Two Things To Do Following The Election

Life is amazing. Don’t forget to keep on living!

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Two things to do following the election.

I am Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo.Live.

You know, a lot of people were thrown off by the craziness of an election, especially one that’s happening this year in 2020. Because there’s so much chaos going on and so many arguments about who’s right and who’s wrong and everything else.

So what do you do afterwards?

As all the dust starts to settle, where do you go?

Even if you feel like you got cheated, or anything else, where do you go from here?

Two steps, two things you need to do.

One, keep living, okay, you got to keep living, you have to move on. And there’s not a whole lot that most of us can do, unless you’re in those circles to have any effect on what’s happening with national politics. And if you do, you got to keep moving in that direction.

If you don’t like most of us, you just got to keep living, you got to find something productive to do. I work with business owners, I even help people start their own businesses if they’ve never done it before.

But my main area of expertise is in helping business owners take themselves from where they’re at and build their business up to where they want it to be. And its most ideal state for them. In some cases, they want to build it up to the point to where they can sell it. In other cases, they just they can just see just so far, they see probably 510 years in the future, where they’re making a certain amount of money and have a certain amount of responsibility in the company.

That’s tends to be my audience, which is why I went out, I wrote this book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. And if you happen to be a business owner that’s looking to improve your business and take it to the next level, I suggest getting a free copy of the book, go to

If you like the electronic copy, there’s another way you get a hard copy at a good price over there Amazon proof is

That’s the first thing you do, you got to keep living, you got to find a way you got to be productive, find something that inspires you and move forward with it.

The second thing you got to do is be around people. You if if you are if you’ve achieved anything in life, and I don’t mean achieved in the sense of you made a lot of money. I’m saying that you’ve you’ve survived, okay, you survived to the age you’re at, you’re relatively happy with where you’re at.

And you probably have something to pass along to other people. It’s not going to happen unless you put yourself in a room with other people unless you put yourself in an environment where you can influence them. Find a way to influence other people. And it’s not something you could force on them.

But you do need to put yourself out there, maybe it’s a maybe you got to make YouTube videos like this, maybe you’ve got to put out a podcast, maybe you have to start talking to other people that you know that are doing things that are putting things out there and ask them how to go about doing it. You’ve got a story to tell.

You’ve got to keep living, and you’ve got to inspire others. Those are the two things I recommend in any situation where you feel like you don’t know what to do next. And it’s a common thing I’m hearing from people regarding this election, regardless of what side they’re on. afterwards. This is kind of like this.

Okay, now what know what do I do?

I’ve invested so much of myself into the outcome of this, now where do I go?

Try those two things, start there and let me know what you end up thinking of that.

Leave a comment down below. And let’s have a little conversation back and forth about this because I’d be interested if you think that’s a good place to start. And if you do start there. Where’s it take you, I’d love to find out.

Hey, that’s all I got for tonight. nice simple one. You have a great night, come back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

When The Polls Finally Close

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


When the polls finally close.

Hi, I’m Brian pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m in a different area in my office than usual, I don’t have the bookshelf behind me here at the headquarters for But I just wanted to let you know I’m getting ready to head straight to bed because it is I late night here at the headquarters.

I it’s election night and so I sat up on a little bit of a political junkie. So I like sitting up and watching every four years, I like staying up and watching it till there’s definitive idea of who won the election.

And from what I’ve seen, if everything sticks in terms of these counties, sticking to the numbers that they’ve reported up till now. And if those numbers are relatively true, then it’s pretty clear who won the election.

Whether you agree with that or don’t agree with that, no matter. But it’s good to get to these points in your life, where you realize how completely out of control you are that you have no control over circumstances, that you can just sit back and watch the results.

As the results are done, the boats are done, they’ve already happened. And besides any, you know, messing around, that people are doing behind the scenes with votes, it’s a done deal, you can’t do anything about it.

So I just like that feeling of just being able to sit back and just watch it all play out. It’s as if it’s as if you’re watching a sports game that’s already happened. And you’re just waiting to see how, how it ends, you know what the score is going to be.

It’s like the the game has been played already. It’s already over. And yours waiting to hear what the score was to see who won is that that’s kind of fun. I’ve always liked that.

So hopefully you didn’t take any of it too seriously. Hopefully you’ve recovered one way or the other from the election, or whatever the results are from the extended arguments regarding the election and all the rest. But I had a I had a good time.

And I don’t take this stuff too seriously, because I don’t have much control over it. So that’s okay. And I hope that’s okay with you, too. It’s good time to also sit back and say, what’s next for me?

Because that part of our life is over for now. And we can if you were if you put any focus on it, or any energy towards it or any thought towards it, you can now stop, get back to you and say regardless of who won, what am I gonna do with my life?

Where am I going to go from here?

Where’s my business going to go?

If you’d like some ideas on that, if you were waiting, some of you were waiting until after the election to see what to do with your business. If you’re if you’re over that now, time to sit down and say okay, where am I going to take my business from here on out, go check out my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You get a free copy at I’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Evils & Voting 😈🗳️

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Evils and Voting.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, I’m not used to talking much about politics on here, we tend to cover a lot of things having to do with running your business, and building things up.

I’m a business strategist and so that tends to be the area I live in.

But I like to talk about the things that kind of affect all of us right now.

This is late October and 2020, and we’re coming up to an election, also during Halloween, which is why I’ve got this little scary guy right here with us.

I got a great message from Jack on YouTube, who asked me to talk about what I thought about voting for the lesser of two evils. Which is a common thing that gets brought up, especially around presidential elections.

Who would think of it, right?

The lesser of two evils?

Do I encourage doing that, because in one of my previous videos, I was talking about how you probably shouldn’t vote, if you don’t have a really good idea about who to vote for. And whether that’s a particular election or whether it’s all the elections, I’m not encouraging everyone to vote just to vote.

I see that as being extremely destructive.

Okay, when you’re encouraging people to vote when they don’t know what they’re doing. Don’t do it.

Unless you seem like you’ve got it figured out. If you don’t feel like you’ve got it figured out, you probably don’t. And it’s you’re probably not gonna do anyone any good.

By, you know, casting a vote, especially in these elections, where you have multiple situations, multiple people writing against each other. I mean, you could really throw the whole thing off.

But I’m not going to go over that thing. Again, I want to talk about the lesser of two evils, because a lot of times people will say, okay, and I think there’s, I’ve heard from people who are undecided, when it comes to the presidential race this time around, okay, who do I go for, because I don’t like either horrible.

You know, and that’s fine, there are third party candidates, you just have to realize that, you know, with the way the trends run, none of them are going to win.

So if you’re going to vote for third party, you better be be pretty confident about the idea that you don’t care who wins between the two main people, and that that third party person that you’re hopefully they’re going to get enough of a showing that it matters.

Because that can happen, you could get a third party candidate, especially in a certain maybe in certain states that are doing really, really well.

And that you might be able to make an impression by voting through a third party. Although in most cases, it’s probably not going to do a whole lot. I mean, just realistically, but so you got the you got the choice.

Oftentimes, they always say it’s like, well, you got to choose the lesser of two evils.

And for the longest time, I really rebelled against that, because I hated the language of it, is saying that, okay, you know, if both are evil, why would you vote for either, you know, and the older I get the more I see that really.

When it comes to politics, evils everywhere, that they’re all, they’ve all got something wrong with them, you know, they’re human beings and there’s something wrong with them.

And if there’s a situation where you think that they’re both have a lot wrong with them, then you are, you are choosing between the lesser of two evils. But when you vote, as for politics, you got to also see it as a defensive move.

I mean, I verily wrote vote for somebody, I tend to vote against people most of the time, and I tend to vote in a very defensive way, it’s not because I really like the person I’m voting for, it’s because I really am hoping that the other person doesn’t get elected. And you can call that the lesser of two evils if you want. If you want to word it that way.

I don’t think that’s the best wording in general, I think I think what it really is, is taking a very defensive move when it comes to voting, because you’re dealing with people in power, and people in power even the best ones, oftentimes will do bad things, or will do things that are misguided, because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You know, and you see that over and over again, very rarely does someone go into public office, and the larger the public office, the more public they are the more likely it is that they’re not going to come out better off than when they went in is most of the time I found that to be the case.

So don’t don’t look at it as as bright and shiny or that you have to be all rah rah. For one side or the other, because I don’t think you have to, I think it really comes down to Okay, who’s going to do the least amount of damage.

And I think that’s a pretty healthy way of looking at anything. And I always recommend that people be as skeptical as possible, especially when it comes to politicians. Hey, hopefully that makes sense.

It plays back into business, I’ll tie this back around, it plays back into business, because when working in business, you’re working with people.

And so many people I know get into business, thinking that they can have the whole solopreneur situation to where they can work with the least amount of people.

No matter what you’re going to be working with people.

That’s what business is, it’s you exchanging products or services in exchange for money.

Somewhere along the line, you’re going to be working with people, maybe you won’t work directly with your customers, maybe you’ll hire that out. Maybe a lot of these things can be systemized.

But you’re going to be working with people at some point. So you better get used to the idea that everyone’s screwed up. Everyone’s got something wrong with them, nobody’s perfect.

There’s always something you’re going to be dealing with that doesn’t match how you would deal with it. And so it is kind of the it ends up being a lesser of two evils. When you’re deciding who to work with who to hire everything else, it you have to look at the negative end.

And there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you don’t let it get under your skin. Just watch, watch the negative parts and people don’t take offense to them.

Just watch them and take note and just pay attention and do your best in the end most of life is a bet anyways, it’s really just a big old gamble.

You don’t know where things are going to end up, you take your best shot, and you learn from your mistakes and you keep moving on. Hopefully that’s helpful to you if you’d like some more tips on business on how you can really propel forward and beat out the competition.

I recommend by book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. I will said something completely different, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a copy at a free copy or you can buy a hardbound version or anything anywhere books are sold including themselves. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, I just suggest you get out there and let the magic happen.

Why You Shouldn’t Vote 😲

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Why you shouldn’t vote.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I know where you’re at you’ve, in most many states, now, you’ve got the situation to where you may have your ballot in hand.

If you’re in a state where you’ve got to go in and do it while you’ve, you’ll make the decision on that day. But if you’re watching this, within the next 24 hours, you may be in a situation where you have your ballot in hand, or at least your sample ballot, and you’re trying to say, oh, who am I…who am I going to vote for?

What am I going to do?

Should I even vote at all?

Is it even worth my time isn’t even worth my effort?

Let me tell you something, if you need to ask yourself whether it’s your worth your time or effort to vote, it’s not. That’s not a popular opinion.

I know a lot of people were their hair is gonna automatically combust and they’re gonna run around and scream and say, How can you say such a thing, but I want you to hear me out. Okay.

People who do not know enough to have a strong opinion, one way or the other, I’m not saying you should absolutely know who you want for President. Or you should absolutely know who you want for any position. I’m not saying that are across the board.

I mean, every time I sit down with a ballot, I’m pretty, I keep myself pretty knowledgeable as far as politics go. And every time I sit down with a ballot, there’s always something in there that’s a surprise to me, or I’m like, I wonder what this is. A

nd I have to do a little bit of digging, I got to do a little bit of researching.

Not saying you should know all that. But if there’s a point at which you don’t have some strong philosophy, some strong belief as to where you think things should be going or should not be going, or who would be a better leader versus not a better leader.

If you don’t already come with those. If you don’t, if you haven’t spent any time in the last four to eight years thinking about these things, then you probably starting right now, you probably should not be voting unless you’re going to spend a couple days boning up learning what has happened, and where we’re at and where we’re going.

And whether you think that’s right, or whether you think that’s wrong, or whether you think it’s more right than wrong or wrong than right, you know that you have to have some background, if you don’t have any background, yeah, you have a right to vote, you have the ability to go out there and vote.

But you’re not going to be doing anybody any good. I don’t even care if you vote the right way, I don’t care if you vote the way I want you to vote. You’re not gonna be doing anybody any good. Because you’re setting up the string of the momentum. And I would encourage everybody that has not come to an opinion yet. Not to vote. Don’t do it.

Unless you’re going to do some serious studying before you sit down and actually do your voting. And you should, I’m all for more people voting. But more people that care, not more people that don’t care. Having people that don’t care vote creates bad results.

And this should be logical, and they should be really, they should be non political. This isn’t one side versus another. I don’t think I think you can, unless you’re for everything completely combusting what you might be.

And maybe maybe that’s your bed, if you want everything to just completely combust and you don’t care if if the whole voting system goes goes into heck in a handbasket. That’s fine, I get you. But we got to encourage people. If you come from my point of view, in the sense that you think more people should vote that have background in it or are willing to look up background in it, then, then I don’t care how you vote. I think I think we’re on the right track.

I think education is always the best thing. I think talking about it as the best thing I think communicating and debating in a non emotional way. Just getting the other and actually taking pieces, but I love arguing with people who are on the complete opposite end of mind side, as long as we can sit down and get past the emotional garbage arguments that are out in the media and social media.

If we can get past that as quickly as possible and get down to the meat of what we’re really after. Because I think most of us are after the same thing. What it really comes down to is there’s two at least two major sides and a lot of other in between sides that are fighting over how to accomplish the same goal.

And the average person is I think really apt for the same goal, I think we all really want the same thing. We all really want a better world. And we want we all really want a freer world in the sense that we be able to be who we’re meant to be, in a sense. And hopefully that hopefully all this makes sense. I think, if you can hear my point of view, I’m not encouraging you in about, I’m encouraging you not to vote if it’s not, if you don’t have the drive to vote.

Don’t let anyone push you into voting. Because there’s no use. It’s not. We don’t want this to be a popularity contest. It needs to go beyond that. We need to think a little harder about it. And I’m for more thinkers, voting. Let me know what you think I know there’s a little bit more controversial.

We tend to talk business here. But I felt the need to kind of toss this out there just because of the time of the season. You may be watching this at another time. I don’t care if this is 20 years in the future.

What do you think about that concept?

Because I bet it still is not talked about very often. So leave me a comment. Love to hear it. I love to go back and forth with you on it. And even have I’d love to have some more guests on this show. I have a lot of guests on my other podcast, which you can go check out.

We’ve got Grants Pass VIP, which is a local podcast, but anybody can listen to it, because the same issues affect everyone everywhere,

I also have Off The Grid Biz Podcast, which is a podcast all about self reliance, and the business side of self reliance and go check out those podcasts too.

And let me know what you think about all these issues. Because business is really all about life. And whether you own a business or you work in a business or with businesses, you certainly buy from businesses.

It affects everybody and I’d love to hear some of your thoughts and get more of a back and forth I’m thinking in the next year we’re going to be doing a lot more back and forth with people.

Here on Brian J. Pombo Live. We’ll be back tomorrow. Go check out my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business get a free copy at be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Have Business Clairvoyance?

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Do you have business clairvoyance?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk a little bit about business clairvoyance, can you see the future?

It’s really not that tough if you if you look at it the right way. So I’m going to use an example of today.

So right now, when I’m recording this, and this… doesn’t have to be about this, it can be about anything, you have to think about what affects your marketplace, but I’m looking at the world, and specifically the United States.

And currently, in October of 2020, when I’m recording this, the United States is going through an election process for the President of the United States. It’s extremely personal.

There’s an exchange, there’s more animosity towards both sides than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.

The ingenuity used by all sides is is really, really amazing. The use of technology, everything else, I’ve just…I’ve never seen anything like it.

I’ve spoken about it previously. But there’s a lot of things we can we know we’re going to going to happen one way or the other. Okay, there’s really only three major, major outcomes that can occur by the time we get to the other side of the election. So after election Tuesday, there’s going to be three different options.

What are they?

Number one, the first option is that one side is going to be extremely happy, the other side is not going to be happy at all.

Okay, the other option is, the reverse is true, I mean, really, a good portion, possibly even half of the country is going to be extremely upset.

And the other half is going to be extremely happy about the outcome. That is huge.

The numbers and people that taken it’s so personal this time around that you’re going to have a huge portion of people that are going to be flipped one way or the other.

The third option is if you end up with a contested election, that lasts a long period of time, and then everybody’s ticked off, you know, they’re all mad, everyone’s going to be mad, everyone’s going to think the other side’s cheating.

Everyone is going to think that their side has a right to win, whether they know the numbers or not. And none of us are going to know the numbers.

If it’s truly a secret ballot, we’re not going to know the numbers for sure.

So these are the three options, more than likely one of those three is going to happen when we wake up Wednesday morning after the election, and it’s going to last for a good period of time. Regardless of which of those three options are that period of time it’s going to last a while, possibly a few months, if not a few years.

And there’s gonna be a combination of that if it’s a contested election, right?

So how do you use that?

How do you use that knowledge when you sit back and you look at a circumstance that can only have a few different options? Right?

How do you go about using that option, that knowledge?

Well, the real question is, where is your business going to go based on those things?

How is your business going to handle it?

Do you have an option for each of those?

Does your marketplace tend to reside more on one end of the aisle or the other when it comes to politics if your marketplaces in the US?

If it isn’t, then it doesn’t apply to you as much, possibly, but maybe your vendors at my applied, maybe it’s something else, you have to keep an eye on all of this.

And you’ve got to think about it strategically before it happens. Because we know what’s going to happen. We’ve got a specific date set for it.

And this, most of the great things that change the world and change, change behavior. A lot of it can be predicted we could predict holidays, we could predict a couple things within the calendar. But this is one of those things that’s right in the calendar.

That only happens during every four years when you’re dealing with presidency and have it this contested is something that even I mean, really within the past 20 years, I think I’ve only seen it just a handful of times to where it was this heavy, to where it really appeared like it could go either way, and that both sides felt so it felt that it was really so important that their side wins, you know.

So it’s just it’s something for you to watch this, but it’s an example. It doesn’t need to be about the election. It can be about anything.

There’s a great quote that I found. It’s a when clouds form in the skies, we know that rain will follow, but we must not wait for it. Nothing will be achieved by attempting to interfere with the future before the time is right. Patience is needed.

I really love that.

It’s important to be patient. But you can also prepare for any outcome. And there’s like I said, there’s probably only three outcomes out of that.

There might be others. I’d love to hear what you think it’ll go Leave a comment. If you’re watching this in the future. It’s no fair. Don’t tell me what’s already happened.

I’m talking about the people who are watching this before it’s happened. Tell me what you think is going to happen, then maybe we’ll have a talk about it afterwards. We do this every night we get together and we discuss things.

We discuss how to use everyday scenarios, how to use everyday strategies, principles and tactics in our business.

Come on back tomorrow, we’re going to go through another one. If you’d like some more tips on where you can move forward, especially if you’re thinking really broad based strategies that can change your entire business.

Go check out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. That’s my book. You can find it anywhere books are sold, but if you can get a free copy at excuse me, you get a copy there. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Can You Be Politically Objective for Business Success?

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Can you be politically objective for business success?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Oftentimes our talks, we do this on daily basis, if you’re new, oftentimes we talk here about business success, about how to build a business or a cause, or whatever you’re working on, how to build it up to a point to where you can be successful, whatever that means to you.

Okay, so it’s no clear line in the sand, you’ve got to define that for yourself, completely subjective.

There’s different ways of doing it. And one of the things I attempt to pass on to my clients, is the ability to look at any situation and how to learn something for your business.

And right now, as I’m filming this, this is October of 2020. It doesn’t matter when you’re watching this because the same principle applies.

The principle is the idea of politics.

And can you be politically objective is my question, can you step back out of time and space look at the politics that’s going on around you and learn something from it without judging it, good or bad?

It’s not that you don’t have political opinions, I’m sure you do. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

What I’m saying is, can you pull yourself back from that for a moment and look at what’s going on, in kind of a timeless state, in the sense of like, you’re a historian looking back at what’s going on, and see what has occurred.

And you’re not going to know what happens after right now.

Because it’s right now you don’t know the future. But you know, what led up to what’s going on right?

Now, you must have some concept of it if you’re paying attention to politics at all.

So you could step back, step back and look at what’s actually coming out in front of you.

And I’ll tell you why I’m bringing this up. I got to experience something that was very unique, very interesting.

I’ve paid attention to politics, close to my whole life. It’s just kind of the way I was brought up in a family that was involved in politics, and so forth.

So not my direct, immediate family, but kind of extended family.

And one thing I saw tonight, I’ve never seen before in my life, now I live in Grants Pass Oregon. It’s very, very much a rural area. And compared to a whole lot of the of the country. We don’t have a lot of large cities around this area.

It’s relatively small, everything’s pretty laid back. It tends to be an older generations that live around here.

So unlike what many people would picture Oregon as being like in terms of the makeup of the people, people here are very conservative.

And very well, I mean, right now, in 2020, we’ve got the election going on between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, around here. Donald Trump is by far the predominant beloved figure.

And so one of the things that’s going on across the country right now, although you don’t, you don’t see much of it reported, which I’m not really sure, regardless of where you stand on things.

I’m not sure why they’re not reporting it that much. But across the country, they’re having these cruises, right, where people get together and they get their American flags and their Trump flags and they get their pickup trucks and cars.

And they pick a spot to drive around for a couple hours on Saturday nights or Saturday evening, afternoon to evening. And that happens every Saturday.

It has been happening for a few weeks now. And I had seen it kind of at a distance. But I found myself right in the middle of it today.

I just happened to be in downtown area in Grants Pass where this occurs. And I got to see all and there hundreds and hundreds and hundreds you never see any type of display like this in general in this area. But to see it every weekend and see it seems to be growing every weekend.

For what would you call it a very fractured race to where the whole country seems to be split down the middle. And yet you have this type of showing out here.

It was amazing. It was incredible. And once again I say, can you pull yourself away from it? I don’t care if you’re a diehard Trump fan. Or if you’re a diehard Joe Biden fan, or if you hate politics in general, can you pull yourself back from it and look at what’s occurring?

Can you look at, say the marketing of the situation, the fact that they’ve been able to take a figure Donald Trump that we’re talking about here, and don’t i don’t care about what you think about him just step away from that for a moment and look at how Someone somewhere.

And I don’t think it was the Trump campaign, just from my knowledge of how these campaigns are set up. I think this was more of a grassroots effort that maybe got promoted. Somewhere in a campaign.

Somebody’s promoting it. Because it’s happening nationwide.

Someone went and design this, it’s a simple concept, you get in your car, a whole bunch of people are doing it.

So you’re probably not going to get pulled over for cruising if you have cruising violations in your area, which we used to have a lot when I lived in California that you weren’t allowed to do this type of cruising.

But you have all these people all getting together all the odd is a few flags, a couple bumper stickers, a lot of people have magnets on the side of their cars. And you get in a line and just drive around in a circle up one street down another so that we got to one way streets, one going one way, one going the other way.

And so you can literally go in a great big long, rectangle back and forth. Very simple.

A few people at I saw at least one really large trailer that was selling all the paraphernalia that goes along with it all the flags and wallets and bumper stickers and everything you could buy from this one spot.

I’m surprised more people aren’t taking advantage of it.

That these people were set up across the street from this major parking lot where all the people gathered. And then people just stopped there the whole time picking up more stuff. Hey, if you’re a Trump fan, and you want to go on this thing, you stop at this place, you pay way too much money for your flag, you get in line and you just and they honk, everyone’s honking at each other, and people doing thumbs up the opposition.

If where there is opposition, you don’t see a whole lot of it at this time is that because I was watching, I was watching around for everybody.

Everyone’s wanting to see someone on the street who you know, but you’re watching the rest of it. It was amazing what it did.

So you have an intimidation factor that’s taking place to a circus, there’s the amount of numbers of people is outrageous. It’s amazing. And once again, you may see it as good, you may see it as bad, but look at the marketing attached to it.

Look at the simplicity of the concept. And that if you have a crowd, can you get those that crowd together?

People that have know nothing about each other?

Can you get them together in a physical location. And even in a situation like what we’re seeing in 2020, with COVID-19 happening, can you get them into a situation where they don’t even need to be within spitting distance of each other, they could still be separate.

But they’re still together creates a bond. It’s difficult to imagine doing something like this for your business, but I want you to think about it. Think about car clubs. Think about all the different things that people are able to get together in in bond over a commonality. And it may not be over your specific brand. But it may be something within the industry of your brand.

And think about the things that already exist that you can plug into, and how you can make it more sticky in that way. It’s just a very interesting scenario of how you take a human trait.

This desire to be with people that think the way you think and do the things you do. And then having basically pop up whether it be politicians or just playing grassroots people getting together and designing something that becomes viral, that grows and grows and grows.

It’s a very interesting piece of human nature. And once again, step away from your thoughts on the I don’t care if you’re if you’re hardcore Trump, I would just step outside of that.

Outside of the thing that you think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, sliced bread? If you think he’s the devil, I want you to step out of that. And the lesson here is can you be objective, emotionally objective?

It’s one of the main points that I talk about when I’m talking about my three pillars with the main pillars is being being grounded, grounded in reality?

Can you be grounded in reality and step away from the scenario and see it for what it for how you can use it in your business. This can be done in any situation, but it’s important to practice with the things that can be the most divisive, like politics.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. If you’d like to find out more ideas for how you can make your business completely shine outside of all competition, go check out my book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

That’s All one word. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Waiting for Election & Covid to End? ⏲️

Some thoughts on getting out of your comfort zone and trying something different.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Waiting for the election or COVID to end?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

We’re all waiting for it to end, the real question is, are you going to continue waiting?

Are you going to allow these things to stop you?

Are you paralyzed?

Because, boy, if so, and so gets in there, or if so, and so stays in there.

I don’t know what I’m gonna do, I don’t know where my business is gonna go, I’m gonna wait and see what’s going to happen. And man, if they don’t open things up quick, or they don’t keep things closed for a while, I don’t know what I’m gonna do with my business.

You see, there’s always something.

We’re recording this and this is October of 2020. Right?

We’re this close to the election. And we’re this close to possibly having the COVID-19 thing eventually kind of tamper down, we’ll be at vaccine or whatever else is coming.

And a lot of people are holding things tight, I was speaking with one of my clients today. And she was discussing how people in the banking industry are seeing this phenomenon where people are just keeping their money nice and tight and secure, secure in a bank and not spending it, they’re not spending it in the bank, a lot of the banks don’t know exactly what to do.

Because they don’t feel like putting out any fresh investments. They’re not, you know, they’re doing everything they can to get loans, but the the interest rates are so low, that you kind of have the same people come back over and over again.

But it’s not to the volume that there is one thing. So it’s a very odd time, a lot of people are kind of in this paralysis there in this space, where they don’t want to move until they see something change until they see something predictable come about, okay.

I’m not going to sit here and talk to you about how you really ought to do something, how you really ought to get off your duff and risk something and do something and put yourself out there.

But we’ll leave that for another time. And you’ve probably seen me say similar things in the past, so it’s not necessary. What I am going to do is I’m going to give you something else to do.

Here’s the homework.

If you can’t see yourself, making a big move right now, I want you to game play this out a little bit. And this comes from being a strategist, a lot of what I do is in proper planning, really the whole thing is plan, do check, adjust, plan, do check, adjust.

All right now, if you’re not doing you better be planning. You’re saying Well, how do I plan? I mean, I want you to think about the main thing that’s stopping you.

Let’s say it’s the election. Okay?

The election can only go pro more likely a handful of ways, okay, there’s probably going to be one of two different people being elected president. And I don’t care if you listen to this five years down the road, you’ve got something in front of you that stopping you, I want you to do the same thing.

I want you to play out every scenario, I want you to brainstorm.

And don’t do it by yourself, get someone else to brainstorm with you get if you’ve got an advisor, your work with a consultant, employees, anybody who you trust, who you can have this type of conversation with get out whiteboard and have a black pen, or a or a big piece of paper and just write out every possible scenario that you can think happening.

Then pick out like the top two or three and then say, Okay, if so and so, if we’re using the election as an example, if so, and who wins the election.

What do we expect is going to happen?

What do we think we’re going to do then?

Let’s say worst case scenario, we don’t want so and so to win. So if they win in the just the worst possible scenario happens.

Okay, then what then what do we do?

Come up with the worst case scenario, I oftentimes, really encourage people if you are caught, by worry, you need to play out the worst case scenario, you need to take all your worst nightmares and put them down on paper and then figure out.

If this were to happen, realistically, what would I do?

Yeah, you’re never going to do exactly what you think you’re going to do. The whole idea is to get yourself your brain moving in the direction of progress. Get it moving in a positive direction, that’s what you have to do that the idea of planning is not so that you have a perfect step by step process for doing any possible scenario.

That’s not what I’m talking about, I want you to start thinking and out, the more you work it out in your mind, the more you game play, the more you visualize yourself going through the steps of doing what you know you need to do, but you can’t figure out quite how to do it yet, the more you can do that now, regarding the future, the more you’ll be able to move right now, or be moving a whole lot earlier than you thought you’d be able to move.

So in its own way, if you can do this, or have somebody walk you through that process, what you’ll do, unintentionally, is you will get things moving faster than you expected them to. And that worry that cloud that’s over you everything else, it will just disappear, dissipates. It’s a great trick.

But it’s not just a trick, it’s it’s all about perspective. It’s about pulling yourself out of the emotional moment, or out of the emotions of your mind and putting yourself in the actual present moment. That’s what it’s all about being in the present moment and saying, okay, where am I?

Where do I want to go?

How am I going to get there?

What are the things that are going to get in my way?

How am I going to get around them?

It never happens the way you play it out in your mind, it never will. That’s not the point.

The point is not to have everything perfectly mapped out. The point is to have no fear.

The only way you’re going to have no fears if you start confronting the boogeyman right now, start facing up to it. If you need help with something like that, hey, reach out to me, you can find my info over at

But I’m going to suggest another thing for you go check out my book. And you go and buy it if you want. It’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Or you can go and get your own free copy at

It’s all about being

It’s quick, it’s short, it’s straight to the point I know give you an idea of how someone like me could help you through a process or it’ll spark an idea for yourself and you can go off to the races you don’t you really don’t need somebody like me.

But maybe you’d like help from somebody like me, just to help get your brain moving in the right direction. Sometimes it just helps having a sounding board is somebody to talk the ideas out of your brain. I know for me, I needed all the time.

If somebody just to help me, get these ideas out onto paper, map it out, so that I know what to do next. Because you can’t always work all that stuff out on your own. I know you’re a genius, but there’s only so much any one person can do.

Hopefully that’s helpful for you. We’ll be back here tomorrow we’re going to talk about another idea and strategy specific strategies that you can be able to survive today tomorrow and into the future.

You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.