Is Your Business Your Own Worst Nightmare?

From a dream to a horror show, business can kick you in the gut and walk away without a care.

Brian talks about how to pick yourself up in tough times and keep moving.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Is your business, your own worst nightmare?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This idea came to me, because I do run into quite a few business owners who loved their business when they got involved, they would not have gotten involved if they weren’t somewhat in love of the idea of their business, or at least what their business could provide them.

But now, it’s the monster that’s gone out of control I have here, this is an old classic illustrated not old, it’s a it’s a old, it’s a reprint of an old book, let’s see, this is probably from the 40s or 50s. I don’t have the date right in front of me.

But they used to take classic stories and make comic books out of them. And so they these are reprints of the originals. And so this was one that I, one of the stories that I’ve always enjoyed is Frankenstein, if you’ve never had a chance to read, or listen to the book on audio of the original Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, it’s worth doing.

Because it’s not what the movies show it to be. It’s something completely different. And the main concept is that is that it’s mainly about the main character. It’s not about this creature that he created.

But it’s about Victor Frankenstein his journey into trying to create something and having that thing that he loved, that he wanted to love having it become the very thing that he ends up hating, and then they end up getting in a battle toward the end to where they’re hunting each other down to kill each other.

And so that’s what a lot of times I meet business owners who they are in a love hate relationship with their business. And nowadays, I hear more often than not, I hate relationship, I hate hate relationship with their business, but they don’t know what to do about it.

Because you’re, and this may be you perhaps you’re stuck in a situation where you’ve got employees that you’re taking care of their like family, and you can’t just leave them, you can’t just if you shut the doors, it’s not gonna hurt you, but it’ll hurt them, you know, or you, you’ve maybe you still owe money to creditors and investors and so forth.

And you don’t want to let them down, you want to at least get that money back out of the business. That could be you also, there’s a lot of different reasons why a person gets to the point where they can’t stand their business, it’s not providing what they wanted it to provide.

It’s not going they don’t see it going in a direction that it will ever do that. But what if it could?

Is my question, what if you could take the business you have at least build it up to a point to where it could be sold to someone that could that can do a better job with it, or can have more of a love for the business or where can go from here.

Maybe someone’s already in the industry that you can sell it to that they can add it to what they already have, their their portfolio that they already have going.

You know, there’s a lot of different options on the ground, besides just closing it up or continuing to allow it to wreck your life. Because it is it’s hurting you. And just you being self sacrificial may not be the only option necessary and it probably isn’t necessary at all, you could probably get around that. What you have to do is step back and take a look at all the options.

It’s tough to have that conversation with your employees, it’s tough to have that conversation with anybody that’s not a business owner that doesn’t understand the headaches, the hassle, everything that it took to get to where you’re at.

You don’t just want to flush it down the toilet, you want to make sure that it moves on from here and becomes what it can be.

So I’m going to offer my services if you’d like to be able to talk to me, I’d love to be able to talk with you.

One thing that I’m I’m having all my clients do ahead of time is at least download my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s not a long book, and you don’t have to read it cover to cover.

But I do insist that you go through that first at least be able to skim through and look at what I help people to be able to do with their businesses. It’s a great example.

It’s not just held to these nine ways, but these nine ways give you an idea of the type of scope that I’m looking at doing and hopefully something that I can help you out with your business. So go check out my free go get your own free copy.

Go buy a buy if you want a hard bound version, but you over on but you could get your own free copy at So, stop being scared of the creature that you created.

Let’s see if we come to some closure or at least you can start living your life again. Go to and connect with me through those pages because in that book, it will tell you the best way to get in touch with me.

So we’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

2021 Sucks. Now What? 🤔

Sometimes the bottom drops out and all we can do as move forward from that point on.

Not matter what, a positive outlook in tough times can serve you well.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


2021 sucks, now what?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

For a lot of people right now 2021 isn’t what they wanted it to be and if you’re one of those people, I can tell you one thing…I don’t have any answers that are directly going to help you with this.

But hopefully we can start a conversation over it.

Hopefully it can be helpful now that there’s two types of people that be watching this one. you’re rolling through 2021, with all of its highs and lows and everything that’s crazy about it.

And you’re surviving your fight, you find a way to be able to make it work.

Things actually, things might even be going well for you. That’s one person.

And if you’re that person, great, keep going keep doing what you’re doing. If you’re the other person who’s dealing with all this, seeing all this and can’t quite find how to get around it.

There’s only a few things that I could start to recommend. But it really takes change your perspective, because I know where you’re coming from. Because I’ve been in that position before where it’s like, where do you go, when everything seems so drab and dreary. It just doesn’t seem like anything could possibly happen that can go good.

It’s a couple places I go to First off, and it’s going to be very similar to a video we did not long ago, a conversation we had about headaches.

How do you get over that type of thing. And really the first, the first main thing I do when it comes to any type of ongoing depression, that seems to be controlled by outside forces.

One thing I know for sure, which is why I’ve been able to keep from falling into it too deeply for with these things is that no outside source has control over your outlook. You can allow it to have control and make it feel like it has control.

But they don’t really have any control whatsoever over your outlook, you have the ability to be able to control that. Here’s what I mean, it’s a great book out there, I recommend you get it if you’re not a good reader, go and get the audio book version of it is, Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.

Go grab that book, what what’s the book about the book is about a guy that was working his way through psychology and the the all the concepts behind psychology, it was really big, then this was back in the 1930s and was figuring a lot of this stuff out.

Then all of a sudden, you had the holocaust happen and World War Two and everything that happened around that period of time, and found himself in a concentration camp.

And going through all the things that were happening then, and how he dealt with it and how he was able to keep perspective, in the worst possible scenario, having your entire family stripped apart.

I think most if not all of them, died completely dead. And at that point, he wasn’t even sure whether they were alive or not. But in most cases, he knew they were probably dead. And but being completely stripped from your kids from your wife.

And really having nothing left. Nothing. You have no ownership of anything. They’ve taken all your clothing. They’ve taken all your valuables they’ve taken everything they’ve made it to where you’re starving to death, you’re slowly starving to death.

You have nothing. And where do you go from there? And how do you maintain any type of sanity or perspective and that type of I mean, it’s beyond slavery. It’s slow torture.

And how do you how do you maintain?

Where do you go from there?

Read that book, listen to that book. Because it’s not a depressing thing and it’s not a because he takes it in a very distant perspective. He gains perspective in the most outrageous situation possible.

By seeing that it’s not that you you’re supposed to Oh, well, he went through such a more such a greater, more horrible position than I have. So I feel better. No, it’s not that it’s that even in that he was able to gain perspective.

And if you can get the same type of perspective that he gained there that no situation around you can control you ever again.

If you can gain that perspective to an extent, and if you ever fall into it, you can come out of it again, come out of that depression, which is really I guess what this is all about is not falling into that and feeling as though someone else has control or some powers that be or some evil entity is controlling your life because in the end, it can’t control the one thing you have, which is perspective, which is attitude, which is your soul’s purpose, you know, what you’re what you’re out there doing what you’re where you’re going forward, and everything’s gonna change.

It’s not that circumstances can change. It’s not that specifics can change. It’s not like someone can’t remove everything from you, and completely destroy your outer life.

But your perspective can’t be controlled. And the perspective changes everything. This guy went on, he survived the concentration camps and ended up changing the world with this one book, let alone his entire philosophy that he built out of it, and this entire psychological School of Psychology that he created avid and everything else.

I think that’s what this is really all about, though, this is really about that if you cangain a little bit of perspective a little bit that can grow over time. And that’s about all I got for you tonight. I also have my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business by far not as great of a book as the one I previously mentioned.

But this is one that can help help you out with your business, help you out with perspective, give you a little bit more runway, in terms of where you can go from here. Maybe give you a little bit of a brainstorm, give you some ideas of where to go next or what to focus on next. Get your own free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Hey, I like to hear your thoughts on this? Where are you coming from? How is everything affecting you right now? And where do you see yourself going in the future?

Leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. You have a great night. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.