Business Coaching: Positioning To Win (Bob Regnerus: Feedstories)

Bob from Feedstories talks about the importance of the role of the coach in sports and in your business.


Brian: Coaching the sport versus coaching a business person with their marketing and so forth. What are the similarities, and what are the differences?

What do you like most about that aspect of it?

Bob: Coaching is the same, no matter what sports or business coach is not there to play the game coaches on the sidelines, the coach is preparing the players, the coach is coming up with plays and going over strategy, and putting the pieces in place to make a team more successful.

Same thing in business, right?

I’m not running your business, I’m not there, doing everything for you.

Like, if I’m there doing something for you, then I should be like an equity partner or a state, you know what I mean?

Like, I should be paid differently.

I come in as a coach, and it’s like, no, we’re going to talk about strategy. We’re going to talk about how you win. We’re going to talk about positioning people in the right place, we’re going to talk about things that have some lasting value.

But in the end, it’s really up to you to be successful, okay.

Now, a coach shares in the success probably shares in the blame more than the success. If a team loses, I try to absorb as much of that as possible, like I didn’t prepare you enough, or I didn’t put people in the right place.

But you know, there’s a shared sense of responsibility, but ultimately, the person playing the game, the person on the court, the person in that business is ultimately responsible.

And I think it’s a really good relationship for people.

I don’t want business owners advocating their responsibility to a consultant or something like that. It doesn’t make sense to me, because then ultimately, do you really own that business if you give up the responsibility for its success or failure?

A good relationship for me is going to be one that I may be doing some services for you but ultimately, we’re in a relationship where I’m giving you the skills and helping you win when it comes to business or a high school basketball game.

Brian: That’s great. It’s a great way of looking at it.

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