# 9 Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 9 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number Nine function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We are covering this is the final step of the nine functions of content marketing, as outlined by Bob Bly in the Content Marketing Handbook.

Great book, check it out.

This isn’t the first chapter, I’m not given a whole lot of way about this book, but I’m hoping to interest you. I don’t get any kickback for this, I just hope you hope you go check this out, especially if you’re studying content marketing, this is a great way to be able to dig into it.

As I was kind of putting together some materials for my upcoming course training, what have you all about whether you should do content marketing or not?

I came across a couple of great sections from this book. And this was one of them, is the nine functions of content marketing, what’s number nine. Now he doesn’t have these in any particular order, from what I can tell.

But nine is a very simple one.

It’s one that just about everybody’s after, to one extent or another, you’re going to see a lot more people who grow on an international basis, are going to be more concerned with number nine.

But really, even if you have a local based business, or nonprofit or anything of that sort, number nine is going to make a big difference to you. And number nine, is it drives web traffic.

So we’re talking about what content marketing does for you, it drives web traffic. Pretty simple. Let me read you a little the little snippet he has in here about this. He said search engine discovery, which we talked about, talked about in the last episode, combined with social posts that point to your site can increase your web traffic considerably.

According to HubSpot, if you got 51 to 100 pages on your website, consider each blog post to be a unique page, you’ll generate 48% more traffic than if you had under 50.

Increased traffic means increased engagement means increased revenue, see, content marketing can increase your traffic.

If you are doing anything on your website whatsoever, to sell anything, or drive anyone to make any type of purchase whatsoever.

Increased traffic can only make that better, right?

As long as you have something that support that people actually want. Right.

So that’s where content marketing plays into this. It’s another piece.

It’s another function of what content marketing does.

I don’t think these nine are the only functions and a lot of them can be broken down into into more specific functions.

But these are some of the main things that most people are already after most people already want more traffic to their website. Most people already want to be established as an expert, or they want to get new customers.

So we went through all those nine, be sure and go back and watch or listen and listen to the other episodes. When we discussed this. We did nine all in a row. You can go check them out at BrianJPombo.com. Great stuff.

Robert Bly really knows what he’s talking about.

This is this guy’s a copywriter, marketing expert.

It’s been around a long time been in the business a long time. You check out any of his books, he’s got quite a few of them.

You can tell he knows what he’s talking about. This is this is great stuff and stuff you could put into practice.

So content marketing, how do you go about going getting into content marketing?

Well, there are a million different ways. The main concept of content marketing is having something of substance that you’re providing.

Bob Bly says on a regular basis, and a lot of people define content marketing is something you’re doing regularly.

But I think any form of content marketing, even something like a book can be content marketing, if you’re providing something of a very significant content that at the same time has a marketing message built into it.

You’re doing content marketing.

So that doesn’t matter doesn’t matter whether it’s something in text, whether it’s something on video, or whether it’s something via audio.

The same thing is true. If it has substance to it, even if it’s entertaining, especially if it’s entertaining, infotainment and things of that nature.

That all plays into it, you kind of have to be entertaining to get any attention whatsoever.

But if it’s entertaining, then you can get the attention the content gets the attention.

As long as you have a compelling reason to be able to drive people forward to do the next step.

Then you’ve got it made, it just takes repetition it takes getting it out there, getting out there to enough places and to infront of enough people enough times.

Hopefully you’re playing toward a very specific crowd, you’re playing toward a very specific, you have a concept of who you’re after, in terms of an ideal client, customer patient, what have you.

I talked about that in my book, here’s the reason why I’m doing this for you is I’m going to push my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Now, yeah, if you go, you buy this on amazon.com, or BarnesandNoble.com, or all the other places that shows up online, I can get a little cut off of it.

But that’s not really why I’m doing it.

Because this book is also a form of content marketing, allows you to get to know things and stuff that you can run with. I mean, I have all the different sources, all the different places that I’ve got a lot of my knowledge from, and you can go to also, so I’m not holding it all in.

But at the same time, it allows a person to get to know me a little better.

Maybe we can do business somewhere down the line. I’m a Business Investor.

I work with people to buy and sell companies also to start and grow companies.

So if you’re interested in any of those areas, get in touch with me go to BrianJPombo.com.

Oh, also, if you want a free copy of this, you can do that too. Just download a free copy over at my website, AmazonProofBook.com.

They’ll take you to a specific page just for downloading the ebook version of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

# 8 Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 8 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number Eight function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What is the number eight function of content marketing?

Is it SEO?

Well, let’s go back to the book Content Marketing Handbook by Bob Bly.

It’s great stuff.

It’s got a lot of good important ideas in here. And he in it, he has the nine, the nine functions of content marketing, which we’ve been reviewing here on the show, if this is your first time, go back and see the first seven.

Stay tuned for the last final one tomorrow. But number eight is improved search engine ranking and discovery. Okay, so how do you go about doing that? Well, that’s what SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

If you’re not familiar with it, I’ll give you a little, a quick little story. So when I first started doing a lot of online marketing, I was actually working for a company.

I fell upon some secrets of search engine optimization and this was during the days when it was extremely easy to get ranking in Google, even.

But I remember even at that time, they said, well, it was a lot easier in Yahoo days. Nowadays, it’s tougher, but there were always ways to go about doing it.

All you had to do was know what the ways were. You can get better and better, and I fell upon it accidentally myself.

Then I started hearing a lot of internet marketing gurus and so forth, talking about these things, and discussing what all of the mean, and why Google treats certain things the way it does.

That’s how I was introduced to a lot of marketing concepts was through this position, I went and started my own firm, it started out not as a business investment firm, it actually started out as an SEO firm, I was doing search engine optimization for the first handful of years.

It was all actually open to the point of when Google started, really cracking down on organic search and trying to encourage more and more people to do paid search, you know, pay per click, and so forth.

All Up until that time, I was SEO all the way, it was the only thing I knew it was the only thing i i really promoted hard.

I understand the concept behind it to this day, organic search, or, which is basically anything you show up in Google, or any other thing you would consider it a search engine, some people consider amazon.com and search engine or YouTube, a search engine, anything you show up in via a search function that can be improved by how you title something, or how you code something.

That’s all considered search engine optimization.

So with that in mind, what he’s saying here, improved search engine ranking and discovery, just by putting out content on a regular basis, you will be improving search engine ranking, ranking, and therefore, your discovery, you’re going to be found a lot more often. And he goes through some details.

As far as that goes, I’m going to tell you another story.

As I was moving along with my business early on, the name of my business was branded Web Solutions.

That was the main push I wanted a very autonomous group that was separate from me, where I can hire on other people, maybe eventually even sell the business.

As I was going along, I would get in contact with people and get things moving along and they had always hit this barrier.

I’ve discussed it here before if you’ve if you’ve been listening or watching the show, on a regular basis, you’ll be familiar with this, I would come across people saying, Ah, it’s really great.

Everything you’re showing me is good. It’s a great promise and everything.

I wish you had some more detail.

I wish I could find more about you on you online.

I wish you had more testimonials or something that I can really sink my teeth into. So there was a trust slash proof issue going on there.

I saw that if you search for my name, you know my Facebook and my Twitter and a lot of my social media would pop up but I didn’t have a whole lot on there other than personal stuff.

Then you might get like the bio page off of my website that there wasn’t a lot there wasn’t a whole lot out there.

What if people wanted to find out more about me and find out more than if you tried searching for my for the website name that you know my company name, you find stuff, but be all basically the same.

There was no regular media content, no content marketing whatsoever going on out there.

Fast forward a lot of what I put into place, and with what you’re watching now, or listening to now, that all happened, because I needed to be able to put more out there, I changed the name of my company, and made it surrounding my name, which is not something that’s natural to me, I’m not person that Toots their own horn.

But I needed to be out there more often.

So this day, if you go and type in Brian J Pombo into any search engine, you’re going to get quite a few more things than you would otherwise.

That started out with audio podcasts where I was interviewing people off the bread biz podcast was one of my original ones when we’re dealing very specifically in the Self Reliance field.

I also have a local podcast Grants Pass VIP, which deals with Josephine County in Oregon.

Interviewing people in that area. Both of those are great to listen to whether you’re interested in those areas are not because it it plays into the business owner mentality. So many of the episodes do.

That’s been a lot of fun. I’ve really enjoyed it and this show has been incredible, because it’s been the most consistent is I’m doing this on a nearly nightly basis, meeting with you on a regular basis here and have a lot of fun with it.

But that has increased, just made amazing search engine results. And the fact that it’s a podcast, for one thing, it’s available on video, and YouTube and so forth.

So it shows up for that. It also shows up for audio podcasts because we put an audio version out. And that goes out in a million different ways.

So every title that I put out there, you can find as long as there’s not huge competition for that specific title, you can find it by typing it into Google and not just see my website, but be able to see it on all the other places all around the web, which is pretty fantastic.

It gives me the reach that I was lacking before.

That’s kind of my content marketing story, at least on the podcasting end of things you add in having a book and everything else.

But if you’re talking about consistent content marketing, the podcasts have made the biggest difference for what I do, and it all comes back to that function.

Very simple function, if it really did nothing besides that, it would be worth my time, if that makes sense.

Because it allows me to be able to get out there and be seen and be known, even if by no one else.

But those people I’m already having conversations with or people that I’ve lost track with.

They see me popping up in their LinkedIn, in their Facebook, in their YouTube. And everywhere else that people hang out at. That’s my main, my main modus operandi. So hopefully that makes sense.

Hopefully you can I’m not just talking about me, I’m talking about something that hopefully you can take and run with. And I’m going to have, I’ve just bought some domain names.

So we’re going to be presenting a domain name soon once we have a site ready for you to be able to secure your spot. In our live content marketing training, the very first one that I’m putting out, is coming out live and we will be selling it after the fact.

But if you come on live, you’ll get it at a discount because we want to encourage some people to come on.

I want you to bring your questions, all your questions regarding content marketing will be entertained, and we will discuss it as much as detail as we possibly can.

I’d love to find out what what’s holding you back from doing everything you want to do with content marketing in your business.

So we’ll be talking about that in the future.

For now, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s all about overcoming competitive forces by using the right strategy. You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com

We’ll be back tomorrow night with number nine. We’ll see you then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

# 7 Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 7 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number Seven function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re reading a little section out of the Content Marketing Handbook by Bob Bly. And this is number seven is a really good one.

This is because it’s the first one people think of. And I just really liked the way that he puts this particular section. So number seven is drive sales.

That’s really what it’s all about, most of us would not be doing content marketing, if there wasn’t a sale at some point. But that he, he breaks this down a little bit. I like how he says it.

I’m gonna read this to you real quick. He says content can be strategically disseminated at various steps in the buying cycle, helping to accelerate each step and ultimately increasing sales.

I want to stop for a second and say, he says at each step, so we’re not just talking at the very beginning, we’re not just talking partway through, we’re not just talking right?

Before they make this up, we’re talking to all of it.

And not only that he doesn’t go into it right here but content marketing never ends.

So if someone’s already bought from you, it will help them to buy from you again.

Or help them to be to continue purchasing and continue being part of a subscription or a membership. Because it seems, hence the trust factor, which is necessary if you’re going to have repeat business, if you’re going to have that relationship versus just a transaction, then you’ve got to have some form of content marketing that’s taking place throughout.

It has to keep going, it has to be part of the process and obviously, there’s different people to do it in different ways.

We’ll get more into that later but let me continue reading.

He says the sales funnel takes most buyers through four stages, getting their attention, gaining their interest, creating desire for the product, and asking for the order.

What’s that’s the famous, the famous Ada, AI, da. acronym, which gets used a lot. You know, it’s from Glengarry Glen Ross, and all these other things, it’s famous throughout time, especially within the world of sales, you know, the attention, interest, desire, action are asking.

That’s what he’s talking about there.

So it helps propel person through that process. Each stage can use both selling copy, and education content.

Really, it’s selling education is just as you could just as easily say it.

When you’re talking content marketing, or education, selling is what really is education, selling is content marketing, this is a great way of discussing it.

A great way of looking at this thing that shouldn’t be simple. This idea of driving sales, we think of it in very, very straightforward, transactional, I have something you want, give me money for it, and it’s done. But people don’t really work like that.

There’s all these back and forth, there’s, I don’t know, maybe I will, maybe I won’t.

Much of that comes back to a trust factor, a proof factor, you’re gonna need a lot less proof if there’s trust involved, especially if it’s a personal situation, or a trust in brand, or brand identity.

And so it’s just there’s a whole lot that content marketing helps move the ball psychologically behind the scenes, whether people know it or not, whether the even the people putting out content marketing, no, it’s not.

These things are happening.

These are this, this is the psychology that’s happening with people content marketing, on a lot of levels, help smooth that all over and helps find the best customers for you in the long run, and helps keep them being customers.

So we’re going to discuss more content marketing as time goes on, because so much of it is central to where the world is going today.

Not that content marketing is a new thing. It’s not it’s been around forever.

And we’re gonna go more into the history as time goes on, but great book Content Marketing Handbook. Bob Bly, we’ll be talking about number eight tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed this.

You can also check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

# 6 Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 6 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number six function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going through number six, out of the nine functions of content marketing, as delivered by Bob Bly from his book, The Content Marketing Handbook.

It’s all in the first chapter is really good stuff. This is number six.

So these are functions of content marketing, or what content marketing can do for you.

The sixth point he makes us that educates the market and that a lot of people don’t focus as much on the content in content marketing. But if you focus on educating your market, you’re going to bring them to being better buyers, when the time comes.

He mentioned that one marketer of content marketing software was first to integrate their CMS with analytics, ecommerce and other applications. But the market did not yet understand the benefits of this integration.

So the marketer published a white paper explaining them with good results.

So you can educate your marketplace in terms of telling them why you do the things you do, why certain features exist, why a feature becomes a benefit, why all these things are, or why you’re better than your competition.

You can do this in a longer format when it comes to content marketing, which is the really cool thing about content marketing, that’s when you’re talking only specifically about what it is that you’re offering, let alone if you’re offering any type of help whatsoever.

I’m trying to think of who it was off the top of my head, there was a famous a product that was available in the grocery stores.

I don’t know if it was Kraft or someone like that. It was a common thing, especially back in the 60s and 70s, where they would offer recipes.

So they’d have full-page ads, it was nothing but a recipe that happened to use their ingredient. But it hadn’t didn’t say anything about why they had the best mustard or anything else.

It just said, here’s another great thing you can do with our mustard, and with a great recipe that they can run off with.

They can use a different mustard if they want to. But that’s not the point. The point is that you delivered it, and the fact that you delivered it, it’s going to give you a lot more attention than if you just delivered a straightforward, plain, ugly advertising that everybody always puts out.

So hopefully that makes sense.

It’s just it’s another little wrinkle of content marketing. As you get to know this a little better, you can see where it fits with what you’re planning on doing or what you’re not planning on doing.

That’s a big piece of where we’re going to be moving forward from here on out because I’m going to, I’m putting together a kind of training that’s about the best, that’s the only term I’ve used for it so far, because there’s a million different things you can call it.

Some people call on courses or trainings or webinars or seminars or what have you. I just want to stick with the training until I have my full title and everything. I’ve got a training coming out all about content marketing.

The main goal of it is to help those of you who are wondering whether content marketing is right for you or not.

I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time focused on the people who it’s not right for, but I am going to make it real clear early on.

So that if you’re not the right person for content marketing, you shouldn’t be focusing on any of this stuff whatsoever.

You shouldn’t be watching my videos and you certainly shouldn’t be watching a whole lot of all the other stuff that’s out there on YouTube and podcasting and everything else surrounding the world of content marketing is a waste of your time.

But for many of you, content marketing is the key that is going to make you stand out among your competition.

Other ways to stand out among your competition that also work hand in hand with content marketing, I talked about in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You go get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com digital copy you can download. It’s pretty simple. Amazon proof book.com. That’s all I got for tonight.

We’ll be back tomorrow with number seven of the functions of content marketing. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

The Number Five Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 5 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number Five function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going we’re continuing our process of digging through the nine functions of content marketing, as outlined by Bob Bly, The Content Marketing Handbook.

Great book. And this is in the first chapter, it goes through these nine things, and I’ve been going through it one at a time with you. This is the fifth one.

So we’re talking about content marketing.

We’re talking about producing marketing on a regular basis, that has some type of substance to it that has the content it has information and or entertainment.

So it has value to the consumer unto itself, besides the fact that it has a marketing message attached to it. Okay, that’s content marketing.

So let’s talk about the fifth way that he discusses here.

He says that establishes you as the expert.

Alright, I know a little bit about this, I wrote a whole chapter in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, which you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

But if you’re just talking about content marketing, he has a really good twist on this.

Because of course, it totally establishes you as an expert.

I like what he says, here’s his publishing content on your industry niche, or area of specialization helps position you as a recognized authority in your field, and prospects would rather buy from knowledgeable experts than ordinary salespeople.

Simple right?

But here’s the extra part that I think really hits it.

He talks about the fact that just the fact that you’re going out, and you’re committing yourself to doing this on a regular basis, and honestly, I highly recommend you have somebody in your organization work on producing daily content.

He says, just because you do that you will become better at everything else that you do. And you are going to, you’re going to deliver better on the other end, because you’ve put forth the initiative.

Here’s a really good point.

He says, it should not be solely the marketing team’s job to generate all the material in your content marketing efforts, account managers, SMEs, and even long term clients and site visitors can be engaged to help create great content.

You see this could be really a full on effort. And there’s a million different places you can come up with content we’ve done, we’ve discussed that quite a bit here. But we’ll be discussing more.

I’ve got my new training that’s going to be coming up that you’ll be able to plug into where we’re going to dig into some of these ideas also.

But that’s it establishing you as the expert, the fact that you’re setting out to do that, you will become more of an expert, your company will become more of an expert, because you’ll be forced to look at what you normally offer in a million different ways.

Because that’s what content marketing kind of forces us to do. It forces us to have to say it a million different ways on a regular basis.

By doing that, you end up learning your craft a whole lot better, and end up you will naturally get better.

So that’s it’s a really cool concept, the whole expertise thing we could take. And there’s been books written just on that alone.

But content marketing helps make it easily realized I’m saying easily simply realize, I should say, realized in a simple way for any company that wants to nowadays, because we have access to so much incredible, inexpensive formats of media, where we can get our message out there.

So it’s a great time to be alive. Very interesting time.

If you haven’t looked into content marketing more, you really should because it is not the future. I don’t think because it’s been our past content marketing has a very vast, wide ranging history going much further back than the internet.

But if you understand the concept behind it, you can always set yourself apart, which is what it’s all about. So that’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one.

We’ll be back tomorrow with number six.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Number Four Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 4 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number four function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re covering number four of the nine functions of content marketing, as outlined by Robert Bly in the Content Marketing Handbook. Great book. I was just covering this small section in the first chapter. But I think it really draws to a lot of the ideas of what content marketing actually does for you.

This one’s a deceptively simple one.

So the first three just is a quick review of the nine functions.

Number one is to say it sets the specs.

Number two, it makes the prospect beholden.

Number three generates more inquiries.

What number four is, is it gets you, new customers. Now, I know a lot of people think that that should be the main function of everything wholesales. But sales have so much in sales and marketing has so many other facets to it.

Getting the initial new customer isn’t necessarily the only thing you should be focused on. But content marketing helps do that.

One of the ways it does it, and he discusses this briefly and in a handful paragraphs is it differentiates you from everybody else, rather than just providing a sales pitch.

What content marketing can do for you is it gives more information it and in that process, it allows the potential customer the prospect to trust you.

There’s a trust being built in that process, regardless of what you say, or whether it’s even true.

But if it rings true, if it sounds authoritative, you can that you can receive a new customer because you have, especially depending on what it is that you’re selling. Okay, with a product service.

Some things don’t take that much research. But if especially if you’re in a highly competitive realm, it makes a big difference in order to get the new customer by having unique content.

And that doesn’t matter whether he mentions in here about having a blog, or having an email, email list, or what have you.

And he says, don’t just don’t just focus on sales, focus on content as well.

I really like Ben Settle’s approach. It’s really a lot, I think of why I designed these vlogs the way I do is because what been settled teaches is to have both in every post.

So you make sure you at least do something to encourage people to do something in a positive direction, hopefully to actually purchase something.

But even if it’s even if it’s just getting involved in some way, and then also having a sizable amount of content or infotainment, or what have you adapted in there some way and he teaches that through email.

But it doesn’t matter what form of content that you’re putting out there. What matters is, is that it has a substance.

If it has substance, you can get new customers that way, which is a really, it’s a it’s a great function. Like I said, deceptively simple.

But when you compare it with everything else that he’s outlining, especially in the next, in the next five functions, you’ll see how these things all tie together. So stay tuned for that we’re going to be going over number five tomorrow.

As I mentioned, you should always have some type of a pitch in your material at least somewhere, especially a call to action, my call to action right now as for my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can go and purchase a copy. I’m happy to be able to make a little bit of money off of that, but that’s not really my main thing.

My main thing is getting the information out to you. So if you don’t want to purchase a hardcover, copy of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof your business which you can get at amazon.com or any of the other places that sell books.

You can always just go to my website and download a free copy of AmazonProofBook.com. That’s AmazonProofBook.com.

That’s all I have for tonight. We’ll be back tomorrow with number five like I mentioned. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Number Three Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 3 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number Three function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we are in the third part of a mini-series that we’re doing. This was an excerpt from a Robert W. Blys book, The Content Marketing Handbook.

He had written, The Copywriters Handbook, which is a best-seller. Very, very popular, but one that people always make reference to. And what we’re talking about is the nine functions of content marketing, as put together by Bob Bly.

And we’re on number three. These are the functions of content marketing, these are the things that it does for you, and how it functions, how it works behind the scenes, why it works, in a sense.

Let’s go through number three, I think he put this so well together in here I am, I’m just going to read this paragraph to you real quick.

Number three, is called generate more inquiries, generate more inquiries.

This is the third function of content marketing. He says a lead generating promotion with the free content offer can produce more than double the responses, the same campaign without the free offer.

Okay, good content marketing, is that effective by publishing new and relevant content on your digital channels. Doing so often you can increase the likelihood of new customers finding out about your business, IT services and the value you bring them.

Plus prospects are more likely to return to your website, when they know you frequently add fresh content. Okay, generating more inquiries.

So what’s that mean?

What’s that mean is that the whole process of having a business of offering something, you’re either offering products, services, or somewhere something in between or both, and you are offering it on a regular basis, you’re looking for more people that are going to fit your ideal customer or client patient, what have you, no matter what, that’s what you’re looking for, okay.

If you have an offer, if you have a way for them to get, especially free content is what he’s referring to.

Just initially, if you have the ability for them to inquire, to be able to find out more for you, for them to be able to raise their hands as a lead to you and business terms.

We say you lead, meaning somebody that could lead them to becoming a customer or client, what have you.

If they can raise their hand, if you can get their information in exchange for content for information for them for information, entertainment, what have you for them, you’ve got another inquiry.

The more inquiries you have, the more likely you can have more customers.

And the more people that are out there educating themselves about you, the less people who are out there educating themselves about your competition, or any other option that they might possibly have, including ignoring whatever problem they’re looking to overcome, right.

So that’s what it’s all about.

That’s a huge piece of content marketing and he puts it in just a different way, this whole book is very much it, he has a very unique way of writing.

He finds a way to put things in just different ways, a lot of times he’s repeating himself throughout this book, because content marketing is a very simple concept. But he keeps saying it in different ways.

If you just work your way, slowly through this book, you’re going to get it, you’re going to get a handle on this or you’re going to find it so intriguing, you’re going to want to try it in your very own business.

Now I have a course coming up, called a course a training, a workshop, a symposium, you use all the different words, right?

But it’s coming up soon, I’ll have an official title for you very soon. I even have a date on when it’s going to happen. I’m not announcing it yet, because I want to get everything lined up perfectly.

But it’s going to be coming up very, very, very soon in the next in this this next month. So if you’re watching this way into the future, you’ll still be able to get a copy of it. Because after after we do it live, we’ll be offering it on the website from that point forward for sale.

You’ll be able to find out more about that as time goes on. In the meantime, go check out my book. While it’s still available, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com and I’ll be back tomorrow with number four function of content marketing.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Number Two Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 2 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


The number two function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re here outdoors and the sun’s gone down. But we still have enough to have a little talk here tonight put on a little bit of a show.

This is the book Content Marketing Handbook by Robert Bly.

I’m going through the nine different functions of content marketing that he outlines here and his first chapter of the book. And it’s really good stuff.

The second one I’m going to go through today with you real quick, he says, so these are, what these are, is these are the reasons why content marketing works, so to speak.

The second one is that it makes the prospect beholden. And so if you’re thinking of a prospect, a prospective customer, prospective client, what have you. This really comes from it, he points to Robert Cialdini, he’s influenced book Influence The Psychology of Persuasion.

If you’ve never read that, it’s considered a classic nowadays, in terms of pointing out a handful, and putting a whole lot of background to it, but point out a handful of reasons why people buy, it doesn’t have every reason, but it has a couple of very strong reasons.

And one of them is this, it’s been kind of put out there as the law of reciprocity, that you get a reciprocal behavior, if you give, you can get as long as what you’re giving is valued enough by the person that is receiving it.

And so you see all these people online, especially you see it a lot online, you see, you know, free book offers, you know, even for physical books, where you just pay shipping and handling, the free reports, free training, free this, free that.

The whole idea is that you get something of value, and you feel the need to reciprocate, you feel the need to go the next step and either purchase something of a higher value, or to take whatever the next suggested step is.

That’s a huge piece of content marketing, especially if, if you’re talking that the piece of content marketing didn’t cost very much or cost hardly, or is completely free, and doesn’t have to be free.

But that is one of the most common things that you see used out there. And he says that there’s a good quote that he has in here from one of his newsletter subscribers, he says, this is from Richie.

He said, This is just a short note to say, I really enjoy your emails, I can tell when they are commercials, but I don’t mind them. Because you generally give me worthwhile information.

I believe that is why you’re successful.

When I receive useful information and free emails, I’m more likely to purchase additional information.

And that’s just a person putting into words what a lot of us go through even subconsciously.

Now, the funny thing about the law of reciprocation and Ben settle has brought this up before and other people have brought it up is that it’s not a guarantee, it’s not an absolute, you know, just because you’re giving something of value doesn’t mean it’s going to be seen as valuable by the person receiving it.

It doesn’t mean that they’re going to reciprocate it, a lot of it depends on who it is that you’re speaking to who it is you’re given to, and whether they actually value it and whether they’re actually going to use it.

But it is a function this is and it is it is something to keep in mind of reason for doing content marketing, especially on the free to low end level.

Even though content marketing can work, even after a person has paid a lot.

Even if they’ve paid quite a lot for the piece of piece of content you’re providing them that has a marketing message built in. So hopefully that makes sense.

We’re gonna go through number three tomorrow. This is the third of the nine functions of content marketing, as outlined by Robert Bly. And I agree with all these, I think they’re great. That’s why I’m cut.

We’re covering it here.

And go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof your business.

If you’d like to find out more about how to overcome the competitive forces in your marketplace. This is a piece of content marketing for me.

So if you want to know how I use content marketing, in book format, you can go and purchase one of these and you can have it and useful and I’d love to hear what you think about it. Or if you don’t want to even buy it, you can get it for free. You can download it for free.

Why do I do that?

All the reasons why we’re talking about content marketing, go download for free at AmazonProofBook.com. It’s all I got for tonight.

Hope you have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.