EDDM – What Is It and How Do You Do It? 🏠

If you read this before watching, spoiler, Brian’s talking about Every Door Direct Mail!


EDDM, what is it and how do you do it?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

EDDM stands for Every Door Direct Mail. And this is a sample of it, I’m going to talk about it what is Every Door Direct Mail.

Well, if you’re not aware, the post office has had this program for a number of years now, where you can declare a certain area, and it’s a postal route.

Within a zip code, there are specific routes you can declare a certain area and you can say I want every door in this area to get a copy of my direct mail.

Yeah, this could be an envelope, this could be a piece of paper like this, this can be a postcard, there’s a number of different, you know, ways of doing it, but you’re paying for a bulk amount to be sent out.

The idea is that it actually reaches all of those areas.

Now, depending on the personnel in your area, this may work, it may not work, and you’ve got to really keep an eye on it to make sure that it actually reaches its destination because it’s junk mail.

Because the post office knows it’s junk mail, some postal employees have been known to skip it, and to dump it off in a dumpster or hide it somewhere, just so they have less work to do.

I’m not saying all post office, all people work for the post office do this or anything of the sort I’m saying it has been known to happen and anybody that’s done any amount of work with direct mail knows that flub ups can occur.

Now, with that in mind, though, Every Door Direct Mail may be really useful for you because you can cover a really big area. If you have a message that you want most people to see that it’s a great way of doing it.

This is a piece and you can always tell whether something’s direct Every Door Direct Mail, by this right up here, I don’t know if you can see that. That is showing it actually says EDDM retail us postage paid.

So where a stamp should be, it’s going to have this little insignia. And here it says it will not have an actual name it will say a something like local postal customer.

So that’s the name this showed up in my mail and said his person probably covered a very wide area be curious, I’d love to know because I’m going to show you all the details of this piece. I’d love to know if you know this person, have them get in contact with me I’d love to find out how well this did for them. I want to know if they got their money back and more.

I want to know if they covered the enter you know county or whether they they covered very specific areas and be very interesting to to know and be able to help other people out. This is what it looks like. Very simple page.

So what was on this side is just what I showed you this is nothing but a piece of paper neon, horrible color.

These horrible colors standout and they get attention that’s part of direct mail, you got to get attention.

So even though it technically this is this can get attention as long as I mean, I doubt you get into many of these in the mail every day and on it is a very simple message.

It says Bill’s tree service with his phone number. I hope you don’t mind me showing his phone number.

If you’re in the Southern Oregon area, Josephine County, I imagined bill might be able to help you with your tree. So there’s a little free advertising for you bill. It says licensed bonded insured, and there’s his license number.

I think they may have to have that in their advertising. I’m not sure of the rules for California, but I see it quite often free estimates. So you can estimate on what Bill can do for your trees but here’s a list.

Bullet point list on the bottom of things that can happen removal, hazardous removal, wind sailing, crown cleaning, stump, grinding, hedge trimming, logging, chipping, fuel reduction, retrieval, cat drone plane antenna install.

These are all things that they can do for you at Bill’s tree service, LLC now look at how simple that is. I would bet that bill got some attention with this one way or the other.

I would bet bill got some attention nowadays with with the yellow pages not being hardly I know in at least in our area. It depends on your area. Some areas they’re still thriving, the physical yellow pages, but in our area it’s not.

The simplicity of just finding who to use for your tree services.

It’s not there and everyone’s looking a little bit different. Some people, they go into Google, some people, they have to ask someone they know some people check with the local Chamber of Commerce, or with another website that is one of these websites that you have to pay to get on as a vendor.

They’ll look at reviews online and so forth.

Bill found a way around that with a simple piece of paper sent in the mail. Now, are there ways Bill can make this even better?


One of the things I’d say is I would either say the city or the if it’s Josephine County, I’d say Josephine County resident, here’s a, here’s a special deal from Bill’s tree service. free estimate for this, this is I mean, even, it’s just taking the same information and presenting in a different way.

You can get more attention, there’s a reason why you put who it’s for. And if you don’t have a name of a person, or you can’t put a name and a person like something that’s direct mail, you want to get as specific as possible. You may say, Well, this whole area is, you know, in this certain neighborhood.

So you could say that the you know, residents of the suction suction neighborhood, or Josephine County residents, we live in Josephine County, Oregon.

He could say that, that’s a quick way to be able to gain a little bit more attention, you have a couple more extra split seconds is what you’re looking for when it comes to direct mail, before between the person throwing it away.

And actually reading the next sentence reading the next thing that stands out, this is going to hit certain people, and it’s not going to hit other people, he could take this exact same one, and put it out a couple of weeks from now, and probably get a very similar result to what he’s already gotten.

If he got a good result, I’d suggest he tried again, do nothing but sin the same one out, we’ll get something maybe even a different color, another horribly ugly neon color, they do work. This is the simplicity of getting attention, though.

Sometimes it just means doing something, doing something to get attention, it doesn’t mean you have to use direct mail, it doesn’t mean that you definitely don’t necessarily have to use Every Door Direct Mail.

You can go online and check out the post offices website, you can actually see maps and see where your mail will hit in theory.

That’s a great Every Door Direct Mail is something you, you certainly want to check out. And there’s a lot of other tutorials on YouTube and so forth, where you can find out how to do it exactly. Or you can work with a professional, somebody that knows how to do it a little bit. I am business investor.

So I love discussing these ideas. I love discussing how businesses can do simple things to get attention, because there are people who are not even in your local area that will buy Every Door Direct Mail in order to reach people and it’s well worth it if they understand who their audience is and who they’re trying to get.

Even if it’s a if it’s a very small minority of the people who they’re reaching with each piece of mail.

Hopefully that’s helpful to you. I have a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Right now it is at the timing of this filming.

It is still available on my website for free AmazonProofBook.com.

If you get this or watch this or listen to this later, it may not still be available for free, but hopefully there’ll be something there that you can discount or something that will help you out in your business.

AmazonProofBook.com That’s all I have for today. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.