Politics For Fun and Profit

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Politics for fun and profit.

Hi, I’m Brian pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Before we get into it, and I completely turn you off one way or the other, I want to recommend my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business. So I work with businesses, I’m a business strategist, if you’d like to a really nice, simple book on some strategies that you can take and use right away, go get, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy at my website, AmazonProofBook.com.

If you’d like a physical copy, then just go through there, apply for the free copy, and they’ll give you a chance to get a physical copy. But on top of that, you can also just go to go to Amazon themselves, it’s probably the quickest way to get a physical copies from them, they’ll print it out and deliver it straight to you.

So, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business. That’s just a little plug for that, let’s talk about politics, shall we, I’m not gonna get into the deep political discussion on who I’m for and who I’m against.

I’ve been involved in politics, since I was pretty young. It’s really I didn’t have much of a choice in it. My grandmother was listening to talk radio before it was long before it was completely dominated by by one wing. It was actually relatively, it had a lot of different perspectives in talk radio, especially this was, well, this would have been the mid 80s, in California.

So you can imagine all the different perspectives, but we’re just outside the Bay Area.

So you got a lot of different viewpoints back then. Nowadays, it’s not so much because you have a very specific demographic on the radio, but back then it was a little bit of everything.

And so I was exposed to politics very early. Then I had an uncle that ran for city council.

Then after that after he was relatively popular at City Council, they ran him for Congress. And so I got to see very early on the insides of how politics work, both from the grassroots but also beyond that to the higher offices and being able to be in side on some of the some of the big meetings, big, big secret meetings between all these bigwigs which is pretty cool. It’s really neat to see.

On top of that, I’ve always really enjoyed grassroots politics, I like being in the mix of just everyday people doing their thing, and seeing the mechanics of it. And everything else really inspired me and led me in the direction of marketing eventually, and into business strategy, which is where I am today.

On top of that, I like going back and getting involved in it. So like tonight, I was helping out and I’m not gonna tell you who I’m for or against doesn’t matter. What I’m going to do is though encourage you to get involved in politics.

I know politics is a nasty business, but I want you to get involved in something locally, get some involved in something locally, whichever way you roam. I don’t care if you’re a third party independent, whatever, go and find people like you that you can team up with, and make phone calls for someone running for president or someone running for Congress or whatever.

There’s always something going on, especially this year, that recording this in 2020.

But there’s always something going on and off yours too, because you got special elections and everything else. But find something that you can get involved in, you get to meet people, you get to see things from the inside on how they run, see how badly they’re run, and sometimes how really well they’re run. I was really impressed with a lot of the setup that I got to see tonight.

And it gives you a perspective not just on business, but on the way that people everyday people think and how they react to political situations, both as activists and as the people who you’re talking to.

So if you’re making phone calls, or this year, not so much walking precincts with that would normally happen. Because of the COVID thing you don’t see it as much. But do it get out there. I don’t care who you are, what what your position is, get out there and get involved and get to see it. Don’t get frustrated with it.

See where you can help make a difference. And I’d love to hear if you have gotten out there and done stuff and what your experiences has been good, bad and ugly.

Leave a comment down below.

And that’s all I got for tonight. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Don’t forget about AmazonProofBook.com we’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.