Is Passion Necessary For Entrepreneurs?

Brian’s family trip down to California continues.


Is passion necessary for entrepreneurs?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, I’m coming to you from Monterey Bay, out here on a beach house as well on the back porch, trying to keep a little quiet. Everyone’s gone into bed relatively early tonight.

I’ve got this little card from this deck of icebreakers that I’ve mentioned earlier and they got great questions on them.

So I just pull these up once in a while, and it brings up a topic and always find a way to somehow tie it to you and your business and so forth.

This is a good one, I like this, what activity do you enjoy so much, that it makes you lose track of time?

And, that reminds me of passion?

That reminds me that there’s a common question that gets thrown around a lot, which is, you know, what would you do?

Even if you weren’t paid to do it type of thing for money or if you’re making money in something that you enjoy, what would you still do even if they stopped paying you.

It all revolves around that idea of passion, and whether you have a passion in what you’re doing. And when you’re talking to new entrepreneurs, you get different people saying, you know, you got to go towards your passion, you got to build a business around something you’re passionate about. And that’s the magic part, right?

I’ve got a little moth flying around here. So if you see him don’t get too thrown off. And for those you watch it on video, but is that true or is that not true?

And here’s, here’s my take on it, I don’t go one way or the other on this because you can have a business that you’re passionate about that you are passionate about it before you turned it into a business.

Or you could have a business that you weren’t passionate about. Whether you’re passionate enough about what you’re passionate about it or not, I think is relatively irrelevant.

I don’t think it has anything to do with whether the business is going to succeed or not. The only thing that passion adds to it is that you’re going to stay focused longer, possibly because you’re passionate about it.

But on the other hand, here’s the downside, if you’re passionate, if you’re too passionate about something before you start a business about it.

That emotionality that you may have any attachment that you have, regarding the details of your business can cause you to make wrong decisions when it comes to your business.

Not being objective in your business can make a it can destroy your business.

So if you care a bit too much, if you’re a bit too emotional about the details of your business, then you’ll be less likely to cut out certain areas of your business, or change certain areas of your business, when the business dictates that that’s necessary.

What dictates that oftentimes it’s the market.

So it’s not as much about what you’re passionate about. But what the marketplace is passionate about. If you have a shared passion, then yeah, that can go in a great direction as long as there is a need for what it is that your brain to the marketplace. Is there a group of people that love something that you love?

And can you be objective enough to it, that you can that you can go somewhere with it, that you can actually build a business out of it and you aren’t going to be so swayed by that one particular idea?

Would you be willing to move your business in a completely different direction away from that passion?

If the marketplace called for it.

Having having that as a priority, versus the fact that you’re passionate about it as a priority is going to make a huge difference for whether you succeed or not succeed in a business.

So I’ll give you a little bit of an example as far as as far as me and how this ties to my business.

So the question had to do with what activities you enjoy so much that it makes you lose track of time. The one activity that that is that I would tie back to my business is I enjoy talking to people as if I’m interviewing them.

I love asking people questions and getting in deep, getting in deep to those things that will make the biggest difference in their life.

Not necessarily business related, but anything that’s real, anything that’s substantial. Anything that’s beyond just the latest one movie that they watched are the weather.

That is the type of thing I could do forever, and completely lose track of time with Now how’s that tie back to my business, I never designed my business around, this is the weird thing. None of my businesses, none of the things that I’m currently doing was purposefully tied to that.

Because at the point, when I started each of these businesses, I didn’t know that’s what I enjoyed doing the most of I couldn’t put that into words, I couldn’t explain that to you.

It was through my businesses, and I’m talking multiple businesses, that I came to the same realization of what I’m good at. And what I’m passionate about.

A business can bring you to passion, or it can bring the passion out of you. It can bring what meaning really beyond the word passion, it really brings out meaning.

If you’re really watching it, you’ll find the meaning of your life.

Through the businesses, you start through the businesses, you run through the businesses you own, you can find meaning or at least if nothing else, find things that don’t mean anything to you find things that are new you’re not passionate about, you can discover those things by process of elimination, find really where your life should go.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. It’s not a direct, straight answer that people often give people tend to go one way or the other on this in terms of, well, you really should not be passionate about your business that can be that can be horribly dangerous and ruin everything you got to go toward where the money is and not worry about your passion, or the other side, which is Oh, you got to go with something you’re passionate about.

Otherwise, you won’t stick with it.

Otherwise you won’t believe in it, and you won’t be able to sell it and be genuine in your in your selling. And I think both of those, those are flawed concepts for the reasons I said.

So if you want to know once you have something, once you have a direction with your business that you want to go and you really want to get it out there.

The whole process is really about standing out is one of the main things I focus on and I help people to go about doing.

The main way I help people to do that right now is through content marketing. And I discuss this through my, 9 ways to Amazon-Proof your business.

If you want to know how to stand out in your marketplace and make all competitors irrelevant even if that competitor is go read my book 9 ways the Amazon-Proof your business.

You can get a free copy at my website. If you don’t want to buy a copy and you don’t mind reading it off your phone. You can get a free copy, download it at

This is my last night here in Hawthorne, California coast.

I’m having a fabulous time with my family. I hope you’re having a great time wherever you’re having it. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.