2 Revealing Questions For Business Owners 🕴️🕴️

In a continuation from yesterdays vlog, Brian brings you his two questions for someone you’re talking with in a new industry.


Two revealing questions for business owners.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Yesterday we were talking about two steps for if you’re looking into starting a business, we on what should you do?

And one of the main steps, the second step that I went over was interviewing business owners interviewing people, especially in businesses, or in industries that you’re looking to get into people that you think you’d want to be like, okay.

You definitely want to examine their lifestyle, you know, how much time do they spend at work, all that stuff?

Hopefully, that’s obvious.

Two questions that I think are imperative that you should ask anybody in an industry that you’re looking to get into, either as a business owner, if you’re looking to invest in a business even that’s in that industry, these are the two big questions.

There’ll be very revealing for somebody that’s open and honest about the business that they’re starting.

The reason why I’m talking about this, is because you got a whole lot of people that used to be in business that are that their business failed during the COVID-19 crisis, you have a whole lot of people that have never been in business before.

But because of the COVID-19 crisis, it scared them into trying something new.

People were done with a lot of the employment options out there.

So I wanted to throw this out there, even though I’m normally working with people that are already in business, and already successful in business. I’ve wanted to kind of toss this out there for the people that are looking to get into a new industry, or people that have never done business before.

It definitely want to interview business owners.

Here’s the two questions.

Number one question is, are the first question no, no, if it’s the number one question, but it’s the first question, what do you like best about your business and industry?

So this is a common question, I asked this on nearly every podcast that I put out there, my interview podcasts.

So what I’m gonna do, we’ve got a set of interviews that are coming up here for Brian J. Pombo Live.

That we kind of branded BJP Chats, and those are with direct business owners. It’s a common question that I tend to ask because it’s very revealing when you look at what they like best about what they do.

Number one, what they like best may not be what you would like best. But what they like best is revealing something about the industry that is very big in their minds.

So it’s something you want to know, what they like best to see if it is something that you would like, or if it’s something you wouldn’t like.

What I like best is the people I’m surrounded by people all day, I can’t get enough for people, well, person who’s really not into people isn’t going to be too happy with that answer.

If a person is you know, more introverted, or they’re easily drained by too many people, then that’s that’s might be a little bit of a turnoff.

So these are the type of questions you have to ask.

That’s the first one.

The second one is the exact opposite question, but oftentimes very, very revealing, especially if you have somebody that is very honest.

And that question is, what do you like least or the way I like to put it is if you could change one thing about your industry, or your business itself, what would it be that always gets people talking?

Sometimes if you say what you like least people who are more positive and upbeat or don’t want to give off a bad vibe about their business, they won’t give you a straight answer.

But if you say if you could change one thing, what would it be?

You get a very, very well thought out answer.

In most cases, I found I usually get the best answers you go listen to, Off The Grid Biz Podcast, you find it at, offthegridbiz.com.

Or you can go check out the Grants Pass VIP. I know most of you don’t live in the Grants Pass Josephine County area, it’s meant to be a local show, but the even the conversations are very revealing.

So it’s one of the things I asked the business owners quite often is what do you like best?

And if you could change one thing, what would it be?

Just dig deeper, find out more you can’t ask enough questions of somebody who is in an industry you’re looking to get into, especially if you’re very clear with them that you’re not looking to compete directly with them.

If it’s a location based thing and you’re going to be in a different location or what have you. You want to clear that out of the way right off the bat. But if you’re actually interested, sit down and talk to as many people as you can, who are in that position in that business or industry. It’s a one thing that’s rarely done.

Most most people they get into business, they just want to jump in.

I just want the positives, don’t tell me the negatives, you know, it kind of comes with the territory is to me kind of overly positive about it.

But if you are very thoughtful, and you go and talk to as many people as you can about that industry, you’re going to be a lot more happier with the results and you won’t be sideswiped by the negatives.

So if you know about the negatives going in and you’re still okay with it, then you’ll be ready for them when they show up.

You may not be happy about them, but you’ll be ready for them.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. If you’d like more strategies as you get your business going. And as you start thinking in the in a real big scale about growing a business.

I’m going to recommend my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Amazon-Proof just means make it to where nobody can stop you even if they’re Amazon.com. It’s a quick read. You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.