Persistence: 4 Simple Steps 👣

Some words of wisdom from Napoleon Hill.


Persistence, 4 simple steps.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I want to talk about what Napoleon Hill said about persistence. Okay, this is one of my favorite sections of the old book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.

This is one of those books, it’s not for everybody, in terms of it’s not always th easiest read. It has a very different style of language and everything else in it but it has so much good stuff.

It’s one of those that I have to have a physical copy of, there’s a lot of books, I don’t have physical copies of I’ll read things online or I’ll have an audiobook copy.

This is one that I’d like to go back to over and over again because I’m always catching new stuff. And usually, someone else tells me about it, which is a funny thing. My friend Joe had brought this up to me, Joe Melling out there.

He had brought up not to me specifically, but he was talking to a group of people about how to achieve consistency.

He didn’t talk about that a second, I’m gonna I’m going to cover what he pointed out of this book. First, I wanted to first remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at

If you go check that out, it lets me know that you’re watching and that you’re interested in the things I’m talking about.

This is all about how to overcome any competitive forces regardless of what industry you’re in. If you’re involved in business, it’s a great, great thing to check out I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on it.

As I said, you buy a copy or you can get a free copy at Now let’s talk about persistence. Sometimes the best way to understand a word is to look at its synonyms, you know the words that are like it.

So I love going to and typing in words and just see it. So persistence, these are words that have a similar meaning. Endurance, grit, perseverance, stamina, tenacity, own good action words, you know, constancy doggedness, follow through into indefatigably indefatigability, I’ve never I never know quite how to say that word.

It’s not used as often pluck in resolution. Those are the words for persistence. Get up and go get them to type of word, which is it’s a fine word. But there are other ways I like thinking about this.

One of the words I tend to use more often is consistent, versus persistent. And so I was looking up, I would say, what was the what’s the difference between these words?

This is pretty interesting. I found a little graphic that says, consistent versus persistent. Consistent. Well, let’s talk about persistent first persistent means continuing to do something, despite difficulties and challenges, which is good as you know, can I kind of get you going implies challenges, opposition, and difficulties.

It the connotations, connotations, like unrelenting, determined and resolute, okay, that’s what it’s giving off. It’s very much at persistence, very much an action word, you know, I, I picture up, you know, the guy with a sword going up against a, you know, Dragon or going up against the thorny bush or whatever, I think you know, that the prince in Sleeping Beauty that at the end was just going all again, is just as persistent.

Persistent, consistent has other connotations and I think it applies to most people most of the time if you can find a way to build a habit out of it.

Consistent means behaving or acting the same way or doing something the same way over time. You think, Okay, well, how is that different versus well, it it also implies evenness and steadiness. If you think of the word consistency.

It has a smooth feel, it’s, it’s about not making waves. It’s about not putting on a big fight. It’s about just being consistent doing it over and over and over.

It’s a little more boring, but it I think it tells different tale connotations, like steady, reliable, and stable. Okay.

So I, I tend to use consistency more often because I, I think that if you’re going to build a habit, if it takes too much willpower, it If you’ve got to, you know, pull it out from the depths of underneath you, then it won’t last, you know, you only got so much of that stuff.

But if you can make a steady drip, drip, drip, drip, that type of consistency, it tends to work well. But the same thing is true regardless of both of those actions. It’s it’s more of them.

There are more nuances to what’s going on in here. But this is really good that this is what Napoleon Hill says about persistence. This is in that and this is, by the way, this is the old 1937 version of the book, you get this unedited copy.

Most of the versions out there are edited and have been changed through the years both while he was alive and think after that this is one because it’s just the straight, the straight thing that he first put out, so I like, like hitting this one up. This is chapter nine, I think, yeah, chapter nine on persistence.

In this particular copy, this is page 240.

And it says, there are four simple steps which lead to the habit of persistence, they call for no great amount of intelligence, no particular amount of education and, but little effort, but little time or effort.

The necessary steps are okay ready to go. Number one definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment. Okay, so having a definite purpose back by burning desire, it’s got to be something that really gets you going, right?

That’s the first thing and that’s the thing a lot of people focus on, especially if they’re new to building a business or whatever else, they got that desire, you know, the dream and all that stuff. And that’s very important.

These other pieces, I think, get left out along the way.

Number two, is a definite plan expressed in continuous action.

Do you have a plan that is continuous?

Right, get into that consistent thing?

Do you have a plan that’s that is expressed and continuous action?

Are you going to be acting on a plan?

Do you have a plan that you’re going you can act on regularly, right?

Number three, a mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances. That’s a tough one. Okay.

That takes a little bit something extra, what I found is that, if you have if you can get away from any type of negative media, whether that be news or anything that turns you off, that turns on your negativity, if you get away from that, that’s a big thing.

If you have replacement media, all the better, you know, whether it be audiobooks or speech or speeches on tape, or that nowadays that webinars and everything else, that you can listen to things off of YouTube.

There’s so much out there that you can get including this show itself, okay, this is a form of positive help for you.

Just being able to just weed that stuff out, bring the other stuff in, that helps keep you keep you’re focused. That’s the third thing because here’s the fourth thing. And and this, this one, I think is ignored the most. I honestly do. I don’t think people understand this power. I really, it did not hit me.

As hard as it should have until just this past year. This is why I’m going through this. This was this was a quote I rediscovered this last year, because of my friend Joe. He says number four a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.

A friendly alliance with one or more persons having one or two or more people, that concept of accountability is huge.

It’s something that we oftentimes ignore. But it’s so huge to get something persistent, at least in the beginning, building up the habit of persistence, the habit, it takes time.

Like I said, it’s easier to talk about or think about in terms of consistency. Do that. That’s the four things. I’m going to talk a little bit more about this in the future. So stay tuned, be sure and subscribe, follow where or what have you wherever you’re at. You can always go check. Check out past episodes over at

That’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.