Atomic Habits, by James Clear 📚 (Book Review)

Brian shares a review on one of his favorite books he’s read of late.


Atomic Habits by James Clear – Book Review.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m doing a quick little book review, I am going to go into more in depth on this book, because it’s one of those that’s been very inspirational, very useful to me. I’m not sure if it’s going to be for you or for you know, even a majority of the people who read it.

It was a New York Times best seller, you know, that happens.

Then I saw it on Amazon’s list for years now in its best selling books.

I’ve seen many people recommend this book to me, not necessarily directly either by Chamber of Commerce, I have multiple people that were passing the book around.

It was one of those I have read many books on habits, we’ve talked a lot about them here, you can see them lining up my shelves.

It’s been a topic that is really intrigued me because it’s one of the few things, one of the few ways I’ve been able to succeed in getting anything accomplished whatsoever with my life is finding ways to turn what can seem unbearable, work into being a habitual thing that you don’t even think about.

That’s been very helpful for me, and it’s a, it’s a process I wish I would have learned at a younger age. Because I think a lot of us get emotions and stuff all wound up in our heads.

That ties into habits to a whole lot of post traumatic stress, you know, PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder, a whole lot of that stuff comes from getting our the part that habit part of our brain basically malfunctioning because of a shocking or emotional, overly emotional experience.

As you start cleaning that out, you start seeing well, you can actually use that part of the brain for good.

We do anyways, you know, daily things that we do, from driving to say like riding a bike, right?

Brushing your teeth to all these different things, they’re habits that you don’t need to think about consciously, you just put the first part into motion, and the rest of it just unfolds.

You can do that with many different areas of your life. But it’s really difficult to do, if you’ve got all these bad habits, kind of jamming up the processes.

He talks about that in here, he doesn’t cover a lot of the, you know, the deep traumatic issues and stuff that people may have that result in bad habits or result in, you know, habitual negative thinking.

But he does cover a lot on how to in the most basic way, how to make good habits, and how to how to get rid of bad habits.

A lot of books cover this in little ways. He gives a very broad brush view of the whole process and the how to back it up, which is why I really liked this book.

I highly recommend it to people who are looking to do something different. I was thrown off by the title honestly, I thought atomic habits was hyperbolic.

But it what he’s talking about is atomic in the in really the scientific sense of something being like an atom like the size of an atom.

What if you could you can build your habits on things that are as small as an atom is the smallest possible increments in order to build up a habit and it’s a it’s such an intriguing field and something I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to really wrap my mind around even though I’ve I’ve discussed the mini habits book out there by Stephen Guys.

That’s an awesome book that was extremely helpful.

But this adds a little bit more of the surrounding concepts behind it. It’s just a great addition and really if a person had to read someone asked me if a person had to read one habit book what which one would you recommend?

This is the latest one I’ve I’ve read and reread. So I think that it’s this one gives the overall general idea and the other ones give you little bits of in taste of some of the specifics. If you’re looking for just a very very just a quick start into the habit field you haven’t read anything on it you don’t want to read something this thick. Go it’s a quick read is really simple read that guy’s a good writer, but you I recommend slight edge is a great starter book.

Do I have it right here?

Oh, here’s here’s where my original copies of the slides this was this was got to be one of the first printings of it by Jeff Olson, slight edge secrets to a successful life. And it just discusses that.

How if you can do something in a residual manner, how doing that over a long period of time creates can create something wonderful or can create something horrible.

Still, it happens residually it happens a little tiny bits.

This is a great starter.

This is a great ender this book, and like I said, I’m gonna get into details later. So follow subscribe, wherever you’re listening to this, you can always also catch up later over at

Go to the media section and you can catch all the old videos and podcasts that where we talk about. We’re gonna be talking about atomic habits in the next few episodes. So stay tuned for that.

You can also check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It has nothing to do with habits, but has a whole lot to do with systems that you put into place in order to get you what you want out of your business. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Get a Free copy at That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.