How To Open A Person

Value of relationships and getting to know others.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How to open a person.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I was reading a book this morning, I’ll tell you more about it in the future. And sometimes I like to get all the way through a book, especially if it’s kind of a story to really see what my final impression is.

So I don’t even want to reveal what the who the book is about yet. But it’s about a famous billionaire. And they were discussing about how he would open people up and just be as warm as possible to complete strangers right off the bat. And he even even long after he was worth over a billion.

He would go around and go right up to somebody and say, Hey, how are things going and just talk to them and completely open things up? And it was, it’s interesting. He’s always been gregarious, So that’s I think that’s some of that is hardwired.

I honestly do.

I think some of it also comes from how you’re raised. But a lot of that, you’ll see it in families. If you come from a big family, you’ll know. Some people are more outgoing than others.

My oldest son Tyler is he came out outgoing. He was smiling and Mr. Personality right off the bat, and to this day, he’ll walk right up to complete strangers and say hi, and just no problem whatsoever.

My wife’s a little bit like that, she was more in the past.

I would not like that at all. I like people. I’m an extrovert, but I don’t warm up to people that quickly. Neither do my other two kids. And so it’s, I really do think that personality has something to play into it and whether you’re extroverted or introverted, or whether you’re a people person or a task person.

I think a lot of that is hardwired and attends to Stay with you most of your life even though obviously, certain circumstances, certain situations, traumas and everything can get in the way. But it was interesting reading about this guy because he obviously had it, but he had honed it over the years. And I think even somebody who is not naturally warm with complete strangers right off the bat, like myself, can learn something from that behavior can learn something from that habit of just going out and treating people like they matter. Like they actually matter.

And taking your time with people who are willing to take time. The main thing that he used to open people up, he’d sit down with somebody, and he’d say, Tell me about yourself.

And it’s just the simplest thing in the world, but his kids knew that he did this. And everybody knew this phrase because he used it that often. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Tell me something about yourself.

It was just a cool, simple idea that you care enough to ask somebody what that person is about where they’re at in life. And he, you know, he’d dig deeper and stuff the person’s willing to talk.

But there’s something magical about and I’ve mentioned it before, it goes into sales and marketing, everything else the magic of asking questions, is so powerful. And if it’s genuine, if you really want to know about the other person, then it can it can really grow something big, pretty quick in terms of relationship in terms of building trust.

It’s something always keep in mind.

So both on a personal one on one level, and when you’re out there working with your employees, working with partners, working with vendors, what have you, if you’re a business owner if you’re one of the people in charge, understanding that you’re taking time and asking other people what they’re all about, and where they see themselves going.

And whether they enjoy what they’re doing right now and everything else. Just taking the time and asking that and being genuine about it will change how you relate with everybody around you and how they relate back to you.

It’s enormous how that changes, as opposed to when you’re in task mode, like I tend to be. And I know a lot of business owners tend to be this way they get into task mode, it’s like, get this done, do that, do this, do that. Do this, do that.

And it’s all just doo doo doo doo doo. As opposed to Okay, hold on.

Let’s talk people because we’re dealing with people and everyone’s got their own thing going. And you got to take your time.

You got to take your time, slow it down and talk to people. No doubt this was a huge part of this person’s success. And you can’t imagine why it wouldn’t it be and I can see myself why I need to get out there more and talk to more people and take my time with people. Hopefully you do too.

Hopefully you can see that.

And if you really like to learn how to take your business from where it’s at, and really just skyrocket it, take it to the next level and do it in a predictable manner.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get it at Get yourself a free copy.

And you can also purchase a copy over at Amazon or anywhere books are sold. You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.