When The Polls Finally Close

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


When the polls finally close.

Hi, I’m Brian pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m in a different area in my office than usual, I don’t have the bookshelf behind me here at the headquarters for BrianJPombo.com. But I just wanted to let you know I’m getting ready to head straight to bed because it is I late night here at the headquarters.

I it’s election night and so I sat up on a little bit of a political junkie. So I like sitting up and watching every four years, I like staying up and watching it till there’s definitive idea of who won the election.

And from what I’ve seen, if everything sticks in terms of these counties, sticking to the numbers that they’ve reported up till now. And if those numbers are relatively true, then it’s pretty clear who won the election.

Whether you agree with that or don’t agree with that, no matter. But it’s good to get to these points in your life, where you realize how completely out of control you are that you have no control over circumstances, that you can just sit back and watch the results.

As the results are done, the boats are done, they’ve already happened. And besides any, you know, messing around, that people are doing behind the scenes with votes, it’s a done deal, you can’t do anything about it.

So I just like that feeling of just being able to sit back and just watch it all play out. It’s as if it’s as if you’re watching a sports game that’s already happened. And you’re just waiting to see how, how it ends, you know what the score is going to be.

It’s like the the game has been played already. It’s already over. And yours waiting to hear what the score was to see who won is that that’s kind of fun. I’ve always liked that.

So hopefully you didn’t take any of it too seriously. Hopefully you’ve recovered one way or the other from the election, or whatever the results are from the extended arguments regarding the election and all the rest. But I had a I had a good time.

And I don’t take this stuff too seriously, because I don’t have much control over it. So that’s okay. And I hope that’s okay with you, too. It’s good time to also sit back and say, what’s next for me?

Because that part of our life is over for now. And we can if you were if you put any focus on it, or any energy towards it or any thought towards it, you can now stop, get back to you and say regardless of who won, what am I gonna do with my life?

Where am I going to go from here?

Where’s my business going to go?

If you’d like some ideas on that, if you were waiting, some of you were waiting until after the election to see what to do with your business. If you’re if you’re over that now, time to sit down and say okay, where am I going to take my business from here on out, go check out my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com I’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.