Make Them Feel At Home 🏠

Back home from a family trip to California for a few weeks.


Make them feel at home.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I am back at home.

For those of you who don’t know, this is the home office of Brian J What I call the headquarters. And it’s good to be back.

It’s about 10 o’clock at night, and all the kids have been put to bed and we’re just happy to be home. For those of you who are maybe new, the last couple of episodes I was at Disneyland and Legoland before that, celebrating Thanksgiving with family.

And so a whole lot of traveling via car, a little bit of traveling via plane and just go go go for 10 days straight kind of a marathon for me and my family. So it was it was fun.

And what I like about traveling, I like getting out and doing something new.

I love going to new places.

I love going to places I’ve been before I just love getting out there and moving and shaking things up, I really do.

But the funny thing is, is there’s nothing quite like home, especially after you’ve been away a while. There’s nothing quite like this getting back at home, it’s just that comfort zone. That just feels right.

And everything’s where you want it to be, you know, or where you at least expect it to be, you may not even want it there. But you’re you expected to be there.

And everyone’s got that in someplace. If it’s not the place where you live, sometimes the place you know, where your parents live, or where you grew up, there’s always a place that you consider home where you feel the most comfortable.

This plays back into business because ideally, what you want to create for your customer base is a feeling of home, all of those types of comforts.

Obviously, this can be taken too far and done in the wrong way and create horrible addictions and everything else by feeling that comfort. But I don’t want to get into that I want to talk about just the easygoing idea that people feel like this is where they belong.

If you can create that belonging concept in your business, it makes a big difference. And you got to think of it as the same way you feel when you’ve been away from home and you come home.

That feeling if you can somehow duplicate that in your business. That’s a really useful thing. I talk about it a little bit in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business by a little bit.

It’s one of the nine ways is how to create belonging. And it’s I dedicate a whole chapter to it. It’s at least a start in talking about this idea it kind of exploring it for you and your business.

So I highly recommend you go check that out. If you haven’t yet, gotten yourself a copy, you can always just download a free copy, go to

It’s been a long day and a long week in so I’m gonna I’m gonna you know, have a cup of herbal tea and get to bed relatively early.

So I can have a nice full day tomorrow because we’ve got stuff to do tomorrow. Certainly stuff around the house, a little bit of business, and a lot of fun.

So, we’ll see you then come on back.

And in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.