Disneyland and COVID19 ๐Ÿ‘€

Brian’s family trip continues as the fam gets set for a trip to Disneyland.


Disneyland and COVID-19.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We had a great day at Disneyland today not really a full day, they were closing early and we got started a little later than we expected, or than we wanted to I should say it Was pretty much what we expected and so we squeezed as much out of the day as we could a day at Disneyland with a wife, my and also my mother along and three kids, all under the age of seven, lots of fun, we had a good time.

A lot of interesting things that you can take, as I’ve mentioned in the past three or four episodes that you could take off of vacation, especially when you’re going to a money-making place like Disneyland, where the whole thing is designed to separate you from your money as much as possible as quickly as possible.

And it’s a really tough thing to do.

I’m not really sure what the answer is but you can really see a huge change that has happened.

I mean, as in everywhere but especially at Disneyland with COVID-19. And a lot of this goes back to the history of Disneyland, it’s a very interesting idea of how it was put together.

How Walt Disney very specifically referred to the staff at Disneyland as not just staff or security or this or that job. But as cast members, they call them cast members.

So he came from the entertainment industry, right.

But he saw that if they see this as more of a show that they’re putting on, and that they are cast members, and that the people that are there are guests, and they are putting on a show for them in a sense, if they realize that, that that that brings on a completely different field than any other job, especially in the amusement field, right.

So it that’s interesting.

So you’ve got, you’ve got a job, you take a job at Disney at Disneyland, you are a cast member so you’re an entertainer of sorts, you are fulfilling a need as a member of the cast, whatever that need is, even if you’re sweeping, you know, crumbs off the ground like I saw someone do it today who didn’t seem too thrilled about it.

I mean, who could be right? It’s tough to make that look joyous.

I’ve seen it done but it’s rare that you see somebody do that. But you see a situation where you’ve got to perform, you’re always on.

You realize that and really that’s true of any customer service position or any position where you are in the public eye at all. You really are a cast member in a sense. But Disney Land has always made that a point of what they do.

Now, I’ve never been a Disney cast member. So if there’s anybody out there, if there’s anything I’m saying that’s off base, please put me in my place. This is all from the outside looking in.

From all the stuff I’ve read about Disney and spoken with other cast members about so I could be off on some of these ideas but you’re a performer in a sense, you’re also a servant to them, to all the guests that are there.

This is one of those things that’s very much drilled in, in and Walt Disney himself from what I understand he said something to the extent of, you know, we work so that the guests can play.

That’s the idea that that’s the idea of being a cast member really putting it all out there and doing everything you can for each individual guest’s experience.

So if you see a way to be able to create some magic that day for somebody, you go out of your normal routine in order to do that, that that takes priority over your normal routine, depending on what that routine is.

Bringing COVID, right, all of a sudden now you have a situation and I’m not going to get into the politics of it. But just the plain fact of the matter is the state governments specifically and now the federal government more and more but specifically the state government has made a very big push Disneyland’s in California, right.

So the state governments made a very big push from Cal OSHA to make sure that masks are worn in buildings at all times vaccinated or unvaccinated, doesn’t matter that masks are to be worn by everybody above the age of two and above.

So if your child is two years old like mine, mine is or above, they’re required to wear a mask indoors, outdoors, no masks are required whatsoever. Okay.

That is, the problem is it’s being left on the business owner’s responsibility to enforce it. So now what does this cast member become?

This cast member becomes somebody that’s policing you in a sense, I mean, they are saying, hey, put the mask up. But then and it’s constant, it’s all the time. And it’s not, it’s not that they want to, and it’s not and some of them may want to I don’t, it doesn’t matter to me whether they want to or not, but doesn’t matter if they want to, they are being forced to do it. In order for Disneyland to even keep its doors open.

They have to go along with this specific mandate. And they’re being watched and being kept as an example, to the rest of the amusement park industry. So they’re put in a really nasty situation, and the cast member concept is being twisted quite a bit.

Regardless of all the other regulations that are in place there. There’s a lot of really interesting ones that are happening. COVID-19 has caused the government to work in a certain way, which has caused businesses to have to change in a way that will certainly be detrimental to them in the long run.

You can’t, you can’t mess with that relationship and hope to have a good outcome. So it’s screwy. It’s strange, and there’s a whole lot of other levels to it.

I’m a bit too exhausted to go into all that right now. I know more will come up over time. So I’ll bring some stuff up in later episodes. But hopefully, that’s helpful to you. I’d love to hear what you think about it.

Have you been to Disneyland or other amusement parks, theme parks and what have you seen of how this help?

How are they different from each other?

How has it changed their business practices?

Do you think it’s a good thing or a bad thing?

I’d love to hear about leave a comment wherever you’re watching this or listening to it. So also go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com That’s all I got for tonight.

You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.