Cold Bernie 🥶 & AIDA

Was he Cold? Was he upset? Or was he doing his best “Weekend At Bernie’s” impression up in DC?

These are the questions.

But beyond that, Brian talks about how the Bernie Meme relates to your business. 👀

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Cold Bernie & AIDA.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Now, if you haven’t been completely closed off from all social media for the past few days, starting Wednesday, when during the inauguration, there was a photo taken of Bernie Sanders in the crowd of senators and so forth, higher ups that were all social distancing in their individual chairs.

And just a fairly funny photo of him sitting alone, looking very miserable. With his mask and everything else on and people took that image, placed it all over the internet. And we end up with voila, the cold Bernie meme and it took off pretty darn quick.

I think the day of it started showing up, I saw a whole lot of it yesterday.

And today, you can’t go a few posts on any social media without seeing it. I would be remiss if I didn’t at least acknowledge that it exists.

But I want to talk with you about how does this affect your business?

Well, I’ll tell you how it affects your business is it’s all about attention. And there’s this little formula that you may have heard from movie Glengarry Glen Ross, a famous scene in the very beginning with Alec Baldwin, where he talks about AIDA, a i, d a, which is attention, interest, desire, and action, right?

Attention, interest, desire and action.

It’s the process that sales people talk about that process people go through, and initially you’re looking to get attention. And really, when you’re talking viral things, when you’re talking names and things, that’s a great way to get attention, especially while it’s hot.

So during this period of time that this video is coming out, this is the hot thing now won’t be the hot thing next week. In fact, it’s over hot, it’s to the point now where it’s ridiculous that’s absolutely everywhere.

To the point to where I think we may never get rid of this meme, it might be just one of those that kind of lasts forever, takes on a life of its own and just never lets go. And I’m not sure if Bernie will ever be able to live it down. It’s, it’s just one of those things that just will never go away.

But you got to look at it from your perspective of business. Now, your social media, people may tell you, Hey, this is a great way we got to, we got to figure out how to work this in and put together some, some pictures or photos or videos or whatever, taking advantage of this and that’s great, that’s fine.

But it’s only the initial step. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the people that whose attention you’re getting are going to have any interest in what it is that you’re selling a product service or whatever.

And then after that interest, whether they really have a deep desire to become a customer, and whether and even if they have that desire, even if they have you have their attention, they have interest, and they really do have desire.

The last step is to get them to take action to actually do something to purchase to take that first step, whatever it is, into your funnel or into your sales process, or what have you. These are all things that have to be taken into consideration. Attention is the first one, it’s the toughest one is to get attention.

But it’s important that you understand that you’re getting the attention of the right people that are most likely to be interested, have desire and actually take action, at least eventually take action, maybe not right away, maybe you have them put onto some form of list, and you go back to them over and over and over again.

But you have to at least have the targeting down right before you just toss out attention getting things because anything can get attention doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll make any money at it. If you want to think deeper on the strategies and how this can help you out.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you’re looking to go even deeper into that my book will have ways of how you can hire me to come take a look at your company and see if see if we can work together and I can show you how to take everything to the next level to the point where you can double your profits within the next six months or so.

So go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you’d get a free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow night.

In the meantime, stay warm right stay warm. And we’ll see you tomorrow. Just get out there and let the magic happen.