Give It Your Best Shot, Tomorrow 😉

Life is short. Brian shares some thoughts, health and doing your best in the time you have, as he heads out to Bandon, Oregon with the family for Mothers Day weekend.


Give it your best shot tomorrow.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, a lot of times people talk about, you know, just doing your best all the time, 100%, 110% and all that.

And really it comes. For me, it really comes down to doing your best one moment at a time. Sometimes you get down to the end of the day, and you say, I just, there’s so much more I could have done worse, or I could have done so much better.

Then in that scenario, you really have to say, okay, well, tomorrow you got to, you just got to set it in line for tomorrow and get some good sleep and get up as early as you can and try at it again.

So today, I’ll give you a little bit of background about how I how I came up with this topic. today. I’m out on the west coast of Oregon, a little town called Bandon, you can go look it up, Bandon, Oregon.

We like to come out in here, at least during the warm part of the year. This is probably a little early for that. Because it’s still a little cool out here.

But we’ll see how tomorrow goes.

We’re right on the beach and nice little motel we’ve never been here before. And we are just hanging out for Mother’s Day. So I hope you have a great Mother’s Day if you’re watching this on Mother’s Day or beyond, and I have my birthday coming up.

So I also like coming around to this area of the world during my birthday if we ever if we have time we have. So I’m here with the family.

I’m out in the car recording because everyone inside is trying to sleep so difficult thing for when I’m out of town, you end up getting a dashboard recording here. But they tonight after having a pretty decent day we had a good trip, uneventful in terms of travel, and which is good when it comes to happen a big family and then I got some Oh, relatively bad news about a family member who’s who has cancer and is having a large, essential piece of their body cut out because of it.

Now they think that they can take care of it and they think they’ll be able to extend their life longer.

But it’s nothing fun, It’s nothing you like to see. But it really comes down to from my perspective, realizing that we got a teeny tiny, short life in the great perspective of things. It really doesn’t last long.

You just got to do your best one day at a time. And it’s nighttime here. So My day starts tomorrow, I’m going to be the best person I can before I fall asleep. But everything else needs to happen tomorrow, just going to get out there and do it.

Hopefully get up, beat the family up hopefully to get get a couple things done. Before we we head out on our day adventure, hanging out at the beach and doing other things exploring what we’d like to do.

I just suggest you do the same because you don’t know how long your loved ones are going to be with you. You don’t know how long you’re going to be kicking it around. And so you just got to do your best one day at a time, always discover something new.

Be as courageous as possible.

Try new things, don’t leave any regrets as little as possible. Nothing more than that.

That’s all I got for you tonight. You have a great night we’ll be back tomorrow.

Go check out a copy of my free book over at it’s 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. All about business, nothing as heavy as we’re talking about tonight.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.