Wedding Invitation: Direct Mail ✉️

Direct mail breakdown on a piece of mail Brian recently received.


Wedding invitation and direct mail.

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m going to show you something real quick, but I want to warn you, okay?

I’m not showing it to you because I want you to go off and do this exact thing.

If you’re in business, if you’re involved in marketing, it’s going to be tempting just to rip this off. Now you can, there’s a way to go about doing it but I want you to get the idea of the concept behind it, which is really cool.

The concept is taking something that would not normally be in a particular area and bringing it there and I’ll show you what I mean in a second.

This is a piece of mail a friend showed me I’m hiding their name but I want to show you the envelope first. This showed up in their mail, it has what appears to be handwriting.

Now, in closer inspection, you can tell this was done with a printer, but it was done very well.

It’s very legible but at the same time, it appears to be handwriting dumb with a blue pen. You’ve got the address up above without a name. It’s just sweet 200.

It can be anything.

It’s Kirkland, Washington, it could be anything. It’s got live stamps, makes it very much looks like and feels like a wedding invitation or a card or invitation of some sort, nothing on the back.

Very unassuming, you have to open this.

It’s got your name.

It’s spelled correctly and everything you have to open this and the toughest thing about direct mail as with it.

You could take the same thing and flip it and say this, the toughest thing about email, the toughest thing about just about any form of direct marketing is getting them to actually open it, getting them to open the email, open the direct mail.

So this is a good job of getting past that first step.

Being that the idea that you actually made it to the right place. He opened it up there is a card. Good stock.

Looks like a wedding invitation has a picture of a couple on the front.

Who is this?

I don’t know who this is.

It says a special VIP invitation.

Oh my gosh, who is this?

Scott and Amy Yancey.

Then the only thing that throws off this is if you actually recognize the names. Supposedly these folks are well known. And then there’s a QR code on the front.

Why, I’m not sure I didn’t go to it.

But you open it up and of course, it shows off that it’s an ad.

The first thing it shows you’ll receive $250 Starbucks redemption when you arrive, okay, you must really like or go to Starbucks on a regular basis for this to draw your attention.

But if you do, that’s a hot thing to offer.

I mean, that’s all 250 bucks.

We’re excited to extend this very special VIP invitation to you and your guest. That’s interesting.

Then we continue on with kind of the, the fake writing.

It’s personalized, it said, Dear blank, I’m the one that you know, redacted that, congratulations, you’ve been pre qualified as a via as a VIP guest please accept this private invitation to the make money and preserve wealth.

Lunch conference, call one 800 To reserve your VIP event credentials at no cost to you and one guest remember, just one new idea can change your life forever to your success. Scott and Amy, it appears to have been actually signed, a&e stars.

PS, remember, as our personal guests, you and your guests will receive free admission and our valuable resource discs at the event.

So it’s a pitching event that they’re inviting you to. They’ve got a bribe attached to it and they’ve got you in to actually do it.

Now on the back, you have a lot more details.

This is the only thing that looks pure advertising right back here. Real Estate income event make more money with income properties, free lunch, the name and the guest.

Your free CD is your resource discs.

Where it’s at and everything else very interesting. It’s a very good way to be able to sneak in and to be able to get somebody’s attention.

Whereas a normal piece of direct mail a postcard been sent in the mail, I guarantee you would get less draw than this little piece right here.

Even if you’re offering the exact same things, everything else because it comes off as commercial right off the bat because this draws you in with not being a commercial.

People are going to pay closer attention to it. They’ve drawn themselves in they’ve taken time with it.

The more time you take from person the more they’re going to spend because they want to find out what the deal is with this.

They want to get that value back. It’s a very interesting idea.

Like I said, you don’t have to go out and build a fake wedding invitation to reach people you can. But you don’t have to the same thing can be done in any type of if you just take direct mail in general.

Think about all the different things you get in the mail. And how can you dress yours up like that? Just to get the attention?

Yes, necessary.

Not that you’re trying to trick anybody but what if you just need their attention for just one split second longer to really put out a clear cut offer, you got to have that otherwise, it’s not worth the time going through all this mess to do you got to have an offer.

You got to be able to track it and if you do that, you’ll probably have success.

It’s one of those fun things with direct mail that is unlike any other type of advertising out there. But the same principles apply, regardless of what advertising you do end up going with. So hopefully that’s helpful.

Good check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you’re looking for ways to overcome the competition. I got nine clear cut ways that really open up a whole new world. Each one of them can make a huge difference to your business. Get it at or Or you can get a free copy at Digital Copy

That’s all I have for tonight, you have a good one.

We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.