Want: The Double-Edged Sword ⚔️

Thoughts on the good and bad of wants and desires.


Want the double-edged sword?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m going to give the sword back to the Black Knight over here. And let’s talk a little bit about what wants his desire right in business. It is the place where you can come right out and talk about desire directly.

Even though it fuels most people most of the day, most of the time, it really is, it’s the thing that makes us do, what we end up doing is our desire to do it our want to do it. That’s why so many people don’t do what they need to do they do what they want to do, they follow their initial desire.

Now, this has bad connotations, obviously but it also has good connotations in a marketplace economy as we have in the United States or the partial marketplace economy.

You it has a whole lot of benefits to it, it brings about innovation and everything else, I’m not going to get too deep into that on whether one does a good thing or not a good thing.

The plain fact of the matter is, if you’re looking to sell anything to anyone, you got a product, you got to service anything, you have to understand or constantly get to understand more and more about what and I’m going to talk about the double-edged sword of it.

I’m going to talk about the fact that we and I talk about this a lot here is we talk about the customer and the client and the end, the end person whoever you’re working with, if you’re bringing on a patient, it doesn’t matter what circumstance if you’re attempting to get somebody to do something, you have to play to what it is that they already want.

You have to either know what that is or find out what that is and then you have to play to it and show how your widget your service, your church can get them what they already want.

Not an easy task and at the same time, here’s the other edge of the sword that I don’t talk about as often you have to keep an eye on what it is that you want in the back of your mind, but not in the front. Okay.

So you really have to get good at setting your wants aside while attempting to help other people achieve their once.

It’s a natural thing because if you are too consumed with your own once it changes your behavior.

This is really apparent in one on one sales environment and I’m not just talking about a used car salesman, I’m talking about any situation where you’re in a conversation with somebody attempting to take them from where they are to purchasing something that you have or doing a certain action that you want them to do.

It could be that you’re looking to get them to donate to a charity, it doesn’t matter. It’s the same process no matter what different wants, perhaps, but it’s the same process.

So in that process, if you are focused too much on getting them to do what you want them to do, because you want the end result that’s going to come from that, meaning you’re going to get a paycheck from you’re going to get something if you pay too much attention to what you want.

It messes up the whole feel of it and people can sense when somebody is pushing them to do what they want them to do versus what they themselves want to do if that makes sense.

This is very, very, very prevalent, like I said, in one on one interactions. It gets a little bit more dissonant as you start talking about marketing and start having a distance between the person doing the sale and the person who’s wanting to who you want to sell, you know.

But in the one-on-one environment, you get into a situation where you’re discussing with a person you’re talking to a person, the person who can get the other person to reveal their wants is the person that wins. If the consumer is able to show that to get the seller to reveal their wants they ended up winning unless the seller isn’t honest.

Okay, which is really easy not to do and so what one thing I’ll do if I’m working with somebody, and let’s say I’m talking with somebody that I’m looking to sell my car to, let’s I’m just bringing up a random example.

Because I do have a used vehicle that I’m looking to get rid of, if I’m talking to them, the first thing I’m going to say is, this is how much we’re looking for it, here’s everything that’s wrong with it, I’m going to put all of my sore spots, all of the chinks in my armor, anything that could possibly go wrong, I want that all upfront.

Because I want to get I want anything that they could see as a negative right out there, I’ll say this is how much I’m looking for.

So I’m going to tell them the price right off the bat. And all the things that they tell you not to do, sometimes you need to do, sometimes you need to put it all out front. Because when you do that they already felt like they won.

And if you’re being honest, they’ve already won, they’ve gotten to see your side. So now they feel okay about showing their side, they feel okay about showing what they want.

The more honest that conversation is between the two sides as direct to the point as possible.

The better the circumstances that the right person is going to purchase the right thing because there’s always a wrong person to purchase the right thing.

There’s always the wrong thing for the right person if that makes sense. But if this is going to work out, right, if you’re going to end up selling something that’s quality to someone for the proper price, if you’re going to do that, and they’re going to walk away happy, which is what I would consider a good a good sale of any sort. If you’re going to do that you have to watch your wants. You got to know what they are.

You got to lay them out there when at all possible, you’ve got to be able to lay them out there and get them out of the way as soon as possible and then focus on there once.

But it’s oftentimes people know instinctually, behind the scenes and their subconscious, they realize that it feels like a weakness to reveal your wants. But if you tell them first, it’s helpful. That’s how you get over the issue of this double-edged sword.

Don’t be scared of it, understand it, understand that, that people can control you through your wants. Don’t let them put them out there in front of them and say that’s fine. This is what I’m after. This is what I want, now show me what you want. And whether you’re in the seller position or the buyer position.

This is a really helpful strategy for you. If you’re looking for other strategies to help build your business, I got a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It goes into more broad-based long-term strategies, but it might be able to be something that would help you. You can buy a copy off Amazon it’s cheap.

It’s a hardback book, but it’s short and cheap or you can get a free copy AmazonProofBook.com

You can download a digital copy. That’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.