How to Destroy Trolls 👺

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How to destroy trolls.

I am Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

If you do any type of online marketing whatsoever, and you’re wide enough, that you get bad stuff coming back to you in the form of people, that’s what’s become known as trolling people.

Just being absolute trolls and just doing everything they can to get under your skin, if you’ve come come to experience that I’m going to give you a foolproof way to get around that. And we’re going to do it right now.

This is Brian J. Pombo Live, we do this on a regular basis, every night really where I’ll record one of these and put it out on all social media, you could find more of the episodes over at and if you’d like a copy of my book that goes through practical steps, specific things that you can do to be able to take your business to the next level, you want to get, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy at

Okay, let’s talk about how to stop trolls to really stop trolls. You have to know why they’re doing it to you.

And no matter what, no matter the the, the surface reason why they’re doing it. I mean, they could be a competitor that’s out there just trying to trying to do something, they could be just a random person, but which in most cases, it is just just a random person.

It could be somebody that’s offended by something you said. And so they’re trying to get back at you. And so they’ll they’ll post, like a nasty comment, or they’ll say something about your physical appearance, or they’ll say something that and they usually try to get something that will make you emotional.

That’s what they’re after. They’re really, in the end, the best trolls out there. The ones that really tend to make a difference are the ones that are provocateurs.

They’re trying to provoke you. They’re trying to get you to move, they’re trying to get you off balance. That’s their purpose. That’s their only purpose. Yeah, they might have a reason to get you off balance. But at the end, that’s what they’re trying to do.

So how do you stop trolls, you can’t stop them.

They exist everywhere, be happy that they’re in front of your face, and that they exist, you can do a lot of things to block yourself from them in a sense of, you know, you hire a lot of your social media out so that you don’t have to see that stuff. Don’t look at your posts and stuff haven’t really bothered, you don’t look at it.

But the main thing you have to learn how to do is is to not get offended. And that’s easier said than done. I know. But you have to learn how to have rhinoceros skin. And it takes a while takes a while to build that up.

But if you understand that, that’s the only way that you can be off balance. The only way that they win is when you get offended. And if you step back far enough, you can see that there’s no reason to be offended about anything, ever. I’m sorry, I don’t care what they do. Because no when or what anyone who’s trying to offend you, is trying to get you off balance. They’re trying to offend you.

They’re trying to get you to emotionally respond. If you refuse to emotionally respond, if you can see the game, even if what they’re saying is completely off base is racist. It’s this, it’s that I mean, there’s a million things. It doesn’t mean you should emotionally respond. Now there’s a time to

fight back. There’s a time to talk back there’s a time to but you can’t do it when you’re being emotional. If you’re being emotional, you’re off base, you’re not going to do it with the right nature, you know, you got to come at it with the right attitude.

If you don’t come at it with the right attitude, you’re going to do it wrong. And you’re going to mess everything up and you’re gonna make yourself look bad in the process, which is what they’re after. That’s what trolls want.

But if you don’t give them the satisfaction of offending you, if you see them like they’re just a yappy dog, or a kid that’s just just trying to get on your nerves just if you just see it as that and you keep separate from it. And you keep reality grounded which is one of the main the main piers excuse me tears that of the three tiers that kind of hold up. Brian j pombo comm reality grounded is one of the main ones and if you can stay reality grounded, you win, no matter what.

And you don’t have to respond.

You don’t have to say anything back but if you do and your own emotional And you’re undefended. You’ll say the right thing. And you don’t have to worry about them, trolls lose their whole effect on you. If you just realize they’re out to get your goat, they’re out to get under your skin, they’re out to throw you off. And if you can just refuse to be thrown off, they can’t win. It’s impossible.

They need your energy to be able to run forward. That’s what they they thrive off of that they thrive off of people responding to them, and it drives them nuts when they can’t, when they can’t drive you nuts. And they’ll either run away and go to easier prey. Or they’ll be driven crazy themselves and maybe they’ll see themselves a little bit and get out of their funk, whatever funk put them in that situation to where they think they need to go and twist other people up. You can hope.

Hopefully that’s helpful to you. Like I said, grab my free book over at We’ll be back here every night. Come on back, subscribe.

You could also subscribe from the website and get emails directly to you for this. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, just get out there and let the magic happen.