Find A Great Partner 🧐😎

You may be able to build a successful small business on your own.

But..if you wanna grow further, at some point, you’ll need good people on your team to help.


Find a great partner.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

Tonight’s gonna be a quick one.

Before I start, I want to make sure and remind you, especially if this is your first time, go get your own free copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy at, digital copy.

You can also buy a hardback one wherever books are sold. And it has a lot to do with the strategies that I teach on, it’s a quick read on how to make your business competition proof and how to get it exploding like never before.

So go check out that book.

I want to talk a little bit about finding a partner, because I forgot some great partners I work with. One of my main ones is one I talk about often Sean E. Douglas, who is a producer of this podcast, the two other podcasts that I’m currently doing, and is the behind the scenes man behind everything that I do.

And he’s got skin in the game on making sure that all this happens.

You’ve got to find somebody that has that you got to find somebody that can work with you side by side. And maybe you can do it all on your own.

But I haven’t found the person yet that can’t as great as all the business owners I’ve ever worked with. And all the executives I’ve ever worked with. As great as they were not one of them, I found that could do it all.

Now a lot of them could do a lot. And they may be able to do enough to create the company they want. Every once in awhile someone has just enough conation, in enough spots, that they can build the company they want and let it kind of run on its own.

Without a whole and they can kind of they can fly off of old marketing that they’ve been able to put out there and just kind of ride off of their name, if they’ve been able to put themselves in a position of building a good name.

I know a handful, very few people that can do that, and have done that and seem to be liking the life that they’ve created for themselves.

In general, the rest of us need help.

We need people who can do other things, I know, me, myself, I do a couple things really, really well. But none of those things relate to building the actual business, they relate to delivering great value to customers and clients.

And so one of the things I do is I come in and help produce value, I help take ideas, put them in the right order to be able to create a plan and help getting that plan executed over time.

That’s what I do.

And so if you’re looking for a partner like that, I would love to see what you’re doing and see what I can do to help you to find out more about me through my book up, anybody that I team up with, I always recommend they take a look at this.

First, they take a look at the book first and then from there. And definitely watch more of these, listen to more of these podcasts.

See if you think we’d be a good fit personality wise. Other than that, what everything else, you need to make sure it’s covered also.

So when I say partner, I don’t necessarily mean owner in your business with you. In fact, I shy away as much as possible from, from sharing ownership of the company.

If you just you walk down a really narrow road when you do that, and you can get into a lot of trouble. Gotta be real careful about that type of thing. real careful, any of you that’s ever had any type of real partnerships knows what I mean.

But when you have somebody that’s got skin in the game, they have something that they can really gain from what you’re building.

They have your loyalty.

And from them, you’re getting high quality workmanship, you know, they’re bringing something to the table that you can’t provide.

No one else that you have on staff is is as good at providing you can do that you could put a team of people that are somewhat partners, then it will allow you to do what you need to do.

It’s a simple way of putting it it’s been said a million times over but you tonight might be the night you just need to hear it one more time.

Because it’s one of those things that I always need to hear. Because I’m always need to add more partners. And I’d love to be able to help you out with the things that I do best.

Hopefully my team can help you out with the rest of that also.

So that’s all I got for tonight. We’ll be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.