What’s Your Unique Ability?

Have you ever had people tell you what you suck at?

Have you ever had people tell you what you are a star at?

Try it sometime, you might be surprised what you get back.

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What’s your unique ability?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to talk about the concept of unique ability. I first heard this, I believe from Perry Marshall, who had learned about this, the bulk, the phrase and the idea from Dan Sullivan.

Dan Sullivan, I’ve spoken about it many times here, when he discusses the concept of unique ability, which is the thing that you bring to the marketplace, the thing that you bring to your profession to your career, that’s unique, that’s different from everybody else, what is it?

What is your unique ability, and one of the things that I found is that many entrepreneurs, many business owners, don’t fully understand what they bring unique to the table. And some of the best ways to figure this out, is to really find out what you’re not good at. And to really focus hard on what you’re not good at. Ask your staff. Ask your partners, ask the people you work with, ask your spouse, you know, ask everybody, what do I stink at?

What do I absolutely suck hard at you know, and find all those things out.

Have an honest talk with yourself and really figure out what you’re not good at. And then step back and take a look at what you’re good at.

Ask people, you know, if you had to say something that you think I’m really good at, what would you say it is?

What would you think that I’m I’m uniquely able to do. And see if you could figure that out, if you could figure that out, it makes a big difference you’ll treat everybody you work with with more respect.

Because so many of the business owners that I end up not working with or working with only a short period of time, one of the main reasons is they have such little respect for the people they work with.

From what I can tell a whole lot of that comes back to the fact that they don’t truly understand that concept of unique ability, that they have something very strong that they bring to the table.

But they also have weaknesses, that they have to acknowledge and see that these other people are bringing their strengths to the table. And therefore they have different perspectives on how to do things. that this happens a lot if you find yourself over simplifying what other people do, who bring something to the table, if you overly simplify it, and you say, hey, you should be able to get this done in this period of time, and so on and so forth.

This is a thing that I hear over and over again, from people. If you’re oversimplifying it, you’re not showing really true respect for the things that the people who work with you do for you. And that comes back to how you view yourself and how you view them in the organizational structure of the company you’re working with. Just to give you an idea, it’s freezing out here right now.

Now we’re in the car and the reason why I’m out in the car is because I’m out in California. And I’ve got a whole roomful of people a house full of people that I’m staying at and I didn’t want to wake anybody that want to wake the kids are the people that are the adults that are asleep already.

Just looking to get sent a quick message out to you today while I’m out down in California on Christmas vacation. So hopefully you have a great night.

Hey, go check out my book. 9 ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you get a free copy over at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.