Introducing 35 Proven Formulas for Writing Headlines by John Caples

Brian begins his series on John Caples Headline formulas from his classic book, Tested Advertising Methods.

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Introducing 35 Proven Formulas for Writing Headlines by John Caples. Okay.

John Caples wrote this book, Tested Advertising Methods. This is this is the fifth edition, it has other things added into it, it’s an older, the original book is quite a bit older. But they’ve been coming out with new versions over and over again, let me see when was the original book I’m trying to see if it says here, I don’t see it right off the top.

I’m sure you could find out if you did your homework, but great stuff in here.

I wanted to talk about the first of the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines. And we’re going to break these up probably into 35 different videos. But if possible, I may link a few together.

These are real simple concepts each one’s incredibly simple, but you can use it for your videos, you can use it for email, subject lines, anything where a headline would be useful in any form of advertising that you’re doing.

So this first one is simply beginning your headline with the word introducing, which is what I did here. So the title of our video, it begins with that. And it’s a news headline. So he talks about really his first of his first handful of recommendations.

Let’s see, his first eight proven formulas all have to do with being news type of headlines.

If you say introducing, it automatically kind of draws people in. It’s you’re telling them that it’s new, you’re telling them that something is happening. That’s newsworthy.

So it he gives a couple of examples here he says introducing brand name a new generation of affordable art materials for student artists. It’s just an example of a headline, you know, introducing a special gift for a special time of year introducing the all new Ford Taurus introducing a new way to help bridge the gap between what you’ve saved and what you’ll need during retirement.

See, it doesn’t matter what it is, if it’s something that people are after, if you put introducing in front of it.

It draws people in simple, simple, simple technique and if you understand the principle behind it, the principle of what you’re trying to accomplish, you can use other words, and he’s going to give us other examples of other words, and we’re going to use that on the next episode.

You can always go out and get a get a copy of this book is aren’t my ideas is john caples tested advertising methods. But also check out a copy of my book.

Here’s some ideas that’ll that’ll take everything in your business to the next level.

It’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy at That’s

And we do this on a nightly basis. So gentlemen, come on back. I’d love to hear your experiences with using some of these methods, some of these formulas and I’d also like to find out what you think about them. Send me a little comment.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.