Are You Creating Magic For Your Customers?

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Are you creating magic for your customers?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We talk with you every day about another topic has to do with having to run a business, build a business, take it from where it’s at, to the heights that you want to take it to. And we do that by discussing principles, strategies and tactics to help you get there.

Today I want to talk about kind of a long-term strategy that’s based on a principle. And that’s the idea of creating magic.

There’s different places you could see this all over nowadays, different companies, I know you’ve seen it, because it’s one of those situations where it happens. It just throws you off it makes you stop and say, Wow, that’s that’s different. You know, that’s special.

I’ve given a lot of examples if you go back and watch or listen to earlier episodes.

Whenever I come across one I try and bring it to you in the moment so that you kind of get get a feel for it. One example that pops into my head, which is kind of a classic example that a lot of people will be familiar with.

If you’ve ever been to a Disney park, I believe most of them do this. One of the things they do is in their main street area, I know it’s called different things in different parks.

But in the main Disney parks, they’ve got that main street that you’re going down. And one thing they do is they pump out the smell of vanilla and it will depend on the time of year they pump out different smells.

To get a person in the mood, not necessarily just to eat but it’s all that good feeling and everything else have you ever have you ever smelled something and then all of a sudden your mind goes back to a place you know, they say that smell in the brain. I don’t know if that’s true or not.

They say smell is tied to your memories in the same spot of the brain. They’re right there.

So that’s why smells are take you right back. But smells especially that it’s just another way of creating magic. It’s another way of creating an atmosphere that a person can relate back to and think about and want to come back to again and again, which is why people are going nuts because Disneyland has been shut down for so long.

We’re recording this in September of 2020. And it’s still it’s been shut down since March, I guess, on time, so it’s it’s a longest period of time that Disneyland the original park in Anaheim, California longest period of time it has ever been shut down, even not even close, has been shut down for a longer period of time than this pretty incredible time that we’re living in.

But it doesn’t mean that you can’t create magic for your customers. It doesn’t take much. It just takes a little bit extra takes a little bit extra effort. Put in a little bit extra hours. To be able to just have a solid experience a little Thank you packet, a little extra gift to your best customers. Just anything additional.

That makes a little bit of difference a phone call.

How often do you get phone calls from websites after you’ve purchased something there, right?

Doesn’t happen very often unless there’s something wrong unless you did something wrong. You didn’t you didn’t renew your credit card or something else is going wrong. You don’t normally get a call just saying Hi, this is so and so.

I’m the president of such and such. I’ve just wanted to thank you for your for your order of earmuffs the other day. And it’s people like you that make makeup, you know, running this company. Such a great thing. Simple thing.

All you need is a nice little list of that.

Once a month you go through and call even if you didn’t at random, just randomly call some people you kidding me?

That’s something that people talk about. That’s something that it’s a little thing that doesn’t Cost hardly anything.

They can make the biggest difference to your bottom line and keep people coming back over and over and over again. That’s one of the main ways that I have set up in about offering ongoing in my, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business book.

Would you get a free copy over at that’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business go check that out. You get I guess a free copy.

You could also get a physical copy from Amazon or any of the other places where you buy your books. You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happened.