Slow Business During The Holidays? 🐌

happy holidays everyone.


Slow business during the holidays.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Business tends to slow down during the holidays, not always depending on what type of business you’re in but oftentimes a whole lot of people see a slump that happens during the holiday season.

We’ve been discussing this quite a bit this last month because it can start as early as Halloween for some industries.

How do you go about fixing that?

Well, we mentioned using the holidays as an excuse to get in touch with people, okay, either via marketing or directly, I don’t care if you gotta get on the phone and call them. But depending on the type of business you have you it gives you an excuse to get in touch with them.

Not necessarily pitch them something right off the bat. Now maybe you have a pitch along with it on offer, offer something to them. But maybe your business doesn’t quite fit that, or you can’t find a way to do that.

Just connecting with them and reminding them that you exist, makes a really big difference.

What’s the other thing, the other thing you could be doing right now that most people don’t set time aside throughout the year is you can be planning, you could be planning your strategy, planning your attack for the next year.

This is a really good time to do it. If you have the time available if you know that you have a slump, so to speak for the holidays, take advantage of it, plan what you’re going to do, as soon as things pick up again.

You should know from previous years or if this is your first year in business or first year in this industry, then you know, plan on you know, depending on when it stopped, I would think that sometime after the first of the year, you should be ready to go again.

If you don’t want to start planning then plan now, plan in the in-between times in between your holiday parties and everything.

Do everything you can to plan where you’re going next. And make time for planning schedule, set up a new schedule for next year, a new personal schedule so that you have a specific time for thinking and planning out the next step in your business. Plan, do check to adjust.

We’ve talked about that previously and that is a major, major thing that you need to have scheduled in your book on your phone. However, you do a schedule, you’ve got to make sure that that is available and that you are paying enough attention to it.

Make sure that you’re working with partners, your employees, your vendors, your mentors, anybody that you go to for advice, and if you don’t have someone you need someone find some people that you can bounce ideas off of it doesn’t mean you have to take it still means you’re the boss, it still means you’re responsible.

But you got to have some people you bounce ideas off of otherwise your business is going stale, I guarantee it.

Even if you’re pulling out a lot of money, it’s going to go stale and it could be doing a whole lot better than it is just by having someone that has some background in your business, not in your specific business and not even necessarily in your industry. But someone with business mindedness that you can bounce ideas off of and hopefully a handful of people like that, that you can talk to on a regular basis a mastermind you plug into anything of that sort you’re always welcome to talk with me.

Or at least you could reach out and we can see if there’s something we can chat about see if there’s something I can help you out with go to there’s also ways you can get in touch with me that are found right in this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, goes through some ideas that you can start working on this as nine separate things that you could be focusing on this next year.

Go buy a copy, and if you don’t want to buy it because you’re stingy.

Go and get a free copy at

Hopefully that makes sense. It’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. Have a fabulous Merry Christmas. Happy holiday season and we’ll see you tomorrow night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.