Be Different: A Case Study

Walmart Drive-In Movies and thinking outside the box.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Be Different: Case Study.

I am Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live. The only reason why I have this thing on my face so I get a good screenshot that shows up on the video. Hopefully you saw that before you clicked on the video. The whole idea is to be different. And I got a great case study for you to hear today. I was looking.

I was actually surfing the internet just before I came on here and came across a thing called the Walmart driving. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this, but you could find it at the Walmart all one word.

Okay. I’m not advertising for Walmart. It’s a great big company that does a lot of good stuff and a lot of bad stuff. And so I’m not taking them, I’m not taking their side.

What I wanted to do is show you though, that they’re doing something to be different. To stand out a little bit. I don’t know whose idea it was. I don’t know if it’s Walmart is the main person behind it, but they’ve certainly taken it on and allow their name to be associated with it. So what they’re doing is they’re putting together drive in movie theaters, temporary driving, pop up drive in movie theaters, in Walmart Park parking lots all across the country.

And you can find them on that website. Now, you may not have any near you. One thing I noticed is we have some near me, but they’re not showing up on there because they got filled up so quickly. So you can go on there and get tickets. It’s free to go to. It’s nothing but publicity for Walmart. If you look at it from Walmart’s perspective, just as a business, what did they have to lose?


In many cases, they’re not open 24 hours because of this situation with COVID-19. And so they’ll have extra space in their parking lots. A lot of them have enormous parking lots to begin with some of the most enormous ones in any town that they’re in. So they have the space to be able to do this.

They rope off a space. It’s relatively inexpensive nowadays, to get a good size screen to get a good size. sighs projector. And what else do you need a broadcaster for the audio that comes over on your FM radio. So it’s a great idea. It’s actually an idea I’ve had and talked about with other people about how, how, what a cool idea to have drive ins this summer to have these pop up drive ins.

It takes a little bit to get set if you’re starting from the very beginning, but look at Walmart, what they’re able to do with their resources and be able to stand out just by being a little bit different. Why do I bring on being different?

It’s all about my new Amazon Proof Book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

So be different is chapter three. It’s the third way of how to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

And I thought the Walmart example so great one to be able to tie in with all this because it’s simple. It’s simple, it’s subtle. It doesn’t take anything it doesn’t necessarily need to be fantastic or outrageous. It just needs to be different, just a little bit different, something you weren’t expecting something that’ll get people talking a little bit.

That’s what being different is all about. It could be something temporary like this or it could be something major, that completely changes how people view your company in the long run. But that’s a great example.

Go grab my book, if you can get it for free at, that’s, that link is in the description.

But go get a free copy of it or you can go pick it up, you get an electronic, you get one that’ll go on your Kindle Fire. If you go over to over to you can also get a hardback version of it there also, or you get a free version over at my website,

Hey, we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.