3 Classifications for Potential Customers

Thoughts on what to look for in potential customers.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Reclassifications for potential customers.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

There’s a lot of different ways that you can divide up different customers or potential customers and in this cases are three ways to be able to look at it. And it’s a great way to be able to step back and take a look at your marketing and think about your long term strategy when it comes to marketing.

Because a huge part of strategy is marketing, it really is. And it’s one of those places that most businesses just kind of put off until they need it type of thing, where you just kind of Hope it just kind of runs on its own, you know, just put an ad in the Yellow Pages and let it run type of deal.

What’s really good is if you can get ahead of it, if you can have strategies systematized them to where you don’t have to think about them, except for a short period of time while you’re putting it together, and then just tweaking them as they go along.

Yeah, there’s always going to be tweaking that needs to happen someone needs to do the tweaking, maybe higher, so that out the tweaking, but tweaking has to happen somewhere. So let’s talk about what those three different categories are.

The first one is the person that’s ready to buy now, right?

That there’s there are people out there that want what you have, right?

Now I don’t care what time of day it is, day or night, there are somebody out there that’s ready to go now, all they have to do is have your offer in front of them for whatever product and it’s gonna be different.

Obviously if you’ve got only pull back a second here, if you’ve got a let’s say, you’ve got many products that you sell through your business, okay, each product has a different set of these, right. But if you have only one product if you have only one service, let’s take it one thing at a time here, someone right now wants exactly what you offer.

They want it you don’t have to sell them on it, you just have to explain to them that it’s available and that there’s a price and they’re willing to pay it.

That’s one person they’re ready. Now they’re ready to pay now and you got to get in front of them right now. Because tomorrow, it may be different, maybe they won’t be or maybe next week, they won’t be or next month or next year, they won’t be in that spot. But right now they are, there’s a certain percentage of the people out there and who knows what that is.

What you got to get really good about that group is determining what are the signs of someone that’s in that looking zone?

What is their thought pattern going on when they’re and then now spot, right?

The second we could talk all day about the now spot it’s what most marketers focus on is the now the people were ready and hot to buy now the low hanging fruit as people call it, right?

But really, you got to look beyond the now people because finding all the now people’s impossible, there’s a certain amount of exposure, you can get to be able to grab the now people.

But in general, you got to look a little bit beyond that, because it’s really tough to find all the now people right now not that you shouldn’t try. But just something to consider in the long run the second area, or the later people, okay, there are people who are going to want to buy from you, just not right now.

Now, they may be previous customers, they may be people that don’t know about you yet, but they’re just not ready. Even if they knew about you. They’re not ready yet.

Maybe they need to get to know you better, or get to know your product better. Or see it enough times or see enough testimonials about your product or service. What have you, there are later people and the later people need time. And that is going to be most of the people out there.

If you compare the now to the later people, it’s going to be 99.999% are going to be later people have all your potential customers versus the now people the now people’s a small sliver, the later people’s everybody else. But not everybody else.

I mean 99% of your potential customers. There’s a third group that are the never people. These are the people that are never going to buy from you.

It doesn’t matter what it’s because whatever niche you’re in or whatever is something that they’re not in, if you’re selling dog food, they’re never going to own a dog. They’re just never going to there are people out there that never will they will never have a need for dog food.

They are the number people, whatever your category is there’s a there’s a portion. It’s more or less depending on what it is that you offer, but there’s a portion of the public That is never going to want what you have.

They’re just never going to you can talk all day talk all night, they will never buy it. So where do you go from there, what you got to get good at is expelling those people from your marketing, making sure that they’re not watching your videos, because videos cost money, especially if you’re paying for any form of advertising.

You don’t want those people watching you. You don’t want to watch and you at all, you don’t want them anywhere near you, you have to push them away as hard as you can, and do your best to never show anything to those people.

So you got to find out what are the indicators that someone will never buy from you? What do they all have in common?

That’s important to have, especially nowadays with extreme targeting going on with especially with online marketing, and so forth.

You can get in there and say, I don’t want to show people this age, I don’t want to show people of this gender, I don’t want to show people this or that. And it’s not about being racist, or sexist or ageist or anything like that. It’s about getting straight to the people who are most likely to purchase from you. And try not to get in the way of everybody else.

Because there’s no reason to, it costs you money, it costs them time, there’s no reason why you should be spending time getting in front of them get in front of the people that are now people and later people.

That later group is one of the most ignored group in the world. But you got to determine who they are, to some extent, you have to know what it is they’re all about. You got to know their demographics and psychographics what’s going on in their mind. And then you have to have a constant flow of marketing material.

What you’re watching right now is marketing material. Yes, it’s hopefully it’s helpful to you.

But it’s mark, as far as I’m concerned to marketing material to my business, for example, I’m promoting a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s also extremely helpful to you, in fact, I’m giving away copies to it, you get a free copy over at AmazonProofBook.com. That’s for all my later people. But now people don’t need it.

If you are now person, maybe you do, maybe you’re going to have to go through it before you go to the next step. But that makes you a later person most. I mean, really, the now people in my group are so tiny, I very rarely come across now people, I’m always talking to later people, I’m trying to loop in later people and get to know him better.

Because in my field, it’s all about trust, everything comes down to trust, but you’re going to know a lot less trust, depending on the price of what you have.

So the lower the price, the less trust is necessary. And the commitment, time commitment, the the risk involved, the lower the risk, the lower the time commitment, the lower amount of trust, you need to gain from somebody, if you’re giving away a free, a free sample of whatever it is that you provide.

And it doesn’t cost very much to begin with. And it doesn’t it’s it’s it doesn’t take any of their time.

You say hey, all you got to do is push this button, I’m sending a free sample directly your way. That is low risk, low commitment, doesn’t take as much trust to get get through the door with something like that.

It doesn’t take as much for me to get people to download something for free. Nowadays, it’s a time thing because everyone’s offering free this and free that. So it’s more about the time thing person has to show interest in order to download this. And I they exchange an email, of course that’s how it works. AmazonProofBook.com you go check this out.

Don’t forget those three areas and start thinking about your marketing. If you can think of when you’re starting with strategy. When it comes to marketing, think about those three different types of people that are out there. There’s nobody that doesn’t fit into one of those types. Guaranteed.

And if you think I’m wrong, I’d love to hear hear from you. Leave me a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this.

You have a great night, we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.