# 6 Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 6 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number six function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going through number six, out of the nine functions of content marketing, as delivered by Bob Bly from his book, The Content Marketing Handbook.

It’s all in the first chapter is really good stuff. This is number six.

So these are functions of content marketing, or what content marketing can do for you.

The sixth point he makes us that educates the market and that a lot of people don’t focus as much on the content in content marketing. But if you focus on educating your market, you’re going to bring them to being better buyers, when the time comes.

He mentioned that one marketer of content marketing software was first to integrate their CMS with analytics, ecommerce and other applications. But the market did not yet understand the benefits of this integration.

So the marketer published a white paper explaining them with good results.

So you can educate your marketplace in terms of telling them why you do the things you do, why certain features exist, why a feature becomes a benefit, why all these things are, or why you’re better than your competition.

You can do this in a longer format when it comes to content marketing, which is the really cool thing about content marketing, that’s when you’re talking only specifically about what it is that you’re offering, let alone if you’re offering any type of help whatsoever.

I’m trying to think of who it was off the top of my head, there was a famous a product that was available in the grocery stores.

I don’t know if it was Kraft or someone like that. It was a common thing, especially back in the 60s and 70s, where they would offer recipes.

So they’d have full-page ads, it was nothing but a recipe that happened to use their ingredient. But it hadn’t didn’t say anything about why they had the best mustard or anything else.

It just said, here’s another great thing you can do with our mustard, and with a great recipe that they can run off with.

They can use a different mustard if they want to. But that’s not the point. The point is that you delivered it, and the fact that you delivered it, it’s going to give you a lot more attention than if you just delivered a straightforward, plain, ugly advertising that everybody always puts out.

So hopefully that makes sense.

It’s just it’s another little wrinkle of content marketing. As you get to know this a little better, you can see where it fits with what you’re planning on doing or what you’re not planning on doing.

That’s a big piece of where we’re going to be moving forward from here on out because I’m going to, I’m putting together a kind of training that’s about the best, that’s the only term I’ve used for it so far, because there’s a million different things you can call it.

Some people call on courses or trainings or webinars or seminars or what have you. I just want to stick with the training until I have my full title and everything. I’ve got a training coming out all about content marketing.

The main goal of it is to help those of you who are wondering whether content marketing is right for you or not.

I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time focused on the people who it’s not right for, but I am going to make it real clear early on.

So that if you’re not the right person for content marketing, you shouldn’t be focusing on any of this stuff whatsoever.

You shouldn’t be watching my videos and you certainly shouldn’t be watching a whole lot of all the other stuff that’s out there on YouTube and podcasting and everything else surrounding the world of content marketing is a waste of your time.

But for many of you, content marketing is the key that is going to make you stand out among your competition.

Other ways to stand out among your competition that also work hand in hand with content marketing, I talked about in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You go get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com digital copy you can download. It’s pretty simple. Amazon proof book.com. That’s all I got for tonight.

We’ll be back tomorrow with number seven of the functions of content marketing. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.