How I’ve Used Headlines On Social Media To Get Attention

Part 26 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How I’ve used headlines on social media to get attention.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a daily thing where we get together, and we talk about ways of how to stand out, wherever you’re at, and whatever business you’re in. So before we get started, I wanted to remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you haven’t heard of it, then you ought to go get your very own free copy at

You can also buy it on, and And anywhere that you buy books, especially online, you should be able to find it, just look for, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Or search for my name Brian J. Pombo.

So welcome back, we’re going to talk about the all the different ways that I’ve used headlines. Now what are headlines, headlines are the first thing that you see, when it comes to advertising, or your social media or whatever you’re trying to get out there. There’s usually a line of words or word that draws a person in.

So in the cases of video on social media, your YouTube, your Vimeo, all the rest, it’s going to be that title. And the title, it may be the title that’s in your picture, it might be the you know, in the thumbnail itself, that might be the title that they’re looking at, or it’s the title that you actually titled it.

And that might be the one that they’re looking at either way that both of those work as a headline, I’m definitely used a lot of that I’ve used this exact same method for podcasts.

So that’s the title of that episode.

You can do that with anything that gets a certain amount of search credibility when people are searching for it. But also when they’re looking through their search results. Yours popping up, that’s a headline, that is the first thing they see, that’ll determine whether they go any further.

Another thing is with email, you know, we’ve talked a lot about that in the in the past few episodes, email subject lines are the headline of your email, if you’re sending emails out there and you’re wanting to get it opened, it doesn’t matter if the person knows who you are, if they’re on your list, if they’re a huge fan, chances are you’re not getting opened every single time.

That subject line is going to make a big difference as to whether they open or not person that talks a lot about that as been settle, go check out Ben settles stuff he’s got he’s got amazing material on how to get emails open, because he sends emails out on a daily basis.

So we’re the reason why we’re talking about this and I’m kind of giving a testimonial for headlines. And why you want to think about that has a lot to do with the subject, the real subject of today’s talk, which is number 26.

Out of the 35 headline formulas, the proven formulas that are presented by john caples, in his book tested advertising methods. And like I said, there’s number 26. And it’s titled use a testimonial style headline.

So if you have any form of testimonial, shove it right there in the headline, that’s a great way to get people involved. It kind of brings them right into the story. And if they’re interested in the subject matter to begin with a testimonial is definitely going to draw them in. It says your headline can be an actual testimonial, or it can be a testimonial style headline.

Here are three examples of each. I’ll read all three views. And since he already laid out there, let me tell you how I reduced for keeps why I cried after the ceremony. I was going broke. So I started reading the Wall Street Journal.

And then there’s a here’s the next three, discover the greatest value in high end loudspeakers that was quoted from magazine review.

After months in the taklamakan Desert, not only do we swear by this protection system, our camels love it to clothing add. And then do you have any idea how much fat is at this creamy chocolate pudding? None.

And the person speaking is pictured in the ad. So those are just a couple of examples of ones that are direct testimonials or ones that are testimonial styled. And you could do that you could do that in any in any format. Any way that you’re getting out there doesn’t have to be actual advertising.

But headlines work no matter who the crowd is and who you’re trying to get to and no matter what you’re doing. Something is functioning as a headline. It may not be words itself it may be a picture itself that is this function is a headline but somewhere somewhere along line and start watching ads ads are a great place to see it because they have a reason for you watching.

They have a direction they want to send you in. And so they’re going to say something either visually, or they’re going to say something through the voiceover. And so when you’re watching ads on YouTube, or what have you, watch and say, okay, which part of this is the headline?

What is the actual headline was the first thing they’re wanting me to see?

To bring me in further?

Sometimes they’re not distinct. When you’re not dealing with direct response marketing, there’s a lot of really absurd stuff out there.

It’s like, well, what, where was that headline taking me?

What do they want me to do?

What are they actually advertising?

You ever get that where you’re watching, you’re watching commercials, you’re on?

What was that even for, right?

That there’s a lot of garbage out there like that. And most of most of it does not function properly. What I’m trying to get you to do is use every thing in your arsenal you can to get people to go to the next level for with you, in your business in your cause what have you. So hopefully this helps out. This is just number 26.

We’ve gone through all that we’ve gone through the first 25 you go back all the watch all the videos on that and we’re going to go all the way up to 35 as we get going here, so come back tomorrow for 27 Don’t forget to grab my book, In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.