Sharing The Journey With Loved Ones πŸ‘ͺπŸ’—

First video from Brian’s family trip down to California.


Sharing the journey with loved ones.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m coming to you today I’ve got the Pacific Ocean in the background, know how much of it this weekend, see, the sun’s gone down a little bit earlier.

And you can hear the waves, hopefully not too much though, like you’d be able to hear me a little bit.

I just wanted to let you know I’m on Monterey Bay, and having a great time here with my family and wanted to talk a little bit about how to how to share the entrepreneurial journey with people you love, which it’s kind of tough.

If you’re an entrepreneur, if you’re the type of person that is go out and get them and you’ve got a certain perspective or perspective that you’ve picked up through the years. Sometimes it’s tough to drag people along and get them seeing things the way that you do.

It’s difficult, it’s tough that and I make no bones about it that it’s been difficult.

My wife is very, she’s very chic, she gets a lot of these concepts she did long before we even met. And nd that’s great, but there are always those certain ideas that they have a tough time with. I don’t just mean spouses, I mean, anybody that you’re close to, you’re going to have things that you see differently sometimes.

Here’s a quick tip.

Sometimes the best way is not to keep repeating yourself, and to keep trying to drive an idea into their head. But find somebody that they respect that are saying something similar, or find somebody that has brought an idea to you and instead of you trying to repeat the idea.

Try having them listen to that person say the same idea. So we actually on the write down I had me and her were listening to a speech, that guy was giving as an old…probably 20-year-old talk.

But it was bringing up some very good ideas that I brought up from time to time, and always had a difficult time creating conversation over so I wanted to see what she thought because it was a person that she respected a lot.

So did that. Very helpful, brought up a lot of good conversation, a lot of good talk about it.

I know what’s going to be helpful in the future as we move ahead.

So that’s just one simple idea.

By the way, on the complete side note, if you’re looking to break into my house while I’m out of town, let me tell you, it’s not gonna work. You see, you got to understand something, I’ve got guard dogs.

I have a paid service that surrounds the neighborhood that is constantly patrolling. I have neighbors with multiple weapons, most of them legal. I have an ex vet that live that’s hanging out on the property while we’re gone.

He hangs out in the dark in the house waiting for anybody to try because he’s he’s interested in trying some things on Prowlers. And I mean, not to mention the landmines and everything else.

So if you do think Hey, Brian and his family are out of town, this is our chance to jump in there and mess around. Probably not the best idea.

That’s just a quick warning, too. But that’s all I’ve got for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you’d get a free copy at And you have a great night wherever you’re at. We’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.