Attitude Is The Foundation 🚪🔑

Brian talks about Bible verse Matthew 7:7-8 and the power of belief.


Attitude is the foundation.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We talk a lot here about business I’m business investor. And we talk about the principles behind business the strategies and the tactics.

Today I want to go hardcore principles on, yeah, we’re going to talk about the these passages happen to be from the Bible. But I’m not going to get super religious on your anything but these interesting ideas, okay, regardless of whether you even believe in anything, right?

This is regardless of that. I hear a lot of people. Well, there was a book I read years ago called, Attitude is Everything. And that’s a very common phrase that people use attitude is everything.

A person could take that a bunch of different ways that I heard one person say, it’s really not the truth attitude, is the only thing he said.

I get that, too. I totally get the purpose of that. But really, I think attitude is the foundation of everything that you do. That you need action, you need everything that goes along with that you need the actual doing of the thing.

Attitude, cannot be it, you can’t do it without attitude, it’s the first thing, the first thing you’ve got to achieve is attitude. What I have written here on this, it’s a three by five card and it’s not laminated, it’s in this little soul case.

Years ago, I heard Earl Nightingale The Strangest Secret, and he had a couple tips on there are things that you should do every day.

One of the things is he said, You ought to read this out loud to yourself on a regular basis. Though I don’t necessarily read it out loud to myself, it is something that I always go back to, this is from Matthew 7:7-8, I believe it is.

There are different versions of this, but we’ve all heard it somewhere before that, I want you to think about it, not necessarily in terms of religion because there’s a whole you go off on a whole different area.

Now, I want you to think of this in terms of attitude, for everything in life, okay?

“Ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find, knock, and it will be open to you, for everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be open.”

Now oftentimes, you know, when it comes to religion, people talk about this in terms of salvation, and you know, heavily, salvation and all that. And I’m sure that’s, in general, what it’s meant to mean.

But I found that the same thing is true throughout all of life and especially in terms of business. If you do not have the attitude that you need to ask and seek and knock that you have to. And these are all action words.

They’re not things that were just sitting still, I mean, these are, these are very specific things. But it’s not necessarily a specific thing that you need to do. It’s not saying you got to go knock on doors, but you have to expect in a sense that good things are possible and it doesn’t matter.

If you’re in a war-torn country, or whether you’re in a horribly depressed economy, or whether you’re starving to death or anything else, that the concept is the same.

Asking and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be open to you.

You have to believe it’s possible.

You have to believe that whatever you’re after in life, whatever you’re interested in, or going toward whatever desire that you have that’s in your heart, that’s something real, it’s not just something, you know, a temporary thing or something just to scratch an itch, something deep down, that gets you it’s real, it’s there.

There’s a reason behind it but you have to believe that it’s possible.

You have to believe that it’s out there for you that it’s possible, not just for anybody, but it’s possible for you. simple, so simple idea. So uncommon that we even discuss it person to person, and we talk about it on shows like this.

It’s not about getting all the greedy desires of all the stuff that you you want, but you probably shouldn’t have. I’m not talking about that.

I’m talking about the real deep down stuff, the stuff where you feel like you’re almost set on a path to get like this is this is what you’re meant to do.

If you don’t have anything in your life like that, I recommend you look for it. seek it out, you know, because I think we all I think there’s something for everybody out there. And maybe it’s not, maybe it’s not anything good for you, I don’t know.

But I know for me, I’ve always had certain things that I expected. And for the longest time, I doubted that they were possible. But the more I pull away from that, and don’t get caught up in that, and just wait and see attitude on things.

At the same time, expecting that they’re possible, expecting that it could happen, things have gotten better and better.

Things keep moving more and more in that direction. If that makes sense. It’s an attitude thing. You can’t go out and start a business and get going with a business. If you expect it not to work.

You have to expect it’s going to you have to expect that it can work that it can go in the proper direction, that even if your business fails, it will lead to something better that you’re meant to go into.

So hopefully that makes sense to you. It’s a simple idea but not that not that easy to wrap your mind around. I think it really does take a lifetime. It’s something that I always pull myself back to. And it doesn’t take that much willful effort.

What it does is it takes that initial belief and the initial belief, I think will set a fire under you to go the next level where whatever that is for you.

Oftentimes, I’m speaking directly to business owners, but even if you do not own a business, I think the same thing applies to you.

If this makes sense to you, hey, leave a comment down below and just let me know that it makes sense and or that you agree or that you think you might agree I’d love I’d love to find out even if you think I’m completely full of it. Leave a comment.

I’d love to hear it wherever you’re watching or listening to this love to love to hear from people. And while you’re at it, go download a free copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get a free copy at

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one.

Get out there and let the magic happen.