Entrepreneurs: Sleeping Well? 💤

Brian talks about how stealing his kids Halloween candy and eating it makes him tired. 🍫


Entrepreneurs, sleeping well?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

You know, it’s the little things that make a big difference in life, especially when you’re talking about the personal journey of an entrepreneur or a business owner of the person that’s making the things happen.

And I was getting ready to talk with you this evening and found myself dozing off quite a bit early. And I’m like, I’m never this tired this early, what is going on?

Thought back and looked over, looked over the past 48 hours or so. And I realized yesterday I did something that I haven’t done for years, I really haven’t. Okay, every once in a while, I will grab one of those tiny, tiny, smallest pieces of candy and eat it when my kids have some from Halloween or Christmas or what have you and not very often.

The reason is after I really cut back on the amount of sugar and carbs that I take in, I just don’t crave it that much. But every once in a while, I’ll have a piece, no big deal.

Nothing, it doesn’t do anything to me anymore. At least nothing too visible.

Well, yesterday for some reason, and it was one just lack of yet easily edible food in the house. And just I don’t know the string of things, I ended up gorging myself on Halloween candy, just I’ll freely admit it, I just I had a way more than I’ve had, I mean, probably well over a year worth, because I don’t need it.

I had over a few years worth in one afternoon, because at one point, I live in so much at this point, and there’s no reason to stop. I’m gonna condense the misery as much as possible, the pleasure and the misery into as much a short period of time as possible.

Surprisingly enough, it did not hit me too hard. Except for today, I have been extremely tired.

It’s caught up with me in that way as the dip that comes afterward, you know.

And so I sleep it made me realize, once again, sleep is a major deal.

I’ve gotten really, really good at handling my sleep and regulating it over the past few years. And just knowing a few things that make it overwhelming.

And that makes it make it to where I’m not sleeping enough, or I’m sleeping too much or too deep. I’ll just a couple of a handful of tips that I’ve learned over the years. And most of the stuff you already know.

But sometimes it just takes somebody tapping you on the shoulder and reminding you at least for me it did. And it comes down to what are the things that allow me to sleep so that I don’t have to worry about it the rest of the time, and there are a few things I do. One, if I’m exercising regularly, then sleep is not an issue. I don’t sleep as much when I exercise. And when I do sleep, I sleep well. I get it out of the way.

It’s interesting when I exercise a lot, I don’t need to nap. But this is a second thing if you’re not exercising. If you don’t have that built-in somewhere in your weekly schedule.

You probably should nap just toss in a nap in the middle of the day somewhere.

For me, it’s in the afternoon, and literally 15 to 20 minutes. That’s all I need.

I’ve gotten really good at power naps. Now I’ve met people that say they can’t do a power nap. But the power nap is just a quick nap that just energizes you and get you through the rest of the day. And I’ve been doing that for the past six months or so because I haven’t been exercising.

But exercise really does help.

But if not, you find a way to fit in a little bit more sleep. Another thing is I don’t eat late. I stopped eating late I stopped eating I actually will. I’ve skipped dinners.

Personally, personally, I’ve been able to get to the point where I could skip dinners and stop eating somewhere in the early afternoon. And I won’t eat for the rest of the night now drink water and I may even have a little bit of coffee.

If you’re sensitive to caffeine. That’s another thing. If you get yourself too wired too late in the day, you’re going to have a tough time getting to sleep. When you finally do get to sleep you’re going to sleep too long.

You’re going to feel like garbage in the morning or you’re not going to get enough because you got to get up early to go do the next thing.

So make sure you get enough sleep make sure that sleep is quality sleep, understanding, having a couple of supplements available to you can help.

I’ve got a supplement that I can that I use that has that has, you know, a little bit of melatonin and a little bit of all these other natural things and he but even if they’re natural, you can become dependent on it, just realize that.

But if you’re traveling, like when I travel and so forth, I like to take, I like to have something like that. Because sometimes it’s tough with the flights, especially if you’re traveling past certain time zones and all that I’d like to really pay attention to that and try to keep up on it as best as possible.

You’re always going to have issues, things that pop up, you can’t do anything about people having babies, things like that, that really throw your sleep cycle off.

But if you don’t get a handle on your sleep, it will catch up to you because it affects all your other health issues in your body.

Okay, burning fat, staying young, all these so many things go back to having quality sleep, it feels like especially when you’re younger, that you can have bad sleep for a long period of time. It’ll catch up with you don’t do that. Don’t try and you know, burn the candle on both ends as they say. It’s just not worth it.

Find a way to fix your problems with sleep. There are natural ways they’re simple. It’s the simplest ways that have made the biggest difference for me in my life. Hopefully, this helps you out a little bit.

I’ve got a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you’re looking for more broad-based strategies to be able to use in your business that really make you stand out. Make it to where your competition proof even if that competitions Amazon.com Go get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com

That’s all the time I got for tonight. You have a good one, we’ll be back tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.