Evils & Voting πŸ˜ˆπŸ—³οΈ

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Evils and Voting.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, I’m not used to talking much about politics on here, we tend to cover a lot of things having to do with running your business, and building things up.

I’m a business strategist and so that tends to be the area I live in.

But I like to talk about the things that kind of affect all of us right now.

This is late October and 2020, and we’re coming up to an election, also during Halloween, which is why I’ve got this little scary guy right here with us.

I got a great message from Jack on YouTube, who asked me to talk about what I thought about voting for the lesser of two evils. Which is a common thing that gets brought up, especially around presidential elections.

Who would think of it, right?

The lesser of two evils?

Do I encourage doing that, because in one of my previous videos, I was talking about how you probably shouldn’t vote, if you don’t have a really good idea about who to vote for. And whether that’s a particular election or whether it’s all the elections, I’m not encouraging everyone to vote just to vote.

I see that as being extremely destructive.

Okay, when you’re encouraging people to vote when they don’t know what they’re doing. Don’t do it.

Unless you seem like you’ve got it figured out. If you don’t feel like you’ve got it figured out, you probably don’t. And it’s you’re probably not gonna do anyone any good.

By, you know, casting a vote, especially in these elections, where you have multiple situations, multiple people writing against each other. I mean, you could really throw the whole thing off.

But I’m not going to go over that thing. Again, I want to talk about the lesser of two evils, because a lot of times people will say, okay, and I think there’s, I’ve heard from people who are undecided, when it comes to the presidential race this time around, okay, who do I go for, because I don’t like either horrible.

You know, and that’s fine, there are third party candidates, you just have to realize that, you know, with the way the trends run, none of them are going to win.

So if you’re going to vote for third party, you better be be pretty confident about the idea that you don’t care who wins between the two main people, and that that third party person that you’re hopefully they’re going to get enough of a showing that it matters.

Because that can happen, you could get a third party candidate, especially in a certain maybe in certain states that are doing really, really well.

And that you might be able to make an impression by voting through a third party. Although in most cases, it’s probably not going to do a whole lot. I mean, just realistically, but so you got the you got the choice.

Oftentimes, they always say it’s like, well, you got to choose the lesser of two evils.

And for the longest time, I really rebelled against that, because I hated the language of it, is saying that, okay, you know, if both are evil, why would you vote for either, you know, and the older I get the more I see that really.

When it comes to politics, evils everywhere, that they’re all, they’ve all got something wrong with them, you know, they’re human beings and there’s something wrong with them.

And if there’s a situation where you think that they’re both have a lot wrong with them, then you are, you are choosing between the lesser of two evils. But when you vote, as for politics, you got to also see it as a defensive move.

I mean, I verily wrote vote for somebody, I tend to vote against people most of the time, and I tend to vote in a very defensive way, it’s not because I really like the person I’m voting for, it’s because I really am hoping that the other person doesn’t get elected. And you can call that the lesser of two evils if you want. If you want to word it that way.

I don’t think that’s the best wording in general, I think I think what it really is, is taking a very defensive move when it comes to voting, because you’re dealing with people in power, and people in power even the best ones, oftentimes will do bad things, or will do things that are misguided, because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You know, and you see that over and over again, very rarely does someone go into public office, and the larger the public office, the more public they are the more likely it is that they’re not going to come out better off than when they went in is most of the time I found that to be the case.

So don’t don’t look at it as as bright and shiny or that you have to be all rah rah. For one side or the other, because I don’t think you have to, I think it really comes down to Okay, who’s going to do the least amount of damage.

And I think that’s a pretty healthy way of looking at anything. And I always recommend that people be as skeptical as possible, especially when it comes to politicians. Hey, hopefully that makes sense.

It plays back into business, I’ll tie this back around, it plays back into business, because when working in business, you’re working with people.

And so many people I know get into business, thinking that they can have the whole solopreneur situation to where they can work with the least amount of people.

No matter what you’re going to be working with people.

That’s what business is, it’s you exchanging products or services in exchange for money.

Somewhere along the line, you’re going to be working with people, maybe you won’t work directly with your customers, maybe you’ll hire that out. Maybe a lot of these things can be systemized.

But you’re going to be working with people at some point. So you better get used to the idea that everyone’s screwed up. Everyone’s got something wrong with them, nobody’s perfect.

There’s always something you’re going to be dealing with that doesn’t match how you would deal with it. And so it is kind of the it ends up being a lesser of two evils. When you’re deciding who to work with who to hire everything else, it you have to look at the negative end.

And there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you don’t let it get under your skin. Just watch, watch the negative parts and people don’t take offense to them.

Just watch them and take note and just pay attention and do your best in the end most of life is a bet anyways, it’s really just a big old gamble.

You don’t know where things are going to end up, you take your best shot, and you learn from your mistakes and you keep moving on. Hopefully that’s helpful to you if you’d like some more tips on business on how you can really propel forward and beat out the competition.

I recommend by book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. I will said something completely different, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a copy at AmazonProofBook.com a free copy or you can buy a hardbound version or anything anywhere books are sold including Amazon.com themselves. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, I just suggest you get out there and let the magic happen.