Sneaking Business During The Holidays 🦃🎄🎉

Thoughts on getting business done during the holidays.


Sneaking business during the holidays.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m actually holding here the calendar for next year. But I want to point out November, we’re in November right now.

If it we’re not in November, when you’re watching or listening to this, just realize that you got holidays coming up at some point, it’s a good time to get in touch with people.

This is how you sneak business, if you’re even if you’re not supposed to be doing business, this is a great way to be able to get things done when it’s tough to get things done.

What I like to do are what I set out to do, I don’t always do as much of it as I’d like, is to reach out to people who I haven’t been in touch with, for a very long time, especially people I have business connections with, so that you never know, maybe we could do something again, maybes, you never know.

It’s very important relationships is what business is all about.

So you go through your LinkedIn, you go through your Facebook, you go through all the different social media, you go through your phone, you go through it, any place where you have, where you keep your contacts and your connections, go through that pile of business cards that you haven’t been through in a long time, that shoebox full of them or whatever, go through and start calling people to start emailing people start sending people private messages on the social media, and say, hey, it’s been forever.

Here it is the holiday season I just wanted to wish you happy holidays.

Hopefully, everything’s going well for you. And that you don’t reach out to me sometimes, let me know how life is.

That’s all he just kind of say something like that and it can be so valuable doing something like that, you can always do something bigger and grander and find things, find reasons to get in touch with these people, maybe you’re planning a trip somewhere.

You’ll look up all the people from that area and see if you can get together with a few of them.

You know, it’s the little things, it’s the little thin threads that make the business work.

The reason why I’m bringing this up is I I heard a conversation today on the clubhouse, where they were talking about strategic partnerships and joint ventures, that type of idea, the idea of, of really finding people that you can gel and build a business with.

That’s always been it’s the real reason why I ended up in the business investment field is that it really, you can’t ignore the fact that as to the relationships, it’s all in who you know, and who knows you. And so you got to get out there, you got to mix it up.

You got to go back, get back in touch with people you haven’t been in touch with. And you never know what will happen. You never know what they have going you never know what you have going on that they may be interested in.

So take advantage of the holidays if you have any time off whatsoever. Do some very light touches back to the people of your past I think you’ll be satisfied with what you get. It’s one of the main three pillars of is being relationship reliant.

Maybe I’ll be talking about some of the other pillars in future episodes. We will talk to you later.

Hey, follow, subscribe, like whatever wherever you’re at, or go to and sign up for emails. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.