Do You Use The Telephone For Business? πŸ“ž

Amazon-Proof Your Business➑️


Do you use the telephone for business?

I am Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, there’s all these things today that we take for granted.

The internet we take for granted, email we take for granted social media, they’ve just been around just long enough to where it’s just the norm, that these are the ways that we talk to each other our cell phones via texting, and so forth.

And marketing wise, we tend to just say that these are the places we go to. And very little attention is given to some of those areas that have been around forever, seemingly forever, or at least in our lifetimes. So things like postal mail, things like the telephone.

Okay, I want to talk about the telephone a little bit here.

Because right now, if you’re in one of the battleground states, so I’m filming this in October of 2020. If you’re in one of the battleground states, in the United States, where there is an actual election going on where it seems like it can go either way, you can either go for Joe Biden or for Donald Trump, in terms of the presidency, in those states, they are being inundated with phone calls.

Now, what is the difference between the person that gets a phone call or not a phone call, or you’re getting phone calls if you’re registered vote, and if your phone number is associated with that registration.

So you put the phone number in the registration, or when you registered, or you were registered via the mail, via the mail or motor voter or all these different ways that they register voters, now, your phone number was added.

That’s why you’re getting phone calls. It’s public information, anybody can go and get your phone number and call you and try to convince you to vote one way or the other.

They do not call lists the National Do Not Call list does not apply. So they can call you all they want. And they’re going to, Why?

Why do politicians do this?

Why do political campaigns do this, they do it because it works. Because when it comes down to it, there’s going to be people that there’s going to be a small amount of people that make the difference in some of these states, a very small amount.

And the difference between winning and losing is that one side did a better job of getting their people out to vote better than the other side did.

I mean, that’s really what it comes down to. In a lot of these states. It’s not just who likes somebody better, it’s who actually got their voters out. So how does that apply back to your business, it applies back to your business, because you’ve got phone numbers, or you should have phone numbers of your customers.

If you don’t, you ought to start collecting them. And you ought to start having a relationship to where you feel comfortable calling them and talking to them on the phone.

Now, maybe not you personally, but somebody at your company should feel comfortable talking to your customers, because it’s another way to communicate with them that not enough people are doing right now. And it’s not telemarketing. If you aren’t calling a telemarketer. It’s only telemarketing when you’re calling and you’re not invited.

So if they did not give your phone number to you, and you’re calling just to sell them something, but if you’re calling to ask them how they liked the latest product, how they liked the latest service that you provided, that’s something powerful.

That’s something that very few people do. And very few people listen to their customers, as we said over and over and over again, you can ask questions all you want, but are you listening and physically listening.

If you have the ability to use the telephone in a number of different ways.

Number one, you can inform your customers via the telephone. So you could send robo calls to your customers, if they’re expecting it, they’re not going to have a problem with it.

In most cases, you can send voicemail drops to where it doesn’t even ring on there and it just ends up on their voicemail that tends to work.

Right now for cell phones. They have a program I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen that where you got a message but you didn’t receive a phone call, or you think you don’t remember received the phone call but you’ve got a message on your phone all of a sudden, those are voicemail drops.

These things are available in if you get people to sign up for them. You have a new way of getting them it’s a whole different dimension.

People are used to being inundated via their their computer screens or their phone screens. They’re used to being inundated via email and social media.

What happens when you come at them from a different angle.

What happens when you send them something in the mail?

What happens when you give them a phone call, all of a sudden you stand out?

You’re someone totally different. You’re doing something it’s so a different way. It’s one of the main things that I recommend in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Now I’m not, I know directly recommend giving phone calls, but I recommend about showing up in a different way. And phone calls, and using the telephone in all the numerous ways that you can, is a way to show up differently and a way to get attention that, you know, at one time, I know when I was a kid, telemarketing was very common, and it was driving people up a wall.

Nowadays, unless you own a business, you probably don’t get that many telemarketing calls. But if your name is associated with a business, well that that opens you up to them.

So you probably get a lot. The business to business, there’s a whole bunch of scams and everything else that are out there that are calling people 24 seven. So you got to take that into account, who your customer is, whether they would appreciate a phone call, and can you get them to sign up for phone calls.

There’s a whole bunch of different ways of looking at that. I love to find out if you’re using it right now. And if so, leave a comment. I love to find out how you’re using it in your business. How do you use the telephone?

Are you just using it as a customer service line?

What else what else are you doing? So that’s a that’s a quick tip. If you want to get a free copy of my book, go to, that’s for, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.