In Business You’re Never Alone 👪

Brian shares some thoughts on the entrepreneurial journey.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


In business, you’re never alone.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Well, these videos tell you nothing, they tell you that you are really never alone. And this thought kind of came to me, when I came across a quote, The quote is by Jay veal, he’s a speaker and author. And he said, I learned that anything I feel or experience as I take this journey has been felt or experienced by my predecessors.

Maybe not everything by everyone, but each thing by someone. And I think that’s something we it’s, it’s really difficult to keep your mind in that and to realize that everyone’s been through something that you’re going through. And in business, it, it can really feel lonely, because you have so many people around you that don’t even know the first thing about business.

And so it’s really important to have some people on your team that can help you out with that, and can be there can at least hear where you’re coming from. Even if they don’t have an answer, they may have some clues as to where you can go next. But it’s important to realize it’s, it’s it’s all been figured out before.

So someone else has been in some very similar situation. Yeah, we’ve got new technologies, we’ve got the internet, we’ve got this, we’ve got that we got social media, and maybe someone 100 years ago didn’t have to deal with all these things.

But they’re not that drastically different humans haven’t changed that much. And the fact that humans haven’t changed that much. It doesn’t take much a little bit of twisting here and there to be able to work things out between your and you, you and your business. Really doesn’t take that much, you just have to have the right perspective.

Be able to be separate enough from your emotions, that you can see things the way they really are, and have some people on your team that can help keep your frame of mind in the right place. I always offer my services. I’m a business strategist. This is what I do for a living.

If you’d like to find out more about me and my thoughts on some of these ideas, and some bigger strategies that you can use in your business. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You could buy it anywhere books are sold, or you can get a free copy at get your very own free digital copy, or like I said physical copies at, everywhere that books are sold.

So we’ll be back tomorrow with another tip, either a principle a strategy or tactic that can help you explode your business. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.