Candy + Literature? 🍬🖊️

Brian talks about a marketing piece he received while at the Boatnik Parade in Grants Pass.


Candy plus literature.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m a Business investor and one of the things that I see quite often is marketing done well. But really, I see that done less often, what I see done more often is marketing not done well.

Every once in a while you see it done a little bit better. You see good things that happen, but not necessarily taken as far as they can be taken.

And this is probably one of those things now. I was, let me see, where did I receive this? Oh, I remember. So there is a memorial day weekend situation that we have here in Grants Pass Oregon. And it happens every Memorial Day, I think they they took time off during the COVID crisis. But it’s called boatnik.

It’s like Beatnik said, boatnik. And it’s a boat racing event where people come from all around to visit. And to see this going on. And some people in the town take part and so forth. But very popular.

There’s a big parade that happens and I was there at the parade. And people were passing these out.

I want to show you this to you. And once again, this is going to land on the level of being slightly controversial.

Depending on who you are as how you see the controversy, I am not going to talk about the validity of the message here. What I’m going to talk about is whether they are able to achieve what they wanted with this little piece that they were handing out completely free.

It’s a card that’s about the length about the size of a business card, about the same cardstock that you’d see on most business cards kind of glossy, glossy on both sides. And what it says is one has a little Tootsie Roll tape to it.

So I’m going to take the Tootsie Roll off now that you’ve seen it, set that aside. And it says, What’s worse than a virus, right. Then in small writing, it says symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath, you turn it over. And it has very small writing.

But a few details here, I’m not sure if you’re able to read that. I’ll give you the just in bold on top it says Matthew 10:28 Do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the snake but are unable to kill the soul but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

It then goes on to explain that you’re a sinner, and you’re going to hell unless you take Jesus as your Lord and Savior and says in red on the very bottom, turn to Christ and live.

Now, you can break this down at once again, if you set aside your religious beliefs, and or lack of religious beliefs or whatever, and you just look at the message, do they accomplish what they want to accomplish?

Now, what is this meant to do?

It’s meant to first they draw you in with a worm on the end of the hook. Okay, and the worm is the Tootsie Roll to get your attention. And then you’ll look a little closer with kind of a headline on this side, flips over the other side immediately because it starts with a passage from the Bible.

You know, this is a religious thing. And will most people read the rest?

Probably not. Because people either already have their religion set in their head, or they’re totally set against religion, most people are going to land in the but then there might be a lot of people just curious are going to read the rest of it.

So it gets that it gets the readership, I think it probably does a pretty good job of getting someone to actually read it. For the most part, there probably could be a better headline here to pull a person in to then get to the main message since the main message isn’t even in this headline.

That’s just a quote from the Bible. And then it goes on to explain their background on that. But what are they trying to accomplish?

See, that’s the real question when it comes to all marketing, and I can only guess on what they’re trying to accomplish here, based off of other tracks and so forth that

I’ve seen left around and just the flavor of it. I have a feeling being that it has zero website, it has zero name of any church or anything of the sort no phone number to follow up with nothing like that.

So clearly they are trying to have this do the full job of the marketing message, which is to shock you into realizing that you may be going the wrong way and that you need to repent and find Christ and so forth.

So that is the purpose of this does it accomplish that is their job, are they merely trying to get a single person out of an entire crowd in that case.

If they’re only looking for one out of 1000s of these that they were passing, because there were quite a few people out there passing these out, and giving them to kids, and so forth, who aren’t probably not going to, not going to read this, or be able to even comprehend it.

But if you’re looking to get a very small amount, with many of these paths out, you may be able to accomplish that, and let you know, God guide the way and so forth. That could be more than likely, I think that’s where they’re coming from.

If they’re, we’re really looking to take it a step further and really hit a wider audience, I would highly recommend something like this is a beginning of a conversation, and then continuing the conversation elsewhere, taking them to a website, maybe with a video, or a write up like this, and maybe some more details, if they wanted to see more details.

They can dig in a little deeper, and maybe a phone number for somebody to talk to, or church services, if that’s where you’re wanting to take people to eventually, you know, having this do the into have hold the entire weight of what you’re trying to accomplish on the hands of a single card.

Probably not as effective as you would think. But if you step back, and you say, Okay, if we spread that out on not only a card, but having other steps throughout the process, then you have more chances to reach more people.

Because if nothing else, just out of curiosity, people will continue down that breadcrumb trail. And something to think of I know, more than likely, you’re not running a church or putting out tracks like this for people with candy attached to it.

But if you can relate it back to your marketing, you may be doing something completely different some other type of business on the complete other side of the spectrum. If you’re doing that, take into account how many people am I actually hitting with this piece?

Are you even tracking it to see how well your advertising is doing?

Most people do not they don’t do any form of tracking whatsoever. A little bit of tracking goes a long way because it shows you what messages work and what messages don’t work, what pulls people in and what doesn’t pull people in, I think they would have a better return and a better knowledge of their return. If they took a message like this, took it to the back and made bait mainly posed questions to pull in a little bit of curiosity. Want to find out more go here, watch the five minute video here.

Watch what and you have it on the back end with a very direct, a very clear cut direct call to action, this call to action is turned to Christ and live. Now I’m sure there’s no doubt people somewhere that have gotten a little card like this.

And that has made all the difference in their life. It’s that one. What do they call It’s a straw on the camel’s back or whatever, that the straw that broke the camel’s back, that just pushes them over the edge.

But if you want to reach more people, pull people in a little further. Give people a little more time to soak it in. And, and you’ll have better results in the long run this you’ll never know because there’s no tracking whatsoever with it. But it’s just a piece it all depends on what they’re trying to accomplish with the piece. So that’s all I have for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business for more strategies on how you can make your business completely competition-proof and therefore eventually sell it to for a good price.

If nothing else, so that’s all I have for tonight. Go check out get a free copy And we’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.