Learn, Do and Teach


Learn, do and teach.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon for another Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re talking about learning, doing, and teaching. How do all these things rolled together? What does it all mean? What am I trying to say today? What I’m trying to say is a very simple, straightforward message and it’s the simplest messages that I have that I think have the greatest impact. If you’re able to wrap your mind around them.

At least they have in my life, that’s why I’m passing them on to you. None of this stuff’s original. This is all stuff I’ve gotten from somewhere else, but it’s made a difference to me. And that ties into today’s message itself.

Before we get into that, I just wanted to let you know that I’m a business strategist. If you weren’t aware, and if you were in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant, I’m gonna give you a little tip.

Go to DreamBizChat.com, over there. I’m working with business owners who are and also executives of businesses that are in the self-reliance field and giving them a chance to have a free talk with me regarding their business. Show them how we could take business strategy moves to take them from point a where they are today in their business and really make their business their dream business.

It’s called the dream business transformation. DreamBizChat.com. Go and check it out, see if you qualify. We were talking about learn, do, teach. Let me show you here.

I don’t know how drawing this out is gonna matter whatsoever. It may not. It helps me to think about it better. Even if you can’t read my writing. We have Learn, we have Do and we have Teach.

This is a cycle. It’s constant, constantly going. If you’re missing one of the pieces of this cycle, it may be why you feel stuck. It may be why you feel like your business isn’t going anywhere.

It may be why that you think that everyone around you is dumber than they actually are. At some point in the cycle, sometimes we get stuck. Oftentimes it’s in the Doing place.

So you’ve learned how to do what you do for a living. You’ve learned it somehow. Maybe you’ve learned at the school of hard knocks. You’ve taught yourself. Maybe you’ve learned it from mentors. Maybe you read it out of a book. Somehow you Learned it and now you’re Doing it.

The real question is, can you Teach it? Have you taught it?

If you do not teach it to somebody else, if you do not pass on the training, the things you’ve learned that’s allowed you to make money and to be able to make a difference in this world, you’re not able to teach that.

You’re going to feel stuck. I guarantee it.

You’re going to be in a place where you have a difficult time moving and you’re not sure what to do next and you’re scared about teaching because you don’t want to learn this special.

You don’t want to lose this special knowledge to someone else that you may think that it’s your, it’s your edge in the market, but I’m going to tell ya, you have to teach things. You have to move on.

You have to let the information go because your edge in the market cannot just be some proprietary information. It can’t be just what you do. You may not pass on exactly how you do. You do what you do.

Of course, not that’d be stupid. You need to teach some of what you know. You need to teach some of the principles of what you know.

Go back and watch my video, all about principles, strategies, and tactics. We’ll hit back on that again, that this is a great thing to go over today because back to school season, a lot of people are going back to school today.

A lot of kids are going back to school today. This is one of the things I think is missing out of the school system is they teach you how to do something.

You’re lucky if you get a chance to actually do it in school, if they actually give you a chance to physically do what you’re learning and it’s really tough to learn things if you’re not given a chance to do it, but it’s really extremely difficult.

There’s a huge piece of the learning process is in teaching and in old times, schools in America, they had all the students from the different grades all in the same room and you would have someone from an older grade teaching you more than the teacher themselves.

The teacher was just there as a guide. They’d have someone teaching you what you need to know and it’s a it. It helped. It didn’t just, it wasn’t just for the purpose of making life easier for the teacher because there was only one teacher.

It helped because it helped the person that originally learned that had done it. It allows them to learn more as they’re teaching. That’s the real value in teaching.

This is where information, business and content marketing come so useful. Yes, it’s useful because you’re putting it out there.

Yes, it gives you a chance to be able to meet new customers, be able to put your, uh, your information out there and make you appear to be smarter and all those great things.

But really you learn so much through your teaching. This also reminds me, I was in a Future Farmers of America in High School, FFA and they have a motto and it’s learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live and living to serve.

And I think this ties into it at the same time, learn, do, teach. This should be a constant thing. It should never stop. And it should start melding together as you’re learning. You’re doing your teaching.

The quicker that these things can all stick together, the quicker that you learn and that you’re practicing it and that you’re teaching it. If you could do it all in the same day, regardless of the skill, that’s the secret. This is the secret to information marketing information businesses.

We’ve talked about a lot of those on here. If you’d like to learn how you can make your business an information business, you may just provide products for people. You may just provide services, but if you want to know how to add that information element and really get good at the teaching end of things and add a whole new dimension to your entire business,

DreamBizChat.com that’s a huge piece of what I do. The strategies that we teach here at BrianJPombo.com go to DreamBizChat.com.

Tomorrow is a very special day. It’s our 100th consecutive episode of Brian J. Pombo Live! Every single day I get on Facebook and do one of these lives. We then rebroadcast it through Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube, and audio podcast.

You may be listening to it there, but show up tomorrow for the hundredth show. I don’t know what we’re going to do. Maybe we’ll have a cake. Maybe we’ll have a party. Who knows?

We’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great night.