What Do You Do? 👔

Ever wonder what Brian does? Well, he chats about it in this video. 🙂


What do you do?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I want to talk about what was a question that I got. And it’s one I get often enough that I probably am not clear enough in my social media.

It’s good to have at least one video that answers this question is within that’s a question of basically, what is it that you do.

I had a question from Ethan over LinkedIn, as a new contact on LinkedIn, I connect with people, if you’d like to connect on LinkedIn just send me a message on there and let me know that you had seen or heard my podcasts or videos and just that you’d like to connect, and I’d be happy to connect with you.

As long as you don’t have anything wacky or weird on your page that would that would throw me off or make me think that you’re a spammer or anything of that sort.

I don’t mind connecting with complete strangers. I do it all the time.

But Ethan was asking me to tell him a little bit more about my businesses, because I kind of have an eclectic, lineup they’re on my LinkedIn profile.

I was thinking about this. Okay, how do you go about talking about this in person, I don’t have as much of an issue with it because I can usually find out a little bit more about that person and where they’re coming from.

I either go with a long answer or a short answer. Sometimes on social media, it’s a little bit more difficult, especially if you don’t know the person as to why they’re asking. And so how, how do you go about answering that question.

I wanted to kind of come straight at it and kind of give you as broad a view as I can, I could always go into more detail if any of these things interest you. So you can always reach out to my social media, or at my website, BrianJPombo.com.

But let’s talk a little bit about it.

So there are really two types of people that I work with right now, pretty exclusively now that there might be somebody that that fits outside those lines. I’ve worked with people in politics, I’ve worked with people in religion, I’ve worked with people in nonprofit areas but I tend to stick with two types of business owners.

The first type of business owners, the person that’s an aspiring business owner, or new business owner, someone that’s looking to get into business.

I can assist them with that I’ve been in business for over 20 years of in business and some sort I’ve been in business exclusively for the past. I don’t know, what was it coming up on 15 years, I guess now.

I have a little bit of experience with it. And just enough to help a person kind of get going, I also know I have a pretty good network of other people that I connect people with.

And so what I do is I don’t charge anybody, anything, when I work with a new person, I basically make a deal with them, too. If if it looks like I can help, I’ll make a deal with them to take a percentage of the profits, once they arrive, if they arrive, and if they don’t arrive, then I just waste my time and money with them.

But I’m willing to take that chance on most on many of the people I won’t say most of the people if you qualify, basically, I’d be willing to spend time and money on you until we’re able to get a business up and running.

If that never occurs, or if it fizzles out, which can happen quite often, then I’ve wasted my time and money. So that’s no big deal.

That’s the first type of person I work with someone who’s relatively new to the business world, or relatively new to a new type of business, or a new industry that they’re not familiar with.

I can help walk them through that process if I have the background on it.

The second type of person that I work with, or someone who’s already successful, they’ve had a business for a while they’re a business owner, or they’re at least in the executive end of the business to where they have, they’re pretty much one of the major decision-makers.

What they do has a whole lot to do with the success or failure of that business. And so when you have a situation like that, then that’s a person who I can also help with a completely different set of skills, completely different set of things there.

Sometimes some of the principles are the same, the same principles we talked about here. But that tends to be a lot of what I discuss here is main broad-based principles, some of the strategies and everything will help more that person because that person is is somebody that I’d be making a deal with.

I’d be really investing on the long term in terms of in either a major investor in terms of ownership or, or some type of equity investment that I will be able to work out with them and their company based on what they’ve already done and where they’re looking at going and whether I can actually help them or not.

So that’s how I tie that in and that’s my overall business investment concept. It both of those are completely separate businesses for me.

But they work in very similar fashion and they work with me basically betting that I can help somebody or not.

If I can’t help them that we don’t move forward, if I believe I can help them, then then we work out the parameters, and we go from there.

So that’s pretty much what I do in a nutshell, like I said, there’s a whole bunch of other things that are associated and other things that I’ve done and things I’ve done for friends, family and otherwise but that is what I do.

You could also find out more about my overall business philosophy and the type of things that I can help you with in the long run by reading my book, 9 Ways to Amazo-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy, if you want to download it at AmazonProofBook.com. All you got to do is give me your email address and I’ll send you a copy immediately. It’s all automated, you know, it sends it right over to you. So that’s all I’ve got for tonight.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about a project that I’ve had in the wings that have nothing to do directly with the business with the businesses that I discussed here tonight, but it’s a personal project that I’m going to tie into it and kind of show you how that kind of goes about working.

It has something to do with a movie that just came out. So tune in tomorrow we’ll discuss that. That’s all I got. You have a good night. Get out there and let the magic happen.