One Way To Reach A Specific Person ✉️ (FedEx, UPS Mailers)

Look at another way to get your ideal targets attention via the mail.


One way to reach a specific person.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to talk a little bit about how you would go about reaching a specific person, I was having a conversation with some fellows that are getting that they’re really scaling up a new business, and we were having a really lively conversation.

It occurred to me, one of the ways that they’d be able to reach people, once they know who it is that they’re looking to reach would be direct mail.

I’ve talked a lot about direct mail here. It’s not sexy. It’s not appealing to most people, but direct mail is absolutely something that is very useful nowadays, but only if you do it the right way.

If you have a very specific idea about who you’re trying to reach and what you’re wanting them to do. So I’m going to I’ll give you a scenario if there’s someone’s attention you’re looking to reach and let’s say this person is the head of a business, how would you get to them, because most of the time, they’re not going to be the ones looking through their mail.

Let’s say they want a small business but if they’re in a larger business, they’re going to have someone else’s sifting through their mail, taking out all the junk mail, getting all of the stuff that matters.

That would be pertinent and then putting that in front of you and taking it out of the envelopes and everything else. So how do you get past this person who is oftentimes referred to in any form of sales as the gatekeeper is what they call the gatekeeper?

It’s usually an assistant or someone somebody specifically in the office that is set to block out salespeople and other people from reaching the principal in charge.

So how would you go about reaching somebody?

First off, before you do anything, you have to know really who it is you’re looking to reach and why and what it is you’re wanting them to do.

So in other words, you gotta have a really clear cut, offer something that’s centered around them something that they would pay attention to, and would matter to them.

Not just, Hey, I got something you want to buy, you know, it’s got to be something that’s very central to that person, and something that they would could possibly be looking for.

Then once you have that, once you got all that worked out, and you know exactly what you would say to them, if you only had a few seconds of their attention or less.

What do you go about doing that?

Well, what you do is you craft a very simple, straightforward letter to them. And there’s a bunch of different ways, I’m not gonna go into how you would lay out the letter and everything else that’s dependent on this scenario.

I’m not going to talk about the different examples of that here. But here’s a good simple straightforward way for you to go about doing it.

What you do is you craft a letter, you make sure it’s personalized, you make sure it’s directly to them. And then you send it via usually a FedEx envelope.

In the best-case scenario, you do like a, like an overnight FedEx, you get that to them. That is one of those things that someone had to pay extra for it because they’re making it important to put it in this very clear-cut envelope.

It’s guaranteed to get opened. Okay, right off the bat because this isn’t mass media mail, in general, it’s not going to be.

It’s going to get attention one way or the other.

Second, if you don’t have the ability to do FedEx, let’s say your margins just aren’t there, you’re mailing to too many different people and you just can’t hit that.

Honestly, if you do anything you need anywhere similar in that one of those similar envelopes.

So whether you do it in a UPS envelope, which in some cases could be could be less expensive, or even a priority envelope or with the USPS with US Postal Service, or, and I apologize for those who are outside of the United States.

I don’t have experience but I’m sure you could find something similar fern wherever you’re at. Or you can they pick out the fake ones that look like they’re one of those type of envelopes.

They look like they’re from DHL, or FedEx or one of these other carriers that offers these nice envelopes.

That will be the same size everywhere else. I know.

There are a number of companies out there that offer and they’re all I didn’t have my list ready of the different companies go and search for these envelopes out there.

And you can find them and you can purchase these envelopes and send it basically like mail. Even just with a live stamp and it will get there and it will get opened. If nothing else just because of curiosity because they can’t figure out what it is.

Or they just assume that it’s one of these other things because they look very similar to USPS, a mailer, and so forth. The idea is to trick them to open the darn thing. Honestly, that’s the idea.

You could even say in it, say, the reason why I sent this to you, FedEx is because I really wanted you to hear what I had to say because this is an important message.

I knew that just sitting on anything would not necessarily make its way to your desk.

So here it is, just lay it out there be straightforward, you don’t have to be sneaky, once they’ve opened it, they’ve opened it up in front of their eyes, you got to get their attention, you got a little smidgen of time to show them that you have something that they want.

If you don’t have something they want to know it’s a waste anyways. But if you do have something they want, make sure you’re clear about that right off the bat, and put it right out there for them to snatch up.

Be very clear about what you want them to do what we call a call to action, you have to do whatever you’re calling them to act on or two do, you gotta be clear about that.

If you do that, and you’re able to get the thing opened. That’s one of the quickest, easiest ways but here’s, here’s a little extra on top of that, once you sin that even if you get zero response off of it, this now opens up so many different areas that you would not have had open to you up until now.

So now, you can make a phone call. And say, the reason why I’m calling is we said to FedEx, it should have arrived yesterday, I just wanted to see if he received it, and what his reply would be to what we were discussing this can get you also past the gatekeeper directly to him, because it’s in regards to something specific, you’re not just calling out of nowhere, I’m calling just because I want to talk to him.

You know, that’s, that’s oftentimes not not going to get you there. But if you if you have a reason why you’re calling, even an excuse like that, that’s a foot in the door that opens up everything else.

Also, let’s say the person is on LinkedIn, you can send them a message over LinkedIn. Say, I was wondering if you received my FedEx envelope in the mail yesterday. And then well, what do you think?

What are your thoughts on what was in it? there were

These are simple, very simple concepts, going directly to the email to any sort of social media to texting or phone call, doing those directly, off-puttingting in a lot of cases when it comes to business. Especially if you have zero connection to them whatsoever.

Up until that point, there’s ways of doing it.

Obviously there are pros out there that know how to do this. But having a piece of mail precede you and then asking for in reference to that piece of mail. That makes a big difference. piece of mail with a follow up phone call is the simplest thing in the world.

It will oftentimes get you right in front of the person who you need to get in front of. And if not, it may not be a good fit to begin with. But at least it’s a really good shot at doing it.

Hopefully, that’s helpful to you. I’ve written a book and it has some tips about these things in it.

It’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at I normally have these sitting back here but I’m running out of copies. I gotta get some more copies sent to me because I I’ve been passing them out to people.

So you get a free copy Or you go purchase a hard copy it just go on

They’ll print one right up for you and send it out to you. It’s pretty slick. It’s a great deal. You have a great night. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.