.

Okay, morals, I’m going to leave for the end, because that’s kind of that’s the big one. That’s a tough thing to quantify. Because it’s very personal. To not that morals in general are personal, but how you relate to morals as a personal thing to as ethical.

Ethical is an interesting concept. And there’s people in classes that discuss ethics and what ethics are and the nature of ethics and everything else.

So I already had an idea of what I considered to be ethics. But I did a little bit of research before coming on here, and found that the root word from ethos, from the Latin ethos, and it comes from the Greek meaning the science of morals.

So why would you say morals and ethics is because ethics is more about how it’s defined by society, or how it’s defined by a field that you work in, or a specific group of people. It’s how the knowledge of morals is laid out how it’s understood in a in a collective force, in a sense.

So ethics is what’s kind of laid out there for what we consider to be moral in a specific area. Sothat once again, it’s a little bit gray, but it’s a little bit more specific, you just have to ask yourself, is what I’m looking to do going to be frowned upon in the area that I’m doing it in the sense that I would think that it would, it would lead to its own destruction.

Okay, it’s kind of, I would say it’s practical morals.

So it’s practical morals for that I want you to think about in for the sake of the business, or the project that you’re looking to start, will it cave in on itself because it lacks true principles.

So for the sake of itself, morals is more, is it right or wrong?

For the sake of it being right or wrong. Ethics is more scientific.

I want you to think of it in that sense. It’s If that makes any sense, I hope hopefully it does.

The third thing legal is it legal. That’s pretty clear cut.

Either what you’re looking to do is legal or it isn’t. And if it isn’t legal on some level, maybe it isn’t legal on that tax end, maybe it isn’t legal regulation wise, maybe it isn’t legal in a certain area. I don’t know.

But legal is something you got to consider, too.

You really got to think about legal and, and you don’t want to mess with it. It’s just not worth the headache, and the mess and the lawyers bills and everything else that come along with doing something that’s illegal. That’s just my personal opinion.

The first thing, is the last thing morals. What’s morals mean?

Morals is how, the way I see it, it’s the principles by which you recognize in your life as being right or wrong. It’s not based on you it but something deeper on the inside, okay, your connection with God your connection with the universe, or however, you define that you have to have a strong connection, of what right and wrong that right and wrong first exist.

And that you can you can see something that is right or wrong, I we all have the ability to do it. We don’t talk about it very often, because it starts falling into religion and all this other mess, but it practical. In a practical sense, morals are something we we should talk about more often.

Because we all have a sense, a common sense to be able to identify something as being right or wrong. If we wouldn’t be able to exist in a cohesive community, even though we’re fighting all the time, in marriage, or in politics, we’re always fighting.

But we’d never be able to exist if we weren’t able to argue right versus wrong. And be able to know that when we’re at our most calm moment, when we’re in our least emotional, most objective states, we can truly see what right and wrong is.

We can oftentimes come to an agreement together, regardless of who we are, what language we speak. That’s what morals are, okay.

So you’ve got to ask yourself, Is it moral, and you should have an idea of each of those three, just right off the bat. And you should be able to tell pretty quickly whether something is moral and ethical and legal.

If you can’t, it may take a little bit of homework. If you can’t tell whether something is more or not off there, right off the bat, it’s probably a good fit.

If you can’t tell if you think that it may be ethically wrong, you may want to look into it a little bit. But it’s probably not a good, not a good direction to go.

If something’s not legal, or you’re not sure if it’s legal, that’s not a very specific, you can go and find that out the best thing about law.

Law is meant to be a black and white thing. And there’s always gray areas in the law and you got to watch out for those. But go and do your homework, make sure something’s illegal before you move forward with it. So that’s the second question I asked tomorrow.

I’m going to bring up the third question that I asked before I start any new business and what I recommend you do to before starting any business or new project in your life, come on back tomorrow, and you have a great night. We’ll be back then. Just get out there and let the magic happen.