Sentimentality Is Evergreen 😃

Value of sentimental moments during the holidays.


Sentimentality is evergreen.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk about sentimentality or some may call it nostalgia. And if you think about it, there’s, there’s always old ways of doing the same thing. And so I’ll give you a great example. It’s right now, this is 2021.

While I’m recording this, we’re in the holiday season. And it’s very, very rare to get Christmas cards anymore.

With the advent of social media, and really having Facebook have and between Facebook and Instagram, having such a huge reach into most people’s lives, the idea of the Christmas card has lost a lot of its flavor, you see that for a lot of us the only time we’d see certain members of our family was in the Christmas card that we got every year.

And so you’d say oh my gosh, look how big they are. Oh boy, look how gray that person is, look how much weight they’ve gained, you know. And, and that’s, that was kind of the Christmas card concept. That was what we got piles of them when I was growing up in the last 1015 years.

It’s dwindled back a bunch and the few Christmas cards that we get, we treasure, we look at it. The last one, we show the whole family.

The really good ones make it onto our fridge and we’ll sit there all year long. Okay, this is an interesting thing, because it’s completely gone away the ability to do it hasn’t gone away.

The desire for it probably isn’t as strong as it once was, otherwise more people would do it.

It has nothing to do with marketing or business like we talked about here, normally, but I’m going to tie it back in. So if you went and tried doing that, back then, if you went and put out a Christmas card, and you made it look just like a family Christmas card with your family, you know, I don’t care if you have a local based business or if you have an international based business. But if you have the ability to see if you have people’s addresses, and you have the ability to send them something, there’s nothing better than a Christmas card, because everyone’s going to be looking at and going, Okay, who is this?

Why are we getting this from these people, you know, and you could have a little message on the back and maybe even a coupon or something. But being able to send something like that out, would have gotten attention, whether it was 30 years ago, or whether it’s today.

Today, it matters more.

Today, if you went and did the exact same thing. And I don’t care if you’re running a barbershop. Or if you’re running a restaurant, or if you’re running like I said, an international e-commerce based business, or what have you.

If you’ve got a business that has the ability to gain addresses, you need to start building up personality in your business, you need to have somebody or a group of somebodies that people can start relating with, I talk about all in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I’ve got a whole chapter on being somebody and then filtering that out through your marketing and how important that is how that makes you stand out. Most companies can’t do it, they won’t do it.

Well, they can do it, any company can do it but most won’t.

They won’t spend the time to do this type of thing. But look at how powerful it could be in something as simple as a Christmas card is one of the most inexpensive things you could possibly send in the mail.

If you sent that to all your people with just you and your family and say hey, I’m so and so with such and such. Just wanted to wish you you know, a merry Christmas, happy holidays, happy Hanukkah, what have you. You just put it out there.

You just toss it out there for people and say, Hey, appreciate your business in the past year or appreciate your business in the past years, you know, in putting something out there that will stop people, it will cause attention and they will pay attention. I would bet you would find a lot of those Christmas cards on people’s fridges and other places where they place Christmas cards. I guarantee it.

Because people yearn for that human connection. Even if it’s someone they don’t even know or have never met. They still want that connection.

I could name people that would not know who I was but if I got a Christmas card from them, I’d hold on to it. I wouldn’t throw it away. And I’m a bit of a pack rat to begin with. But I definitely would not throw away a Christmas card from certain people who I believe I know, but they don’t necessarily know me.

You’ve got people like that too. In your audience and your customer base.

What have you. Hopefully that makes sense. It’s a simple idea and it can be applied to anything This isn’t just about Christmas or Christmas cards.

This can be applied to anything. And you have to look at simple things that can make a big difference. Like they talk about the the big doors swinging on small hinges. This is this is one of those ideas. So hopefully that’s helpful to you.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.