Pomodoro Technique A Review

Brian shares his thoughts on the Pomodoro Technique

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The Pomodoro Technique, A Review.

Hi, I’m Brian pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I bought this little timer quite a few years ago, I don’t even have batteries left in it. Let’s see, I think it took a little double A or something. Yeah, little double or triple A, I think it takes a one trick light battery to run this little timer.

And this, I think I already had an iPhone at the time when I bought this. But the reason why I bought it is because someone had told me or I had read somewhere about the Pomodoro Technique. And what the Pomodoro Technique, basically in a nutshell, is, it’s the idea of allowing yourself to focus for a stretch of time, specifically focus hard on something, and then take a break, and then do it again and then take a break.

And eventually, you know, doing that a number of times, so you can take a longer break. But really being able to focus long enough, I’ve heard 50 minutes tossed around quite a bit 4550 minutes, some people take even less sometimes it’ll take 20 minutes or so. And that was the whole idea of why I bought this timer so that I can set it for 15 minutes, set it focus on what I’m doing, get it done, and move on.

Now, how well does it work?

It works great for the people that have tried it and have gotten it to work well for them. Okay, it really does.

No doubt in my mind. I just heard Jeff Walker, put out a YouTube Jeff Walker, for those of you don’t know, the inventor of the product, Launch Formula, some number of other things, brilliant stuff, go watch this stuff. He’s got great, great insight.

He talked about how much it had changed and helped out his creativity.

It really allowed him to get his job done. I think a lot of it comes down to coordination. I could be wrong on that. But if I were to guess, in fact that it’s a good question, I’ll probably I’ll probably put it in my facebook group that I belong to high quickstarts.

I found that so if you’re not familiar with curation, here’s another thing you can go look up, go check out Kathy Colbys work over at colby.com. Specifically the Colby a index, you could take this little quiz to find out kind of where you lie on a cognitive scale.

And what co nation is it measures basically, the work side of your brain, and where you how you work best how you function best at your highest level when you’re in work mode, which is a different part of the brain than everything else. You know that they don’t talk about this very often.

But it’s a very specific area, it was golookup combination and what Kathy Colby has come up with it’s really, really, really good stuff, some of some of the best things that I have been introduced to in the last 10 years. One of them is the concept of donation.

And I think that somewhat affects how well I adjust to any type of structure. Okay, one of the things I do is I have a very difficult time sticking to structure of any sort, unless I’ve figured it out ahead of time, kind of set myself to it and put it into a calendar and have to have kind of built a habit out of it. If I don’t do that it’s difficult.

And this is one of those things, I always had a tough time picking up. This is why I found this in a sword box, I have another thing about my personality, I have a whole bunch of banker boxes marked sort that I just need to go through and figure out what the heck I’m going to do with all this stuff. And this is one of the things that I found in today. And I said okay, this, for one thing, I don’t need the timer anymore. I’ve got an iPhone, I can use the iPhone, right?

If I need, if I need this, they’ve got apps specifically for the Pomodoro Technique. So you can you can do that. For working, I had a difficult time adjusting to it. So that’s just my own personal review. I think that’s partially because I’ve never gotten down to a good work schedule or good work environment. I’m still adjusting it. I’m still trying to find what works best for me. So that’s just me, find out for yourself.

I’d love to find out how how have you done with the Pomodoro Technique? Have you tried it out if not go and try it out. For the periods of time that I was able to stick to it. It was useful.

It allowed me to get certain things done. But at the same end, I needed even more. The whole one of the main reasons why it’s useful is because it does away with distraction. But if you’re if part of what you’re doing is research or part of what you’re doing is trying to figure something out. Then you’re kind of surrounded by distraction. Anyway.

You’ll automatically fall away from the focus, even though you’re kept to a certain period of time, after a while, I just didn’t notice how much time I have left. And that’s a difficult thing, especially when you’re self employed, when you’re, when you kind of run in your own your own schedule, it’s very difficult to stick to.

So I’d love to hear what you think about the Pomodoro Technique. That’s just a quick concept. This is kind of a strategy that you can use to help kind of improve or make yourself more efficient. I think the main thing is to know yourself, try things out.

Don’t think that you’re a failure, just because you don’t fit in the same box as everybody else or that something doesn’t work the first time you try it. Don’t worry about it, try something else keep searching around. It could be something else that you need to add.

Or you could be working on stuff that you shouldn’t be working on that you ought to be outsourcing that whole who not how thing. Maybe we’ll talk about that tomorrow. Hey, that’s just a couple quick tips.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you’re a business owner, or you’re in charge of a business, and you really want to take it to the next level and keep competition at bay to the point to where competition you don’t even notice it even if your competition right now is amazon.com check out my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business. You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you just get out there and let the magic happen.