Is Your Family Destroying Your Business?

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Is your family destroying your business?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk with you today about not just your family. But it’s a great lead in because it really could be your family. And more than likely, it’s not your immediate family. It’s not the people you go home to, although that can have an effect, but you can’t do as much about that you got to you got to handle them.

Somehow you got to learn how to handle your family, the people that you’re around all day, but it can be your employees. It can be your extended family.

It can be anybody that you’re surrounded with, anybody that’s got your ear for the most part, or got your eyeballs through social media.

They’re destroying your business, but they’re not doing it directly. Okay, they’re doing it through you. And it’s because of you overreacting to them and not knowing how to handle them properly.

Not that they don’t deserve a horrible thing to happen to them or a horrible lesson to be taught to them. It’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying, you need to not react to the craziness that’s going on all around you, on the news, whatever.

If you’re reacting to it, that gets stuck in you, and you carry it through your business day, and you’re never able to get anything accomplished, right?

Because you’re not handling things properly.

And the reason why I’m bringing this up is because I saw a great quote on social media but said, whatever you’re tuning into, you’re turning into. And the plain fact of the matter is, if you’re reacting to your surroundings, and most often it’s people in some form, you know, it could be electronic through like I said, social media, but it’s you’re reacting to somebody, and if you’re doing that you’re turning in to them.

You’re turning into what you hate. And you’re going to carry that along with you.

And the fact that it’s destroying your businesses is a side effect. I mean, you’re destroying your life over it, to be honest.

But since this is a business, a conversation that we have on a nightly basis, I want to show it for your business side if you see your business failing, and you can see it all coming back on from what you’re doing. From the things that you’re doing wrong, and things that are emotionally handled improperly, I guess I could say, then that’s I guarantee you that’s the key.

The key is you aren’t handling life properly. And what the main part of life, you aren’t handling is the people and the people you’re handling properly. Like I said, it doesn’t mean they’re right.

It means you don’t know how to handle them right.

You need to learn how to handle wrong people in a right way. There’s there’s ways of doing this, but it’s one of the main peers, the main, the main tears that out of the three tiers that I have in my program for The people that work for me, one of the main things that I discuss is, is being reality grounded.

In reality grounded means that you’re not caught up in your emotional state.

We all have emotional states, but you got to be separate from it. You got to be separate. You got to have enough of space between you and your emotional space so that you don’t get caught up in it and let it control your life.

And way too many people are out there. And if you get upset with them, you become one of them. So don’t do it. Time to grow up.

There’s ways around that if you’d like to find out how to do that. One of the main ways I’d suggest is getting in a strategy call with me.

I’d be willing to talk with your one-on-one and how are you handling things so that your business, you see, you see profits coming from your business you see good things coming into your life.

And the best way to get one of those strategy sessions I’ll tell you the truth is to download the free copies of my book because in there comes with it free strategy sessions, otherwise you’ll pay, I think the going rate is 627.

If you go to my website, And you get your own free strategy session.

If you go to Get a free copy of my book. Go check out the strategy session that you think would most fit you and then go sign up for it. That’s all I got for tonight. It’s a wonderful Sunday night.

We had a great day we were indoors because it’s still smoky as heck out there. This was recording this in September of 2020. And we’re dealing with all the wildfires around here.

And nothing’s gotten gotten too close to me and my family, so we’re blessed for that and prayers out for everybody who is dealing directly with it. And we’ll do what we can to help each other out.

But it’s a crazy year and one of those things you just got to learn how to handle the craziness without going crazy yourself. You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.