Don’t Feel Guilty About Being Messy ๐Ÿงบ

Whatever Brian says, don’t listen. You should feel bad about being messy. Very, very bad!

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Don’t feel guilty about being messy.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

One of the things that I’ve found through the years, this has taken a long time to get my wrap my mind around and that’s that everyone has different organizing styles.

It really doesn’t come from your upbringing, there’s something very deeply ingrained in the mechanics of our brain that tells us how well we’re going to how good we’re going to be at organizing or not, or how messy we’re going to be in terms of how we keep things organized, how well we keep things organized.

My life, it’s been a constant struggle.

Yeah, this is I’m showing you a slightly different angle of my office, you can see some of the boxes in the background, I’ve got the boxes here, I’ve got, if you can see the rest, I’ve got stuff spread out all over, because I was looking for something in particular, and caused me to make a larger mess than I normally have.

You don’t get to see all of that, because I don’t show it all cuz it’s scary to a lot of people.

I’m not trying to scare you. What I am trying to do though is just remind you, if you have a messy person in your life, it’s not necessarily that they’re purposefully trying to do it, or that they’re lazy, or that they lack a certain skill, it really doesn’t come to that it really comes to how they think.

I found that over time, certain people are automatically going to be a lot more organized than others and keep things in a nice, orderly, tidy fashion.

Maybe they throw away too many things, while other people tend to hold on to too many things.

Obviously, there’s trauma and everything else that happens in your life that can make you go too far in one extreme or the other. I’m not talking about that I’m talking about just normal, everyday functioning and in business, you’re going to have all different types.

If you are an organized you need to have organized people working with you, to help you to not get overrun like I am today. But you need that and you need to quit feeling guilty about being the way that you are and find somebody that’s the opposite in order to help them or find someone that’s the opposite in order to help you.

That’s all I’ve got for today that a lot of this comes back to cone Asian, you can look a lot of this stuff up.

Kathy Kolbe has written a whole lot on this. Here’s one of her books. The I’ve mentioned it before the kognitive connection. She’s the inventor of the Kolbe Index, which kind of measures a lot of this stuff and how your brain works and it’s just how you’re born. I mean, they can measure it all the way from children, to adults.

And it’s something that doesn’t change in you how you relate with certain items as you work is very much an ingrained thing.

So don’t feel guilty, don’t make others feel guilty.

Just learn how to work around it, and move forward. That’s all you can do.

That’s all I got for tonight.

I’ve got a book that I like to talk about on a daily basis. It’s 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You could watch one of my other videos for more in depth.

Look at that book or you can go to, watch a quick video on all about that book and see if you’d like a copy.

You can purchase a copy or you can buy or you can get a free copy at

You have a great night we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.